Potential First Sighting of Lydia annulipes in South Africa

Potential First Sighting of Lydia annulipes in South Africa

Observation - Potential First Sighting of Lydia annulipes in South Africa - Southern Africa. Description: Can be of variable colour (Personal Communication Griffiths, (2/10/2015) Lydia annulipes has strikingly smooth body with red and white banded legs. There is a curved tooth at the base of the right nipper which is larger than the left (Dietll, Francisco, 2

Can be of variable colour (Personal Communication Griffiths, (2/10/2015) Lydia annulipes has strikingly smooth body with red and white banded legs. There is a curved tooth at the base of the right nipper which is larger than the left (Dietll, Francisco, 2008) Carapace is oval, red orange with sculpted indentations and darkened sides (Sakai, ND) Black eyes and white under body. Pincer tips white with slight colouration on dorsal side. Size: 100mm.

Range: South coast Rocky Bay. Commonly found in the Indo Pacific region including Japan and East Africa.

Habitat: Under crevices and small rock pools in the mid intertidal zone. (Griffiths et al, 2007)

Biology: Uses nippers to crush hard shelled molluscs. This is thought to be a habit developed in the Cretaceous period (Dietll, Francisco, 2008) Like other crustaceans in the family Xanthidae they move slowly and are easy to catch once in the open. (Griffiths et al, 2007) Brightly coloured body is thought to deter predators.


• Branch, G. M., Griffiths C. L., Branch M. L. and Beckley L. E. Two Oceans, A guide to the marine life of Southern Africa. (2007) Second edition, Cornelis Struik House, 80 Mckenzie Street, Cape Town 8001, Struik Publishers.

• Dietl1 G, P, Francisco J V, (2008) Specialized shell-breaking crab claws in Cretaceous seas. Royal Publishing Society.[Online] p. 1-2 Available from: http://rsbl.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/4/3/290.full.pdf+html [Accessed: 2/11/2015]

• Sakai, K., (ND), Crabs of Japan, Lydia annulipes. Marine Species Identification Portal [Online] Available from: http://species-identification.org/species.php?species_group=crabs_of_japan&menuentry=soorten&id=1456&tab=classificatie [Accessed: 2/11/2015]