Plants: Merremia tuberosa - Wood rose

Posted by 14.09. 2007 08:50:09 (18478 readers)

Merremia tuberosa - Wood rose

A slender perennial vine with leaves divided into five to seven narrow lobes. The flowers are yellow, followed by a smooth round capsule, surrounded by five petal-like sepals. Native to Asia; naturalized and cultivated in Hawaii.

Cultivation and Propagation: The large woodrose may be grown outdoors in southern California and the South. The seed of the large woodrose must be nicked well before it will grow. Cut a nick in the seedcoat with a hacksaw, or cut the small end of the seed off. Soak for 24 hours or until it swells. Then place the seed in a bowl or cup of damp peat moss, cover it with plastic wrap, and put it over the pilot light of your stove, or anywhere that maintains a temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit or more. Ordinary bottom heat usually isn't warm enough. Check every few days until it sprouts in 3 to 10 days. Once sprouted, plant in a 3- to 4 inch pot if grown indoors, or start seed in May if to be grown outdoors. Place the pot in a large sunny window and give the vine something to twine around. I have seen these vines grow 1 foot or more per week. It is very easy to grow after sprouting. It can take little or much watering and much abuse. Harvesting: The pods may be harvested when they are thoroughly dry. Its storage properties are the same as those of the baby woodrose. Inside the Hawaiian Woodrose can be grown in a hanging pot or with a trellis in a sunny window.

Publisher: Hirt's Gardens
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