Polyscias scutellaria Balfourii

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Balfour. Aralia (Polyscias scutellaria 'Balfourii' [Polyscias balfouriana 'Marginata']), a grey-green and cream-variegated foliage cultivar of an evergreen shrub or small tree originally native to the tropical parts of the western Pacific but now widely naturalised. It may eventually grow to 7m tall but is widely grown as a house or greenhouse plant when young. polyscias-3231htm'>Polyscias. Order: Apiales, Family: Araliaceae

Balfour. Aralia (Polyscias scutellaria 'Balfourii' [Polyscias balfouriana 'Marginata']), a grey-green and cream-variegated foliage cultivar of an evergreen shrub or small tree originally native to the tropical parts of the western Pacific but now widely naturalised. It may eventually grow to 7m tall but is widely grown as a house or greenhouse plant when young. polyscias-3231htm'>Polyscias. Order: Apiales, Family: Araliaceae


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ID: CFGf580.jpg






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