Adenium | Desert Rose

The Desert Rose (Adenium obesum) is a slow-growing plant, growing about 12 inches each year. Its flowers are stunning, and the caudex is ever so pudgy! Because of these reasons, the Adenium is often used as a bonsai.

Adenium Obesum in bloom

Most Popular Types

Adenium obesum or Desert Rose has been hybridized for color variation. You may see them in traditional reds and pinks, or in purple or even blue.  


Full sun, with some protection from the hottest rays.


The Adenium needs consistent warm temperatures, so it is typically grown indoors. It will suffer in temperatures lower than 50°F.


In the summer, keep the soil moist but not saturated. In the winter, reduce watering to a minimal amount each month.

The Desert Rose is accustomed to a dry, hot climate.


Very toxic. The sap from the Adenium has long been used on spearpoints of African big game hunters, as the liquid affects cardiac function.


The Desert Rose can grow to 9 ft in height. Flowers may appear after 7-9 months of growth. This plant can live for centuries if kept in the right conditions.


Africa, Middle East, and Madagascar


Propagating from seed doesn’t guarantee the same color flower as the parent plant. Propagating from cuttings does.



Adenium will drop leaves in the fall and enter its winter dormant state. During this time, it doesn’t need much water or light. In the spring, reintroduce the plant to direct sunlight.

Workshops at Growing Hobby

Workshop schedule set for after work hours and on Sunday afternoons. We now have central heating and air to make you more comfortable while you shop and attend workshops.