Euphorbia lophogona

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Euphorbia lophogona, a succulent-stemmed shrub native to Madagascar. It grows to around 45cm tall and the leaves, which are up to 20cm long, are large in comparison to the size of the plant and are heavily veined when young. The flower bracts are usually white to pale pink, but, as with this example, they are sometimes absent. The bristly to spiny ridges on the stems are typical of this species

Euphorbia lophogona, a succulent-stemmed shrub native to Madagascar. It grows to around 45cm tall and the leaves, which are up to 20cm long, are large in comparison to the size of the plant and are heavily veined when young. The flower bracts are usually white to pale pink, but, as with this example, they are sometimes absent. The bristly to spiny ridges on the stems are typical of this species


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