Florida gardening: Reed Stem Orchids for the landscape

Carol Cloud Bailey
Special to TCPalm
Reed-Stem Orchids are often referred to as "the poor man's orchid" because they were readily available and reasonably priced in earlier times when orchids were grown only by the wealthy. They are easy to propagate, easily maintained, and offer prolific blooms.

Q: What are Reed Stem orchids? My neighbor says they will grow in the ground and flower all the time. Should I find a few to plant in the landscape? 

— Marsha, via email 

A: By all means, yes, find and plant Reed Stem orchids anywhere. Also known as Epidendrum radicans to orchidist and horticulturist, this is among the easiest orchids to grow. Native to Central America, Reed Stem orchids establish easily and quickly become a star in the landscape, leading to another name for the plant, the Five-Star orchid.  

Epidendrum radicans plants have slender stems which are cane or reed-like and hold the leaves across from each other. The leaves are evergreen, leathery, lance-shaped, and grow to 4-inches-long. Reed-Stem Epidendrum will grow as either epiphyte (on another plant) or terrestrial (ground-dwelling) species. It has thick roots that produce a covering called velamen, which helps absorb water and nutrients above ground or anchor in well-drained soil.  

Pretty, long-lasting flowers grow on long stalks in loose groups above the leaves and stems. Individual flowers are one-and-a-half-inches across with three sepals and three petals, one petal forming a three-lobed lip which is toothed or fringed.  

Flowers are brightly colored, red-orange with a yellow lip on the most common variety. However, some varieties bloom in shades of yellow or purple. The flowers appear throughout the year but are more abundant in the warmer months. The fruit is a typical orchid pod containing many dust-like naked seeds. 

Reed-Stem Epidendrum is a fabulous plant for novice gardeners and budding orchid growers. It grows in a wide range of conditions and is an excellent addition to the landscape. The plants grow 3- to 5-feet tall. The best blooming conditions are a location with full sun or partial shade, and the soil must not be soggy or hold water.  

Grow this orchid in large containers and in mass for foundations and in beds. Due to the reed-like stems, support may be necessary for upright growth; however, the stems grow and bloom even if they droop or wander.  

Reed-Stem Epidendrum can grow on tree trunks, slabs, or rocks, but it is tolerant and will grow in the ground, generally producing roots just under the soil's surface or mulch. It has average needs for nutrients; use a slow-release, balanced fertilizer as needed.  

Apply mulch to reduce competition from weeds and to conserve moisture. Reed-Stem Epidendrum spreads slowly by underground stems or rhizomes and is easily propagated by division, from tip cuttings and kiekies or pups produced on the stems. Reed-Stem Epidendrum is generally not bothered by pests or diseases. 

Plant Reed-Stem orchids for mounds of color, the fabulous cut flowers, and the wows from neighbors and friends. 

Carol Cloud Bailey is a landscape counselor and horticulturist. Send questions to or visit for more information.