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Capparis spinosa (capers) Anyone grow these?

20 years ago

Does anyone have a caper bush? What are your experiences with it? Does anyone grow it for culinary purposes and if so how do you cure the berries? Thanks!!

Comments (27)

  • flora_uk
    20 years ago

    I have seen them growing in the Mediterranean (Greece, Malta and Spain). Each time they were growing out of dry stone walls with very little soil in intense heat and sun. Not sure that BC would suit them. The flowers are very pretty.

  • leafhopper
    Original Author
    20 years ago

    Hi again, Flora. Yeah, I figured I'd be pushing the envelope with these sun loving plants here, but I can dream, can't I? :>)

  • flora_uk
    20 years ago

    Maybe in a pot full of poor soil and stones in glassed in porch facing south? If all else fails pickled nasturtium seeds make a reasonable substitute.

  • flatwoods_farm
    20 years ago

    I got some seeds from Hudson Seeds and got a half dozen to start. They DO NOT LIKE TOO MUCH WATER!!! It's almost as if water is poisonous to them. I have lost all but two now just by trying to learn their peculiar needs. Paul.

  • leafhopper
    Original Author
    20 years ago

    Thanks for that Paul. Can you tell me about the germination rate? Do you have them under lights, etc?

  • flora_uk
    20 years ago

    As I said, the plants I have seen were growing out of old dry stone walls in hot summer heat. If it did rain the water would drain away in no time. They certainly weren't getting watered by anyone. They are essentially happy in arid conditions.

  • flatwoods_farm
    20 years ago

    Germination is low. Some tries failed. I was instructed to soak in hot water, then cold stratify several months, then soak in hot water again before sowing shallow in pots. I have them outdoors in sun and semishade. Paul.

  • xipetotec
    20 years ago

    Possibly of interest...?
    I am growing some Capparis Cordifolia which is a close
    relative of Capp. Spinosa.
    I saw Capp. Cord. growing on beach rocks and cliffs on
    S. Pacific beaches (no soil at all!). Plants were up to
    2-3ft across. The flowers are gorgeous white affairs,
    which is why I collected some seed. Plants aren't mature
    enough yet to flower. I'm using a grit/sand/peat mix and
    rainwater. It's a struggle; plants like it hot. They drop
    leaves and sideshoots overnight when temperature falls.
    I'd love to get some seed from Hawai'i, as there is
    a sub-species there with many more stamens per bloom.
    I believe edible capers are actually the pickled
    flowerbuds of Capp. Spinosa.

  • xipetotec
    20 years ago

    Since last entry I've done some googling:
    quite a lot of Capparis info in

  • Raymondo
    20 years ago

    Yes, capers consumed are the flower buds pickled. Also, if using nasturtiums as a substitute, it's also the flower buds you should use. I don't think the seed is all that palatable, except perhaps when very young.

  • flora_uk
    20 years ago

    My mum told me the seeds. But obviously only when they're still green and young. I've only done it once and they were ok - not exactly like capers but pretty close.If you pickle the buds you lose the flowers - what a pity that would be.

  • stefanb8
    20 years ago

    Caper berries, caper buds, and caper leaves are all pickled. I bought a large packet of seeds, and of about 25 I planted, four grew - they survived well enough in tiny terra cotta pots (filled with about 65/35 sand/topsoil) until squirrels knocked over and killed all but one. One of them had some subtle leaf variegation, too, and it was sad to lose it. Little devil rats. I sank the survivor's pot up to its rim in a sandy herb bed and there it sat all summer - hardly growing, but we had over a month-long drought. Now that I have it indoors under fluorescent lights for winter, I water and fertilize it fairly generously each time it dries out and it has grown much faster. The succulent, grayish leaves (tinted red when young) droop down to almost completely conceal the stem - it's an attractive look. I read that cuttings are a more efficient way of propagating the plant than seeds, whose poor germination rate I'll attest to. Still, seeds are the more economical way to go about it. I haven't pushed the issue by keeping the plant moist all of the time, but it doesn't look like it would rot at the drop of a hat if I did. I generally expect more of that kind of behavior from fuzzy-leaved plants (but you never know).

  • chervil2
    19 years ago

    The message from Lebanon is very interesting suggesting that capers survive freezing. I am curious to know what is the zone hardiness of capers? Zone 6, 7? If it is zone 5, perhaps I will try to grow capers in Massachusetts in my cactus garden.


  • sthelena
    18 years ago

    I would love to grow capers... it seems like they would be the perfect plant for our climate. After reading about the germination process, I have decided on plants... but I can't find any. Any ideas on sources for plants? Or anyone know of some good stands of caper bushes in Northern California? Maybe I can convinve the owner to give me some cuttings.


  • virgilevetts
    18 years ago

    I have about 10 caper plants which I grew from seed collected in southern Italy. The seed was very fresh and germinated in about 6 weeks, with about 90% strike rate.
    The plants are quite slow growers but havnt proven to be anywhere near as difficult as some reports suggest. I got my first flowers this year and managed to collect some seed too.

    I have tried to grow from cuttings but with no success so far. I have treated them much like cacti, even down to the soil mix used and they seem quite happy. They are quite tolerant of temp extremes from sub 0c- high 40c, are drought tolerant but dont like wet feet, specially in winter. In our warm temperate climate they are only partially deciduous.

  • trianglejohn
    18 years ago

    I had a friend send me seed when he was visiting Italy. I googled and read the outrageous requirements to get them to germinate and decided that I would soak and sow and just leave the pot outside and see what happened. That was 5 months ago and now there is one tiny seedling, but I have no idea if it is a stray weed or a Caper.

    While doing my research I remember seeing one company that offered live plants so they are out there,,, somewhere,,, I just don't remember where.

    Good luck

  • gustavomarquez
    18 years ago

    I have seeds of capers, please send me coments.

  • flatwoods_farm
    18 years ago

    Hello again. I still have my two caperbushes. They are slow growing, but one did flower this Spring at two years old. They seem to dislike hot intense sun, I think because I have kept the root system from getting out of bounds. These fleshy roots must be their lifeline to survival in dry places. The plants seem to enjoy regular watering. Paul, Riverview, Fl.

  • mtnwmn
    16 years ago

    did anyone actually find a nursery that offers plants for sale in the us?

  • denninmi
    16 years ago

    I bought some seeds a few years ago, can't remember from who -- it was either Richter's in Ontario or Sandy Mush Herb Farm in Alabama -- either case, the packet of seed didn't cost too much, two or three dollars.

    These germinated and grew very easily for me. I overwintered the plant in a cold but unfreezing garage with a little light and minimal watering. The second season, they bloomed. The capers are the pickled flower buds -- just pick before they open, and make up a salt and vinegar brine (look in a pickling book or online for proportions), pour it hot over the cleaned buds. Frankly, because of the time and labor and quantity needed versus quantity used, it really isn't worth the effort, but it's still fun to do. A jar of capers from the grocery costs under $3, and lasts me about two years.

    I didn't take the plants in the next winter, I'd seen them and lost interest. But, I found them easy to grow.

  • caprig_juno_com
    15 years ago

    I just started a few caper plants (caper inermis) from seeds that I got imported from Italy. (Pagano seeds).

    I did not read anything about them, just tried to start them on my window sill in some potting soil.

    Within two and a half weeks, they sprouted up and I put one in a larger container and it has tripled in size- the other one in the plug container is still small. It has only been a little over three weeks and the one plant in the larger container is about 5 inches tall. The small plant is just two inches tall.

    Every seed I planted came up too- which is amazing after reading all of the problems so many of you have had!

    I think I will rethink my location of planting them though- sounds like they might like the more arid region of my yard.

  • daisey53
    14 years ago

    I sowed seed last March after keeping the seeds in wet paper towels in the refrigerator for a month and had about a 50% germination rate once the outside temps. started to get really warm. I initially kept the tiny seedlings in tiny cell trays so they would not stay wet and with a lot of outside air movement trying to duplicate the conditions I have read about in the Mediteranian region. It is now 3 months later and I have transplanted the seedlings into gallon containers in a very well drained media. I feed sparsely and they sit in full sun. We have had unusually hot weather this Spring and it's been in the mid 90's F for a month and near 100F for the last 5 days here on the Texas Gulf coast and the plants are thriving and about the size of a baseball. Hot, full sun slightly dry and very little feed seems to be the trick. Next season when they are larger I'll try cuttings from these plants. I have been in the commercial nursery business for 35 years so I have the facilities to grow just about anything though I admit I've pretty well abused these plants compared to my regular crops.....Michael-Pecan Hill Nursery

    Here is a link that might be useful: Pecan Hill Nursery-Brookshire, Texas

  • flatwoods_farm
    14 years ago

    Hello, yet again. Six years later and I still have the two plants. New growth is very luxurious and healthy. The roots are now into the ground through the pots.My capers are now able to take lots more water than when young. They survived low twenties F this winter without protection. They flower only occasionally because they are not in full sun, but the blooms sure are nice. Paul, Riverview, Fl.

  • new_gardener_tx
    13 years ago

    FYI everyone, Richters sells caper plants from their online catalogue.

  • laurie88888_yahoo_com
    13 years ago

    Hi - I just began looking for caper plants or seeds. An internet search turned up at least three companies selling plants, the least expensive is Willow Creek Gardens. The differences in seed germination is fresh vs. dried seeds - fresh sprout easily, dried require the soaking etc. Interesting that there is such a wide variety of growth and development of the plants, although there are many cultivars. Would love a clipping from the Lebanon caperbushes!

  • beesneeds
    13 years ago

    Hmm, how big do they get? lol, it would be worth it for me to grow my own if the harvest is good. I usually go through 2-3 jars of capers a year easily. I particularly like the tiny ones, but ouch too expensive, I stick to the regular market kind.

    And my gosh, I had no idea that nasturtium buds could be treated in the same way. Might have to put those on my wishlist- some for fresh, some for pickling, yum!!
