Strelitzia nicolai: The Flowers With A Rainbow of Colors‍

4 min readOct 5, 2022

The rainbow-colored stachleria, also known as bird of paradise flower, is an unusual member of the arum family native to South America. Most arum flowers have a single bloom on a tall spike; stachleria has smaller spikes with many small flowers that each open in its own unique color.

The spectacular blooms of the stachleria are often compared to birds or butterflies for their long, narrow petals and brilliant colors. The stachleria thrives in warm temperatures and bright, indirect light. They’re happiest when they receive plenty of humidity, especially during the drier winter months. Let’s take a look at how to care for your stachleria!

How to Care for a Strelitzia Nicolai

Strelitzia nicolai plants are very easy to care for, making them excellent houseplants for all skill levels. They thrive in most indoor environments and are ideal for low light conditions.

Keep your stachleria somewhere warm and humid year-round, like an indoor greenhouse or a spot near the kitchen while you’re cooking. The ideal temperature is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Strelitzia nicolai plants prefer bright, indirect light since direct sunlight can burn their leaves. They make excellent houseplants since they don’t require direct sunlight; indoors, they’ll need about 8 hours of light per day.

Light and Temperature

Like many other plants, your stachleria will need to be moved to a darker spot in the winter when the days are shorter. As days grow shorter, your plant will naturally begin making fewer blooms and storing up energy for the next growing season.

The stachleria thrives in tropical environments, so it needs warmth year-round. If you keep it in an area that gets too cold, the plant will begin to grow more slowly. If your stachleria begins to show signs of poor health, like drooping leaves or wilting, you may need to move it to a warmer spot or add more light.

These plants prefer humid conditions, so they’re ideal for indoor gardens. You’ll want to keep the soil moist, but not soggy, and mist the plant to add extra humidity.

Growing Conditions

Strelitzia nicolai plants prefer loose, rich soil that drains quickly and has plenty of organic matter. They’re not fussy about fertilizers, but you can give them a boost with a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer every few months.

Report your stachleria every 2 or 3 years when the soil starts to become compacted and the roots have filled the pot. You can tell you need to repot your plant if the roots are growing out of the drainage holes. If you’re repotting during the growing season, let the plant finish blooming before you transplant it.

This helps prevent shock, which can kill your plant. It’s best to repot your stachleria in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. You can also move it outdoors to a shaded patio or a greenhouse if you live in a warm climate.

Soil and Watering

Strelitzia nicolai plants prefer sandy, well-draining soil. If your potting mix is too heavy, you may find your plant is always wilting or struggling to get a drink. The soil should be moist but not soggy when you water, and you should let the soil dry out between waterings. You can also mist the plant to increase the humidity around it.

Strelitzia nicolai plants don’t need frequent watering; in fact, flooding the roots will lead to root rot, which can kill the plant. If you water once a week, your plant will be fine. If you notice your plant wilting or the soil feels dry, you should water right away. It’s better to give your plant a bit of extra water than to let the soil completely dry out.

Care and Maintenance

Strelitzia nicolai plants prefer a humid environment, so you can keep the soil moist by misting it daily. You can also use a humidity tray to add extra moisture to the air around your plant. You can also add a pebble to the bottom of the pot, which will help protect the roots from becoming waterlogged.

You should fertilize your stachleria every few months with a general houseplant fertilizer. You can also add a slow-release fertilizer to the soil in the spring for extra nutrients. Strelitzia nicolai plants are easy to propagate as long as you have a few extra blossoms lying around. You can cut off the top of the spike, remove any leaves, and bury the stem in moist potting soil. The root will grow new roots and form a new plant.


The stachleria is a stunning houseplant that can thrive in low light conditions and mild temperatures. While they prefer warm conditions, they can even survive a few days of frost in a pinch. Strelitzia nicolai plants require very little care and maintenance, making them a great choice for beginners and experts alike. These plants are easy to find at garden centers and online, so get one today and enjoy your very own rainbow of colors!


1-Plant Color Mutants and the Anthocyanin Pathway

2-The psychological benefits of indoor plants: A critical review of the experimental literature

