Peperomia blanda var langsdorfii

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Peperomia blanda var. langsdorfii, a large-leafed form of an erect, 50cm tall, evergreen perennial found over much of tropical and subtropical South and Central America and in the West Indies. It has also been found in Sri. Lanka and South Africa but these may not be natural occurrences. The velvety leaves are up to 4cm long but those of var. langsdorffii, which occurs in Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil and the West Indies, can grow to 7cm long. peperomia-2144htm'>Peperomia. <a href='piperaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Piperaceae</a>.

Peperomia blanda var. langsdorfii, a large-leafed form of an erect, 50cm tall, evergreen perennial found over much of tropical and subtropical South and Central America and in the West Indies. It has also been found in Sri. Lanka and South Africa but these may not be natural occurrences. The velvety leaves are up to 4cm long but those of var. langsdorffii, which occurs in Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil and the West Indies, can grow to 7cm long. peperomia-2144htm'>Peperomia. Piperaceae.


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ID: CFGf225.jpg






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