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a pink flower with yellow stamens on it's end is surrounded by water droplets
ノトアリモウミウシ Hermaea noto (Baba, 1959)
an octopus is swimming in the dark water
Amazing Animals You Never Knew Existed
Ribbon worms (Baseodiscus hemprichii) are the longest of all animals, but just how long the largest specimens get is hard to define, as they're very fragile. In this image, two individuals are tangled together.
a worm crawling in the palm of someone's hand with lightning coming out of it
The worm that'd impress SPIDERMAN: Gross marine ribbon shoots 'webs'
What appears to be a ribbon worm ejecting a 'mobile nose' to kill prey, has been captured on camera (a still is pictured)
a close up of a bug on a rock with water dripping from it's back
Engrossingly Gross Photos of Spiders and Insects Eating Each Other
We're not sure exactly what's going on here, but it's a ribbon worm dangling its cockroach supper. Photo: Nicky Bay (last one in series from Wired Magazine.
The Worm with the Fractal Nose Glove | Nerdist
Ahead by a nose. Ribbon worm's freaky proboscis.
Glorious Flatworm (Pseudobiceros gloriosus) though looks like a frilly fabric made of black velvet and lined with pink-orange satin, is actually a Flatworm. It is also called Polyclad Worm, Wavy Flatworm, Elegant Flatworm and Fuchsia Flatworm. It is widely distributed throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific, ranging from Eastern Africa to Micronesia
a close up of a black and red object on the ground with sand behind it
A Living, Swimming Ribbon: the Glorious Flatworm | Featured Creature
Nudibrânquio platelminto glorioso. Esta maravilhosa pequena criatura é o Pseudobiceros gloriosus. Ele se parece com um pedaço de tecido feito de veludo preto e forrado com cetim rosa. Estes crescem até 3 centímetros de comprimento e se alimentam de tipos diferentes de invertebrados e pequenos crustáceos. Habitat: oceanos Indo-Pacífico, do leste da África à Micronésia.
how to start a worm farm in the garden with pictures and text overlays
How to a Start Worm Farm at Home: Learn About Vermiculture
Earthworms are amazing garden pals – and powerful composters. Learn how to harness their talents by vermicomposting, and start your own home DIY worm farm! http://gardenerspath.com/how-to/composting/worm-farming-vermiculture/