Rudbeckia Triloba (Brown Eyed Susan)

from $6.00

Brown~eyed Susan is the ‘Jane of all Trades’ in the native plant world. She is taller with smaller 2” flowers that bloom later unlike her Rudbeckia cousins. But dainty she is not!

Defiant of deer browsing, drought and partial shade she is a powerhouse for feeding pollinators and birds!

Her happy place has:

Full to Partial Sun to bask in with average well draining soil for her ‘feet’.

She will reach 3-5’ tall with beautiful branching flowers. Brown~Eyed Susan loves to be planted in mass to support all her stems. Include with a few native grasses or shorted plants for additional support

Available in 4” pots, Gallon or 25 count Seedlings for mass planting this Autumn!

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Brown~Eyed Susan is a short-lived perennial , but no worries she readily self-sows! Her blooms make excellent cut flowers for fresh and dried bouquets but leave a last flush of blooms for overwintering birds to enjoy. Likewise do NOT cut back foliage and stems in Autumn as this provides Winter homes and cover for many pollinators. The plants will also provide Winter interest in your garden!

If planted in Zones 4 thru 7 expect blooms in early August through October. Makes a glorious hedge when planted in mass~ easy to plant this Fall with our 25 count or 50 county seedling tray!

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