Texas Tech University

Japanese Honeysuckle

Lonicera japonica

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Lonicera japonica

Lonicera japonica Photo Gallery

Lonicera japonica Plant Information

Scientific Name: Lonicera japonica
Common Name: Japanese honeysuckle
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Suggested Uses: ground cover, erosion control, etc.
Plant Form: vine
Height: up to 30 feet
Spread: up to 30 feet
Foliage: opposite, simple, and evergreen or semi-evergreen
Flower: white to yellow, fragrant
Bloom Period: late Spring - Fall
Fruit: black berry in Fall
Water: drought-tolerant
Soil: tolerates poor soil conditions
USDA Zone: zones 4 - 9
Additional Notes: has escaped into the wild in many areas and could be considered a weed in several parts of the United States

very tough plant that tolerates drought, heat, poor soils, etc.

TTU Plant Resources