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Home Plant guides Seasonal care for a Pachira Aquatica

Seasonal care for a Pachira Aquatica

Discover my easy-to-understand guide on caring for your Money tree throughout the seasons. With clear, straightforward advice, I ensure everyone can enjoy the beauty of a healthy Money tree, regardless of gardening experience or language background. Read on!

Roelof Jan Elsinga - Plant care for Beginners Author

Written by Roelof Jan Elsinga

Last updated on:

Taking care of a Pachira Aquatica during the winter

Taking care of your Pachira Aquatica, the Money Tree, is a fun way to add greenery to your home and, according to folklore, attract good luck and wealth. Whether you're experienced with plants or new to indoor gardening, knowing how to meet your Money Tree's seasonal requirements will keep it healthy and bring you happiness all year round.

For general plant care instructions for the Pachira Aquatica, check out my main plant care guide. This plant care guide is only about seasonal care for your Pachira Aquatica.

At the end of reading this guide, you'll know exactly how to take care of your Money tree in the dormancy period (fall and winter), and the growing season (spring and summer).

Care during the growing season

Keeping your Money tree healthy during the growing season is quite straightforward. As I've already explained how to take care of this wonderful plant in my main plant care guide, I'll summarize the plant care routine you should follow during the spring and summer.

Here's a friendly guide to keeping your Money Tree thriving in the spring and summer:

  1. Watering: Make sure to water your Money Tree when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry to the touch. This usually means watering it once a week, but be sure to check the soil first. It's all about balance - not too wet and not too dry.
  2. Fertilizer: Feed your plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season. This will help your Money Tree grow strong and healthy.
  3. Light Exposure: Place your Money Tree in a spot where it can enjoy bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can be a bit too strong, so a little shade is ideal.
  4. Checking for Pests: Keep an eye out for unwelcome guests like spider mites or aphids. A regular check will help ensure any pests are dealt with quickly, keeping your plant happy and healthy.

Remember, taking care of your Money Tree should be fun and not too complicated. Follow these simple steps, and you're on your way to enjoying a lush, thriving Money Tree. These steps are important to remember because then you can see how you should change your routine during the winter.

Moving your Pachira Aquatica outdoors during the summer

Pachira Aquatica growing outdoors in the summer

During the summer, when the days are getting warmer, you can move your Money tree outdoors. You can keep it outdoors when the temperature stays above 10 degrees Celsius (50 F). Before you can move your plant outdoors, you should help it acclimate to prevent any shock.


Before moving your Money tree outside for the summer, it's important to acclimate it to the outdoor conditions gradually. Start by placing it in a shaded area for a few hours each day, gradually increasing its exposure to outdoor conditions over a week or two. This process helps prevent shock from the sudden change in the environment.

Ideal Conditions

These are the ideal conditions you're looking for when keeping your Pachira Aquatica outdoors during the summer:

  • Temperature: Money trees prefer temperatures between 18 and 27 degrees Celsius (65 to 80 F) during the day. They can tolerate higher temperatures during the summer, but it's essential to avoid placing them where temperatures might drop significantly at night.
  • Light: While Money trees enjoy bright, indirect light, direct summer sunlight can be too intense and may burn the leaves. Choose a location that receives filtered sunlight or partial shade, especially during the hottest parts of the day.
  • Wind and Rain: Protect your Money tree from strong winds and heavy rain, which can damage its leaves and branches. A sheltered spot, such as under a patio cover or in a semi-enclosed outdoor area, can provide enough protection.

If you've found a great spot in your garden where your Pachira Aquatica can grow well, you can move it outdoors to this spot gradually over 2 weeks.

Care Considerations

When your Pachira Aquatica is growing outdoors, it needs slightly different care than it would when growing indoors. These are the most important changes you should make to your care routine when growing your money tree outdoors:

  • Watering: When growing outdoors the Pachira Aquatica needs more frequent watering than indoor ones due to higher temperatures and higher levels of evaporation. Check the soil moisture regularly and water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Pests: Being outdoors can expose your Money tree to more pests. Regularly inspect the plant for signs of infestation and treat quickly with appropriate measures. You can find out how to treat the most common plant pests in The 7 most common houseplant pests and how to control them.
  • Fertilizing: Summer is a growth period for Money trees, so apply a balanced, liquid fertilizer according to the product's instructions but avoid over-fertilizing.

Bringing It Indoors

As summer ends and temperatures start to drop, especially at night, prepare to bring your Money tree back indoors. Repeat the acclimatization process in reverse, gradually reducing the plant's exposure to outdoor conditions over a week or two before bringing it inside permanently. This adjustment helps prevent stress and leaf drop.

Now that it's transitioning to fall and winter, you'll need to adjust your care routine to prevent any issues, let's see how care in the winter differs from care in the summer.

Tips for keeping a Pachira Aquatica healthy in the winter

Pachira aquatica indoors during the winter

Keeping your Money tree healthy during the winter requires some changes to its care routine, as the conditions inside your home can change a lot due to heating and reduced daylight hours.

These are the changes you should make to your care routine for the Pachira Aquatica during the winter:

Reduce watering frequency

As growth slows down in the colder months, your Money tree will not need as much water. I recommend to wait an extra 2-3 days after the soil dries out before watering again. Always check the top inch of soil for dryness before watering.

Hold off on fertilizing

During winter, avoid feeding your Money tree. Its growth slows down, and it won't need the extra nutrients. Resume fertilizing in the spring when the plant starts actively growing again. If you were to continue fertilizing during the winter, you risk overfertilizing your plant. This could cause rootburn and harm your plant.

Provide adequate light

With shorter days in winter, make sure your Money tree still receives enough indirect sunlight. If natural light is limited, consider placing it near a south-facing window or using a grow light for some extra "sunlight".

Monitor temperature and humidity

Try to maintain a consistent temperature and protect the plant from cold drafts. Money trees prefer temperatures between 18 and 27 degrees Celsius (65 to 80 F). Since indoor air can become dry in winter, consider increasing humidity around the plant using a humidifier or a pebble tray with water.

Watch for overwatering signs

Yellowing leaves and dropping could indicate overwatering, which is a very common issue during winter. Make sure the pot has good drainage and adjust your watering schedule to prevent soggy soil conditions.

Adjust plant position

If you place your Money tree near a window, be mindful of cold drafts that can stress the plant. Also, avoid placing it too close to heat sources, which can dry it out quickly.

Pest check

Indoor plants can still be prone to pests in winter. Regularly inspect your Money tree for signs of pests such as spider mites or aphids and treat any infestations quickly to prevent them from spreading.

By following these winter care tips, you can help your Money tree remain healthy and vibrant until the warmer months return, making sure it continues to thrive year-round.


In conclusion, taking care of your Money tree during the different seasons is key to ensuring it grows healthy and happy year-round. By following the simple advice outlined above—adapt your watering, fertilizing, and care routine according to the season—you can provide the best conditions for your Money tree. Remember, every plant is unique, so observe your plant's response and adjust as needed.

If you found these tips helpful and would like more straightforward, easy-to-understand plant care advice delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for my newsletter. My goal is to make plant care accessible to everyone, no matter your experience level or language background.

Thank you for reading this post! I hope it helps you to keep your plants healthy and beautiful! If you're looking for more guides on specific plants, you can always request a plant guide to get a guide for the plant you have trouble with.

Tags: Plant care tips, Seasons

Posted on: Feb 24, 2024 Last updated on: Feb 29, 2024

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About the Author

Roelof Jan Elsinga - Plant care for Beginners Author

Meet Roelof Jan Elsinga, a passionate and knowledgeable plant care enthusiast. With 6 years of personal experience, Roelof Jan has gained a wealth of knowledge on indoor plant care. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced plant owner, Roelof Jan's practical advice and deep understanding of various plants and their needs can help you become a successful plant caretaker.

Although Roelof Jan may not have formal gardening credentials, his expertise has been cultivated through caring for many plants and providing valuable guidance to fellow plant lovers just like you.

Roelof Jan is always eager to expand his knowledge. He dives into many different sources to deepen his understanding, stay up-to-date with the latest findings and is always happy to receive feedback. He takes great care to ensure that the recommendations he provides are not only practical, but also accurate.

Roelof Jan's main focus is to offer reliable and easy-to-understand information and support to all plant lovers out there, helping them confidently navigate their plant care journeys with success.

Frequently asked questions

Why is seasonal care important for a Pachira Aquatica?
Seasonal care is essential for a Pachira Aquatica to ensure it stays healthy and thrives throughout the year. Different seasons bring different challenges and requirements for the plant, so proper care is needed to support its growth.
How can I care for my Pachira Aquatica during the winter?
During the winter, it's important to protect your Pachira Aquatica from cold drafts and low temperatures. Keep the plant away from heaters and radiators, and consider increasing humidity levels to mimic its tropical environment.
What should I consider when caring for my Money tree during the summer?
In the summer, pay attention to watering your Pachira Aquatica as the warmer temperatures may cause the soil to dry out faster. Ensure it receives enough sunlight but avoid direct exposure to harsh midday sun to prevent leaf burn.
Is it necessary to repot my Money tree for seasonal care?
Repotting your Pachira Aquatica may be necessary if it has outgrown its current pot or if you notice signs of root bound. Consider repotting in the spring when the plant is actively growing to support healthy root development.
How often should I fertilize my Pachira Aquatica for seasonal care?
Fertilize your Money tree every 2-3 months during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Reduce or stop fertilizing during the fall and winter when the plant's growth slows down.
Can I place my Money tree outdoors during certain seasons?
Pachira Aquatica can benefit from spending time outdoors during the warmer seasons, but make sure to gradually acclimate it to outdoor conditions to prevent shock. Keep an eye on temperature changes and bring it back indoors before it gets too cold.
What are common signs that my Money tree needs special care during a particular season?
Common signs that your Pachira Aquatica needs special care during a particular season include yellowing or dropping leaves, slow growth, or pests infestations. Monitor your plant regularly and adjust care accordingly to address these issues.
Do different seasons affect the watering frequency for my Pachira Aquatica?
Yes, different seasons will affect the watering frequency for your Money tree. During the warmer seasons, you may need to water more frequently to keep the soil consistently moist, while in the colder months, you can reduce watering to prevent overwatering.
How can I protect my Money tree from seasonal pests and diseases?
To protect your Pachira Aquatica from seasonal pests and diseases, regularly inspect the plant for any signs of infestations or issues. Consider using natural remedies or insecticidal soaps to treat pests and ensure good air circulation to prevent diseases.
Is it necessary to adjust the placement of my Money tree based on the season?
Yes, it's beneficial to adjust the placement of your Pachira Aquatica based on the season to provide the ideal growing conditions. Ensure it gets enough light, warmth, and humidity during different seasons to support its overall health and growth.

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