Galphimia gracilis!

Galphimia gracilis!

Greetings from sunny & warm Arizona!

Now that we’re into June, we can expect the temperatures to rise and the MSWN heat loving selections to really turn up the WOW factor! This week we’re highlighting an old favorite and new addition to the MSWN availability.

Galphimia gracilis produces spires of golden, star-shaped flowers that last all through summer and fall. This heat loving, highly adaptable shrub grows 4-6’ with equal spread and prefers full sun to light shade exposures. Galphimia is also tolerant of shearing and hard pruning for rejuvenation, maintaining a more compact size, or the removal of small berries after flowering. All pruning practices will encourage new flowers on the branch ends for a repeated show through the warm season that’s hard to find in other plants. Right now we have the most lovely 1gallons available that are great sold as is or perfect for moving into the next size for mid-summer to fall sales. 

If you haven’t tried Galphimia gracilis, now’s the time to add this one to your list of winners!

Our availability is improving every day! Be sure to take a look at the updated link below and attached availability. 




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