Fittonia albivenis

Mosaic Plant, Nerve Plant

Fittonia albivenis

Please note

Fittonia albivenis can’t be grown submersed and is not a real aquarium plant. After a few weeks the leaves rot and and pollute the water.

Fittonia verschaffeltii



The red, yellow and white cultivars need bright light for intensive leaf coloring. With some morning or evening sun. The green forms do also good if placed light shaded. Hot summer afternoon sun can cause leaf burn.


Standard compost for container plants, vegetables or herbs can be used.

Fittonia roots


Let the soil moderately dry between the waterings to max. 2/3 of the pots height.


When in active growth with standard liquid fertilizer (monthly), spikes or granules (2 to 3 monthly). New bought or recently repotted plants don’t need to be fed for the first year.


The Mosaic Plant likes it warm the year round and needs a minimum temperature of 15 °C (59 °F).

Fittonia cuttings


At 22 to 30 °C (72 to 86 °F) cuttings need 2 to 3 weeks to root.

Nerve Plant
Flowering Nerve Plants.
Mosaic Plant
Place white, red, pink oder yellow cultivars bright to part sunny for beautiful leaf coloring.
Fittonia albivenis
The green form grows also good on light shaded spots.

Fittonia albivenis


Scientific name

Fittonia albivenis (syn. Fittonia verschaffeltii)

Common name(s)

Mosaic Plant, Nerve Plant, Silver Netplant and others




Tropical South America


5 to 10 cm, grows creeping


No but not edible

Fittonia Hypoestes
Fittonia albivenis (left) and the related Hypoestes phyllostachya from tropical Africa (Polka Dot Plant, right). They are similar in plant care.
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