Plant-parasitic algae (Chlorophyta: Trentepohliales) in American Samoa (1)

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Author: Fred E. Brooks
Date: July 2004
From: Pacific Science(Vol. 58, Issue 3)
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press
Document Type: Article
Length: 3,855 words

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Abstract: A survey conducted between June 2000 and May 2002 on the island of Tutuila, American Samoa, recorded filamentous green algae of the order Trentepohliales (Chlorophyta) and their plant hosts. Putative pathogenicity of the parasitic genus Cephaleuros and its lichenized state, Strigula, was also investigated. Three genera and nine species were identified: Cephaleuros (five spp.), Phycopeltis (two spp.), and Stomatochroon (two spp.). A widely distributed species of Trentepohlia was not classified. These algae occurred on 146 plant species and cultivars in 101 genera and 48 families; 90% of the hosts were dicotyledonous plants. Cephaleuros spp. have aroused worldwide curiosity, confusion, and concern for over a century. Their hyphaelike filaments, sporangiophores, and associated plant damage have led unsuspecting plant pathologists to misidentify them as fungi, and some phycologists question their parasitic ability. Of the five species of Cephaleuros identified, C. virescens was the most prevalent, followed by C. parasiticus. Leaf tissue beneath thalli of Cephaleuros spp. on 124 different hosts was dissected with a scalpel and depth of necrosis evaluated using a fourpoint scale. No injury was observed beneath thalli on 6% of the hosts, but fullthickness necrosis occurred on leaves of 43% of hosts. Tissue damage beneath nonlichenized Cephaleuros thalli was equal to or greater than damage beneath lichenized thalli (Strigula elegans). In spite of moderate to severe leaf necrosis caused by Cephaleuros spp., damage was usually confined to older leaves near the base of plants. Unhealthy, crowded, poorly maintained plants tended to have the highest percentage of leaf surface area affected by Trentepohliales. Parasitic algae currently are not a problem in American Samoa because few crops are affected and premature leaf abscission or stem dieback rarely occur.


PREVIOUS REPORTS of plant-parasitic algae in American Samoa were limited to an unidentified species of Cephaleuros Kunze in Fries, 1827, on mango (Mangifera indica L.), guava (Psidium guajava L.), and avocado (Persea americana Mill.) (McKenzie 1996). Cephaleuros is a member of the Trentepohliales, a unique order of filamentous green algae (Chlorophyta) that are aerial rather than aquatic, brightly colored by orange carotenoid pigments, and uncommon in appearances and lifestyles. A study of this order was initiated in 2000 based on a grower's anxiety over orange, downy growths covering mango and guava leaves. It was also a response to previous authors who hoped to stimulate continued work on these interesting organisms (Joubert and Rijkenberg 1971) and to document existing species of Cephaleuros in the Tropics before their hosts and habitats were destroyed by population growth (Chapman and Good 1983). The goal of this project was to increase our knowledge of algae in the Trentepohliales still existing in American Samoa.

The Trentepohliales currently comprises six genera (Thompson and Wujek 1997). Cephaleuros grows beneath the host's cuticle and is considered an obligate epiphyte and occasional parasite by some (Thompson and Wujek 1997) and a plant pathogen by others (Cunningham 1879, Marlatt and Alfieri 1981, Holcomb 1986, Holcomb et al. 1998). Stomatochroon Palm, 1934, lives in the substomatal chambers of its host and was described as...

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Gale Document Number: GALE|A120462647