Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.
Kingdom: Animalia > Phylum: Chordata > Class: Aves > Order: Charadriiformes > Family: Scolopacidae > Genus: Limosa > Species: Limosa lapponica

Bar-tailed Godwit - Limosa lapponica (Linnaeus, 1758)

Images from the web

Quick facts

Threat status Europe Least Concern (IUCN)
EU Population status
Protected by EU Birds Directive and 4 other international agreements
Natura 2000 sites 482 are designated for this species
Breeding habitats
  • heathland and shrub
  • wetlands
Wintering habitats
  • marine inlets and transitional waters
  • sparsely vegetated land
  • wetlands
Natura 2000 species code A157


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Threat and EU population status

IUCN Red List status of threatened species

The IUCN Red List threat status assesses the risk of extinction.

EU population status

The status of the population at the EU level was evaluated at the species level; this was based on the reports delivered by Member States under Article 12 of the Birds Directive (see fact sheet below). The EU status assessment can cover several subspecies/subspecific population units. For more information, please consult the species fact sheet and link below.

IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
Near Threatened
Regionally Extinct
Not Applicable
Extinct in the Wild
Data Deficient
Least Concern
Critically Endangered
Population status categories for bird species under the Birds Directive
Near Threatened, declining or depleted
Threatened (i.e. vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, regionally extinct)
Unknown or not evaluated

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
DE1115301 Germany NSG Rantumbecken Map
DE2016301 Germany Hamburgisches Wattenmeer Map
DE2210401 Germany Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer und angrenzendes Küstenmeer Map
DE2948401 Germany Schorfheide-Chorin Map
DE2951401 Germany Unteres Odertal Map
DE3339402 Germany Niederung der Unteren Havel Map
DE3437401 Germany Elbaue Jerichow Map
DE3532401 Germany Vogelschutzgebiet Drömling Map
DE3642401 Germany Rietzer See Map
DE4531401 Germany Helmestausee Berga-Kelbra (Anteil Sachsen-Anhalt) Map
DE4531403 Germany Kyffhäuser - Badraer Schweiz - Helmestausee Map
DE4536401 Germany Salziger See und Salzatal Map
DE5314303 Germany NSG Krombachtalsperre Map
DE5336401 Germany Plothener Teiche Map
DE5511401 Germany Engerser Feld Map
DE5619306 Germany Grünlandgebiete in der Wetterau Map
DE5707401 Germany Jungferweiher Map
DE6315401 Germany Klärteiche Offstein Map
DE6316401 Germany Lampertheimer Altrhein Map
DK009X060 Denmark Vidåen, Tøndermarsken og Saltvandssøen Map
DK00AX052 Denmark Mandø Map
DK00AX053 Denmark Fanø Map
DK00AY057 Denmark Vadehavet Map
DK00CX038 Denmark Nissum Fjord Map
DK00CX043 Denmark Ringkøbing Fjord Map
DK00DY036 Denmark Horsens Fjord og Endelave Map
DK00EX023 Denmark Agger Tange Map
DK00FX345 Denmark Læsø, sydlige del Map
EE0040001 Estonia Väinamere Map
EE0040351 Estonia Luitemaa Map
EE0040434 Estonia Kura kurgu Map
EE0080374 Estonia Alam-Pedja Map
ES0000004 Spain Lagunas de Villafáfila Map
ES0000020 Spain Delta de l'Ebre Map
ES0000024 Spain Doñana Map
ES0000025 Spain Marismas del Odiel Map
ES0000039 Spain Jandía Map
ES0000046 Spain Cabo de Gata-Níjar Map
ES0000048 Spain Punta Entinas-Sabinar Map
ES0000084 Spain Ses Salines d'Eivissa i Formentera Map
ES0000085 Spain Ribadeo Map
ES0000086 Spain Ría de Ortigueira e Ladrido Map
ES0000087 Spain Complexo intermareal Umia - O Grove, A Lanzada, punta Carreirón e lagoa Bodeira Map
ES0000112 Spain Juncalillo del Sur Map
ES0000140 Spain Bahía de Cádiz Map
ES0000144 Spain Urdaibaiko itsasadarra / Ría de Urdaibai Map
ES0000146 Spain Delta del Llobregat Map
ES0000161 Spain Laguna de El Hito Map
ES0000175 Spain Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar Map
ES0000176 Spain Costa da Morte (Norte) Map
ES0000191 Spain Embalse del Ebro Map
ES0000211 Spain Desembocadura del riu Millars Map
ES0000216 Spain La Nava-Campos Sur Map
ES0000258 Spain Costa de Ferrolterra - Valdoviño Map
ES0000260 Spain Mar Menor Map
ES0000313 Spain Complexo litoral de Corrubedo Map
ES0000317 Spain Penarronda-Barayo Map
ES0000318 Spain Cabo Busto-Luanco Map
ES0000319 Spain Ría de Ribadesella-Ría de Tinamayor Map
ES0000359 Spain Campos de Alba Map
ES0000372 Spain Costa da Mariña occidental Map
ES0000373 Spain Ría de Foz Map
ES0000375 Spain Esteiro do Miño Map
ES0000418 Spain Embalse de Talaván Map
ES1110001 Spain Ortigueira - Mera Map
ES1110002 Spain Costa Ártabra Map
ES1110005 Spain Costa da Morte Map
ES1110006 Spain Complexo húmido de Corrubedo Map
ES1110007 Spain Betanzos - Mandeo Map
ES1110008 Spain Carnota - Monte Pindo Map
ES1110011 Spain Esteiro do Tambre Map
ES1110012 Spain Monte e lagoa de Louro Map
ES1120002 Spain Río Eo Map
ES1120005 Spain As Catedrais Map
ES1120011 Spain Ría de Foz - Masma Map
ES1120017 Spain Costa da Mariña occidental Map
ES1140003 Spain A Ramallosa Map
ES1140004 Spain Complexo Ons - O Grove Map
ES1140007 Spain Baixo Miño Map
ES1140016 Spain Enseada de San Simón Map
ES2110011 Spain Zadorraren sistemako urtegiak / Embalses del sistema del Zadorra Map
ES2120009 Spain Iñurritza Map
ES2130007 Spain Urdaibaiko itsasertzak eta padurak / Zonas litorales y marismas de Urdaibai Map
ES4140036 Spain La Nava-Campos Norte Map
ES6120006 Spain Marismas del Río Palmones Map
ES6150003 Spain Estero de Domingo Rubio Map
ES6150005 Spain Marismas de Isla Cristina Map
ES6150006 Spain Marismas del Río Piedras y Flecha del Rompido Map
ES6170001 Spain Laguna de La Ratosa Map
ES7010035 Spain Playa de Sotavento de Jandía Map
FI0100006 Finland Tulliniemen linnustonsuojelualue Map
FI0100028 Finland Laajalahden lintuvesi Map
FI0100052 Finland Järvisuo-Ridasjärvi Map
FI0100062 Finland Vanhankaupunginlahden lintuvesi Map
FI0200027 Finland Viurilanlahti Map
FI0200036 Finland Paimionlahti Map
FI0200044 Finland Lautvesi Map
FI0200058 Finland Kuusistonlahti Map
FI0200074 Finland Luvian saaristo Map
FI0200089 Finland Mietoistenlahti Map
FI0200151 Finland Preiviikinlahti (SPA) Map
FI0200152 Finland Seksmiilarin saaristo Map
FI0200164 Finland Saaristomeri Map
FI0303017 Finland Vanajaveden lintualueet Map
FI0304001 Finland Jokijärvi Map
FI0316005 Finland Kirkkojärven alue Map
FI0326003 Finland Ahtialanjärvi Map
FI0408004 Finland Salminlahti Map
FI0415001 Finland Siikalahti, Sammallampi, Rautalahti Map
FI0500038 Finland Putkilahti - Ruskeaperä Map
FI0500045 Finland Haapalahti Map
FI0500172 Finland Vaahersalonlampi Map
FI0600052 Finland Riistaveden lintujärvet Map
FI0700003 Finland Päätyeenlahti Map
FI0700005 Finland Joki-Hautalampi Map
FI0700009 Finland Peijonniemenlahti Map
FI0800054 Finland Petolahdenjokisuisto Map
FI0800056 Finland Vassorfjärden Map
FI0800057 Finland Södra Stadsfjärden-Söderfjärden-Öjen Map
FI0800130 Finland Merenkurkun saaristo Map
FI0800134 Finland Kristiinankaupungin saaristo Map
FI0800135 Finland Närpiön saaristo Map
FI0900033 Finland Eerolanlahti-Rautpohjanlahti Map
FI0900046 Finland Heinä-Suvanto - Hetejärvi Map
FI0900079 Finland Vanhanselkä-Ruppavuori Map
FI0900103 Finland Lapinjärvi-Teerikangas Map
FI0900135 Finland Ylin Map
FI1000003 Finland Rummelön-Harrbådan Map
FI1000007 Finland Vihas-Keihäslahti Map
FI1000012 Finland Kalajoen suisto Map
FI1000033 Finland Kokkolan saaristo (SPA) Map
FI1100201 Finland Hailuoto, pohjoisranta Map
FI1100202 Finland Kirkkosalmi Map
FI1100203 Finland Isomatala-Maasyvänlahti Map
FI1100204 Finland Ojakylänlahti ja Kengänkari Map
FI1100600 Finland Hiastinlahti Map
FI1102200 Finland Liminganlahti Map
FI1103000 Finland Kempeleenlahden ranta Map
FI1103200 Finland Akionlahti Map
FI1103400 Finland Olkijokisuu-Pattijoen pohjoishaara Map
FI1104600 Finland Raahen saaristo Map
FI1105201 Finland Säärenperä ja Karinkannanmatala Map
FI1105202 Finland Siikajoen lintuvedet ja suot Map
FI1200801 Finland Painuanlahti Map
FI1300211 Finland Ivalojokisuisto Map
FI1300302 Finland Perämeren saaret Map
FI1300505 Finland KIRVESAAPA Map
FI1301911 Finland Pajukari-Uksei-Alkunkarinlahti Map
FI1302104 Finland Meltosjärvet-Pysäjärvi Map
FR2110001 France Lacs de la forêt d'Orient Map
FR2110002 France Lac du Der Map
FR2112004 France Confluence des vallées de la Meuse et de la Chiers Map
FR2210068 France Estuaires picards : Baie de Somme et d'Authie Map
FR2310044 France Estuaire et marais de la Basse Seine Map
FR2410017 France Vallée de la Loire du Loiret Map
FR2510046 France Basses Vallées du Cotentin et Baie des Veys Map
FR2510048 France Baie du Mont Saint Michel Map
FR3110038 France Estuaire de la Canche Map
FR3110039 France Platier d'Oye Map
FR3110083 France Marais de Balançon Map
FR3110085 France Cap Gris-Nez Map
FR5210008 France Lac de Grand Lieu Map
FR5210090 France Marais salants de Guérande, traicts du Croisic, dunes de Pen Bron Map
FR5310050 France Baie de Saint-Brieuc - Est Map
FR5310056 France Baie d'Audierne Map
FR5310057 France Archipel de Glenan Map
FR5310070 France Tregor Goëlo Map
FR5310071 France Rade de Brest : Baie de Daoulas, Anse de Poulmic Map
FR5310072 France Ouessant-Molène Map
FR5310073 France Baie de Morlaix Map
FR5310074 France Baie de Vilaine Map
FR5310086 France Golfe du Morbihan Map
FR5310092 France Rivière de Pénerf Map
FR5310093 France Baie de Quiberon Map
FR5310094 France Rade de Lorient Map
FR5410012 France Fier d'Ars et fosse de Loix Map
FR5410013 France Anse de Fouras, baie d'Yves, marais de Rochefort Map
FR5410028 France Marais de Brouage-Oléron Map
FR5410100 France Marais poitevin Map
FR5412012 France Bonne Anse, marais de Bréjat et de Saint Augustin Map
FR5412020 France Marais et estuaire de la Seudre, île d'Oléron Map
FR5412025 France Estuaire et basse vallée de la Charente Map
FR7210031 France Courant d'Huchet Map
FR7210063 France Domaine d'Orx Map
FR7210065 France Marais du Nord Médoc Map
FR7210077 France Barthes de l'Adour Map
FR8310079 France Val d'Allier Bourbonnais Map
FR9110080 France Montagne de la Clape Map
FR9310019 France Camargue Map
FR9312003 France La Durance Map
FR9312005 France Salines de l'Étang de Berre Map
FR9312008 France Salins d'Hyères et des Pesquiers Map
GR1110006 Greece DELTA EVROU Map
IE0000077 Ireland Ballymacoda (Clonpriest and Pillmore) SAC Map
IE0000091 Ireland Clonakilty Bay SAC Map
IE0000133 Ireland Donegal Bay (Murvagh) SAC Map
IE0000199 Ireland Baldoyle Bay SAC Map
IE0000205 Ireland Malahide Estuary SAC Map
IE0000206 Ireland North Dublin Bay SAC Map
IE0000210 Ireland South Dublin Bay SAC Map
IE0000268 Ireland Galway Bay Complex SAC Map
IE0000332 Ireland Akeragh, Banna and Barrow Harbour SAC Map
IE0000343 Ireland Castlemaine Harbour SAC Map
IE0000455 Ireland Dundalk Bay SAC Map
IE0000458 Ireland Killala Bay/Moy Estuary SAC Map
IE0000470 Ireland Mullet/Blacksod Bay Complex SAC Map
IE0000472 Ireland Broadhaven Bay SAC Map
IE0000622 Ireland Ballysadare Bay SAC Map
IE0000627 Ireland Cummeen Strand/Drumcliff Bay (Sligo Bay) SAC Map
IE0000671 Ireland Tramore Dunes and Backstrand SAC Map
IE0000696 Ireland Ballyteige Burrow SAC Map
IE0000697 Ireland Bannow Bay SAC Map
IE0000710 Ireland Raven Point Nature Reserve SAC Map
IE0000781 Ireland Slaney River Valley SAC Map
IE0001058 Ireland Great Island Channel SAC Map
IE0001230 Ireland Courtmacsherry Estuary SAC Map
IE0001482 Ireland Clew Bay Complex SAC Map
IE0001957 Ireland Boyne Coast and Estuary SAC Map
IE0002070 Ireland Tralee Bay and Magharees Peninsula, West to Cloghane SAC Map
IE0002162 Ireland River Barrow and River Nore SAC Map
IE0002165 Ireland Lower River Shannon SAC Map
IE0002170 Ireland Blackwater River (Cork/Waterford) SAC Map
IE0002287 Ireland Lough Swilly SAC Map
IE0004006 Ireland North Bull Island SPA Map
IE0004013 Ireland Drumcliff Bay SPA Map
IE0004016 Ireland Baldoyle Bay SPA Map
IE0004019 Ireland The Raven SPA Map
IE0004020 Ireland Ballyteigue Burrow SPA Map
IE0004022 Ireland Ballycotton Bay SPA Map
IE0004023 Ireland Ballymacoda Bay SPA Map
IE0004024 Ireland Sandymount Strand/Tolka Estuary SPA Map
IE0004025 Ireland Broadmeadow/Swords Estuary SPA Map
IE0004026 Ireland Dundalk Bay SPA Map
IE0004027 Ireland Tramore Back Strand SPA Map
IE0004028 Ireland Blackwater Estuary SPA Map
IE0004029 Ireland Castlemaine Harbour SPA Map
IE0004030 Ireland Cork Harbour SPA Map
IE0004031 Ireland Inner Galway Bay SPA Map
IE0004032 Ireland Dungarvan Harbour SPA Map
IE0004033 Ireland Bannow Bay SPA Map
IE0004034 Ireland Trawbreaga Bay SPA Map
IE0004035 Ireland Cummeen Strand SPA Map
IE0004036 Ireland Killala Bay/Moy Estuary SPA Map
IE0004037 Ireland Blacksod Bay/Broad Haven SPA Map
IE0004075 Ireland Lough Swilly SPA Map
IE0004076 Ireland Wexford Harbour and Slobs SPA Map
IE0004077 Ireland River Shannon and River Fergus Estuaries SPA Map
IE0004078 Ireland Carlingford Lough SPA Map
IE0004080 Ireland Boyne Estuary SPA Map
IE0004129 Ireland Ballysadare Bay SPA Map
IT1110010 Italy Gran Bosco di Salbertrand Map
IT1180002 Italy Torrente Orba Map
IT1180027 Italy Confluenza Po - Sesia - Tanaro Map
IT2040022 Italy Lago di Mezzola e Pian di Spagna Map
IT20B0001 Italy Bosco Foce Oglio Map
IT20B0009 Italy Valli del Mincio Map
IT3230032 Italy Lago di Busche - Vincheto di Cellarda - Fontane Map
IT3250041 Italy Valle Vecchia - Zumelle - Valli di Bibione Map
IT3250042 Italy Valli Zignago - Perera - Franchetti - Nova Map
IT3320037 Italy Laguna di Marano e Grado Map
IT3330005 Italy Foce dell'Isonzo - Isola della Cona Map
IT3330006 Italy Valle Cavanata e Banco Mula di Muggia Map
IT4020017 Italy Aree delle risorgive di Viarolo, Bacini di Torrile, Fascia golenale del Po Map
IT4040014 Italy Valli Mirandolesi Map
IT4050022 Italy Biotopi e Ripristini ambientali di Medicina e Molinella Map
IT4060001 Italy Valli di Argenta Map
IT4060002 Italy Valli di Comacchio Map
IT4060003 Italy Vene di Bellocchio, Sacca di Bellocchio, Foce del Fiume Reno, Pineta di Bellocchio Map
IT4060004 Italy Valle Bertuzzi, Valle Porticino - Canneviè Map
IT4060005 Italy Sacca di Goro, Po di Goro, Valle Dindona, Foce del Po di Volano Map
IT4060008 Italy Valle del Mezzano Map
IT4070007 Italy Salina di Cervia Map
IT4070009 Italy Ortazzo, Ortazzino, Foce del Torrente Bevano Map
IT5120017 Italy Lago e Padule di Massacciuccoli Map
IT5160004 Italy Padule di Bolgheri Map
IT5170002 Italy Selva Pisana Map
IT51A0013 Italy Padule della Trappola, Bocca d'Ombrone Map
IT51A0033 Italy Lago di Burano Map
IT6040015 Italy Parco Nazionale del Circeo Map
IT8010018 Italy Variconi Map
IT9140003 Italy Stagni e Saline di Punta della Contessa Map
ITA010001 Italy Isole dello Stagnone di Marsala Map
ITA010007 Italy Saline di Trapani Map
ITA010021 Italy Saline di Marsala Map
ITA050001 Italy Biviere e Macconi di Gela Map
ITA090002 Italy Vendicari Map
ITA090003 Italy Pantani della Sicilia sud orientale Map
ITA090006 Italy Saline di Siracusa e Fiume Ciane Map
ITA090013 Italy Saline di Priolo Map
ITB034004 Italy Corru S'Ittiri, stagno di S. Giovanni e Marceddì Map
ITB034006 Italy Stagno di Mistras Map
ITB044003 Italy Stagno di Cagliari Map
LV0100500 Latvia Teicu dabas rezervats Map
NL2000006 Netherlands Duinen Goeree & Kwade Hoek Map
NL3009016 Netherlands Oosterschelde Map
NL4000017 Netherlands Voordelta Map
NL4000021 Netherlands Grevelingen Map
NL9801001 Netherlands Waddenzee Map
NL9802001 Netherlands Noordzeekustzone Map
PLB040003 Poland Dolina Dolnej Wisły Map
PLB220004 Poland Ujście Wisły Map
PLB220005 Poland Zatoka Pucka Map
PTPIC0011 Portugal Lajes do Pico - Ilha do Pico Map
PTZPE0004 Portugal Ria de Aveiro Map
PTZPE0010 Portugal Estuário do Tejo Map
PTZPE0011 Portugal Estuário do Sado Map
PTZPE0017 Portugal Ria Formosa Map
PTZPE0024 Portugal Lajes do Pico - Ilha do Pico Map
SE0220020 Sweden Strandstuviken Map
SE0220028 Sweden Hävringe-Källskären Map
SE0230067 Sweden Tåkern Map
SE0230125 Sweden Svartåmynningen Map
SE0230126 Sweden Svensksundsviken Map
SE0240059 Sweden Oset-Rynningeviken Map
SE0310575 Sweden Erstad kärr Map
SE0330083 Sweden Ottenby Map
SE0330109 Sweden Eckelsudde Map
SE0330174 Sweden Sydöstra Ölands sjömarker Map
SE0410041 Sweden Torhamn-Hästholmen Map
SE0410050 Sweden Gräsör m fl öar Map
SE0410051 Sweden Abramsäng Map
SE0410053 Sweden Kristianopels skärgård Map
SE0420002 Sweden Hallands Väderö Map
SE0430002 Sweden Falsterbo-Foteviken Map
SE0430088 Sweden Sandhammaren Map
SE0430091 Sweden Löddeåns mynning Map
SE0430125 Sweden Skälderviken Map
SE0430138 Sweden Lundåkrabukten Map
SE0430173 Sweden Lommaområdet Map
SE0510049 Sweden Getteröns fågelreservat Map
SE0510058 Sweden Kungsbackafjorden Map
SE0510081 Sweden Morups tånge Map
SE0510176 Sweden Båtafjorden Map
SE0510177 Sweden Galtabäck-Lynga strandängar Map
SE0520013 Sweden Ödsmåls Kile Map
SE0520144 Sweden Galtö lera-Älgö lera Map
SE0530126 Sweden Dättern Map
SE0540062 Sweden Östen Map
SE0540084 Sweden Hornborgasjön Map
SE0540120 Sweden Åråsviken-Vallholmen Map
SE0630155 Sweden Stenöorn Map
SE0630156 Sweden Ålsjön Map
SE0710016 Sweden Långharsholmen Map
SE0710152 Sweden Stornäset Map
SE0720282 Sweden Ånnsjön Map
SE0720362 Sweden Tysjöarna Map
SE0810080 Sweden Vindelfjällen Map
SE0810443 Sweden Ammarnäsdeltat Map
SE0810475 Sweden Umeälvens delta och slätter Map
SE0820018 Sweden Lamburträsk Map
SE0820035 Sweden Rödkallen-SörÄspen Map
SE0820042 Sweden Gammelstadsviken Map
SE0820108 Sweden Haparanda skärgård Map
SE0820167 Sweden Muddus Map
SE0820201 Sweden Padjelanta Map
SE0820216 Sweden Sjaunja Map
SE0820276 Sweden Påkketanjaure Map
SE0820619 Sweden Tavvavuoma Map
SE0820739 Sweden Möröfjärden Map
ES4250010 Spain Humedales de La Mancha Map
ITB040019 Italy Stagni di Colostrai e delle Saline Map
ITA010028 Italy Stagnone di Marsala e Saline di Trapani - area marina e terrestre Map
ES6150018 Spain Río Guadiana y Ribera de Chanza Map
IT2040042 Italy Pian di Spagna e Lago di Mezzola Map
ES6200006 Spain Espacios Abiertos e Islas del Mar Menor Map
ES0000348 Spain Costa del norte de Fuerteventura Map
FR5312003 France Baie de Goulven Map
FR9112016 France Étang de Capestang Map
FR2612006 France Prairies alluviales et milieux associés de Saône-et-Loire Map
BG0000270 Bulgaria Atanasovsko ezero Map
IT20A0401 Italy Riserva Regionale Bosco Ronchetti Map
ITA090029 Italy Pantani della Sicilia sud-orientale, Morghella, di Marzamemi, di Punta Pilieri e Vendicari Map
FR7412002 France Étang des Landes Map
FR9312015 France Étangs entre Istres et Fos Map
ITA050012 Italy Torre Manfria, Biviere e Piana di Gela Map
FR7212015 France Haute Cize : Pic d'Herrozate et forêt d'Orion Map
DE5026402 Germany Rhäden von Obersuhl und Auen an der mittleren Werra Map
IT1180028 Italy Fiume Po - tratto vercellese alessandrino Map
FR2512002 France Landes et dunes de la Hague Map
IT3250046 Italy Laguna di Venezia Map
PTCON0011 Portugal Estuário do Sado Map
ES6200001 Spain Calblanque, Monte de las Cenizas y Peña del Águila Map
FR3112002 France Les "Cinq Tailles" Map
FR9112013 France Petite Camargue laguno-marine Map
IT8010028 Italy Foce Volturno - Variconi Map
IT9110005 Italy Zone umide della Capitanata Map
FR7412003 France Plateau de Millevaches Map
FR8212020 France Lac Léman Map
FR8312005 France Planèze de Saint Flour Map
ES6150017 Spain Marisma de Las Carboneras Map
IT5210018 Italy Lago Trasimeno Map
IT1160060 Italy Altopiano di Bainale Map
ITA070029 Italy Biviere di Lentini, tratto mediano e foce del Fiume Simeto e area antistante la foce Map
DE0916491 Germany Ramsar-Gebiet S-H Wattenmeer und angrenzende Küstengebiete Map
ES6150021 Spain Corredor Ecológico del Río Tinto Map
ES6130015 Spain Río Guadalquivir -Tramo Medio Map
ES6150015 Spain Isla de San Bruno Map
IT20A0015 Italy Bosco Ronchetti Map
FR7212010 France Barrage d'Artix et saligue du Gave de Pau Map
FR9112022 France Est et sud de Béziers Map
FR4312015 France Vallée de la Lanterne Map
FR5212007 France Marais du Mès, baie et dunes de Pont-Mahé, étang du Pont de Fer Map
FR9312025 France Basse Vallée du Var Map
BG0002040 Bulgaria Strandzha Map
IT2010501 Italy Lago di Varese Map
ES6150014 Spain Marismas y Riberas del Tinto Map
FR7212013 France Estuaire de la Bidassoa et baie de Fontarabie Map
PTCON0009 Portugal Estuário do Tejo Map
ITB030032 Italy Stagno di Corru S'Ittiri Map
DE2751421 Germany Randow-Welse-Bruch Map
ES6150028 Spain Estuario del Río Piedras Map
FR9112006 France Étang de Lapalme Map
DE5519401 Germany Wetterau Map
ITB040023 Italy Stagno di Cagliari, Saline di Macchiareddu, Laguna di Santa Gilla Map
FR5212009 France Marais Breton, baie de Bourgneuf, île de Noirmoutier et forêt de Monts Map
ITB030034 Italy Stagno di Mistras di Oristano Map
DE5026350 Germany Rhäden bei Obersuhl und Bosserode Map
FR9112007 France Étangs du Narbonnais Map
IT20B0017 Italy Ansa e Valli del Mincio Map
FR9112017 France Étang de Mauguio Map
IT9110038 Italy Paludi presso il Golfo di Manfredonia Map
ITB043025 Italy Stagni di Colostrai Map
ES6150019 Spain Bajo Guadalquivir Map
FR2512003 France Havre de la Sienne Map
FR5312005 France Rivières de Pont-l'Abbé et de l'Odet Map
FI0700025 Finland Värtsilän laakso (SPA) Map
ES6120017 Spain Punta de Trafalgar Map
FR8312009 France Gorges de la Loire Map
IT1343502 Italy Parco della Magra - Vara Map
IT1345101 Italy Piana del Magra Map
PTCON0013 Portugal Ria Formosa / Castro Marim Map
IT2010502 Italy Canneti del Lago Maggiore Map
BG0000152 Bulgaria Pomoriysko ezero Map
ROSPA0097 Romania Pescăria Cefa - Pădurea Rădvani Map
ROSPA0031 Romania Delta Dunării și Complexul Razim - Sinoie Map
DE2416431 Germany Butjadingen Map
DE1934401 Germany Wismarbucht und Salzhaff Map
DE2507301 Germany Hund und Paapsand Map
DE1542401 Germany Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft und nördlicher Strelasund Map
DE1747402 Germany Greifswalder Bodden und südlicher Strelasund Map
DE4940420 Germany Nordöstliches Altenburger Land Map
DE4633420 Germany Helme-Unstrut-Niederung Map
BG0002050 Bulgaria Durankulashko ezero Map
BG0000271 Bulgaria Mandra - Poda Map
PLB160004 Poland Zbiornik Turawa Map
PLB160003 Poland Zbiornik Otmuchowski Map
FR5312010 France Dunes et côtes de Trévignon Map
ES0000451 Spain Montdúver-Marjal de la Safor Map
ES0000450 Spain Marjal i Estanys d'Almenara Map
ES0000470 Spain Marjal dels Moros (ZEPA) Map
ES0000471 Spain l'Albufera (ZEPA) Map
ES0000467 Spain Prat de Cabanes i Torreblanca (ZEPA) Map
ES1200016 Spain Ría del Eo Map
ES1200006 Spain Ría de Villaviciosa Map
IE0004151 Ireland Donegal Bay SPA Map
IE0004081 Ireland Clonakilty Bay SPA Map
IE0004158 Ireland River Nanny Estuary and Shore SPA Map
IE0004219 Ireland Courtmacsherry Bay SPA Map
FR7212018 France Bassin d'Arcachon et banc d'Arguin Map
AT2111000 Austria Völkermarkter Stausee Map
AT2104000 Austria Sablatnig Moor Map
AT3402000 Austria Rheindelta Map
AT2113000 Austria Flachwasserbiotop Neudenstein Map
DE2417401 Germany Luneplate Map
ES1200055 Spain Cabo Busto-Luanco Map
ES0000484 Spain el Fondo d'Elx-Crevillent (ZEPA) Map
ES0000487 Spain Marjal de Pego-Oliva (ZEPA) Map
ES0000486 Spain Salines de Santa Pola (ZEPA) Map
ES0000485 Spain Lagunas de la Mata y Torrevieja (ZEPA) Map
IE0004188 Ireland Tralee Bay Complex SPA Map
IT51A0039 Italy Padule della Trappola, Bocca d'Ombrone Map
SE0530217 Sweden Vänersborgsviken Map
NL9802026 Netherlands Westerschelde & Saeftinghe Map
DE2323402 Germany Unterelbe bis Wedel Map

Protected sites

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Legal status

Legal text Annex Conditions More information
Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 30 November 2009, on the conservation of wild birds (EU Birds Directive)
Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (Bern Convention) (All species of Birds not included in Appendix II)

Resolution No. 6 (1998) of the Bern Convention lists the species requiring specific habitat conservation measures [and the designation of Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCIs) forming for the Emerald network]
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. (Bonn Convention) (Migratory species of Scolopacidae)
Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds. Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals. (AEWA) http://www.migratoryspecies....ent/about-cms-family

Common names and synonyms

Common Name Language Reference
Aguja Colipinta Spanish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Bar-tailed Godwit English Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Barge rousse French Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Fuselo Portuguese Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Kis goda Hungarian Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Lille kobbersneppe Danish EC-DGXI.d2, ETC/NC
Myrspov Swedish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Pfuhlschnepfe German Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Pittima minore Italian Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Punakuiri Finnish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Rosse Grutto Dutch Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Szlamnik Polish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.

Other resources

CoL (accepted name) Catalogue of Life
EBCC Atlas of breeding birds European Bird Census Council's Atlas of Breeding Birds
EURing code:05340 European bird-ringing
EoL Encyclopedia of Life
Fauna Europaea Fauna Europaea
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility
ITIS (Valid name) Interagency Taxonomic Information System
NCBI search National Center for Biotechnology Information
PESI (Accepted) Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure
Wikipedia Wikipedia
WoRMS World Register of Marine Species

External data

Population distribution from "Birds in Europe" editions 1 and 2

These publications present a thorough and detailed review of the conservation status of European birds. Based on detailed breeding and wintering population data collected in each country, the report provides a review of the population sizes and trends of Species of European Conservation Concern.

33 items found, displaying all items.1
Country Biogeographic region Min / Max (Units) Period Status Quality Source Published
Azerbaijan 0/50 (individuals) 1996-2002 Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Belgium 10/100 (individuals) 1989-1990 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Bulgaria 0/5 (individuals) 1977-1991 Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Croatia 50/100 (individuals) 2002 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Denmark 1000/1500 (individuals) 1999-2000 Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Denmark 0/9500 (individuals) 1980-1991 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Finland 100/300 (pairs) 1998-2002 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
France 6868/8000 (individuals) 1998-2002 Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
France 5000/5000 (individuals) 1990 Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Germany 1000/15000 (individuals) 1995-2000 Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Germany 41/14200 (individuals) 1980-1991 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Greece 5/10 (individuals) 1995-1999 Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Greece Mediterranean 4/0 (individuals) 1989 Wintering No qualification Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Iceland 4/11 (individuals) 1990-1999 Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Iceland Arctic 5/50 (individuals) - Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Ireland 10352/17546 (individuals) 1994-2000 Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Ireland Atlantic 16000/20000 (individuals) - Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Italy 0/10 (individuals) 2002 Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Italy 11/100 (individuals) 1984 Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Netherlands 35000/35000 (individuals) 1999-2001 Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Netherlands Atlantic 6300/33500 (individuals) 1980-1991 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Norway 1000/3000 (pairs) 1990-2003 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Portugal 1823/6048 (individuals) 1995-1997 Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Portugal 2500/5000 (individuals) 1991 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Portugal Macaronesian 20/40 (individuals) - Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Russian Federation 300/4000 (pairs) 1990-2000 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Russian Federation 0/500 (individuals) - Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Spain 301/3244 (individuals) 1990-2001 Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
Spain 1800/0 (individuals) - Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Spain Macaronesian 100/150 (individuals) - Wintering Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Sweden 5/50 (pairs) 1999-2000 Breeding Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
United Kingdom 61600/61600 (individuals) 1994-1999 Wintering Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004-01-01
United Kingdom Atlantic 50000/60000 (individuals) 1988 Wintering Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994-01-01
Source: BirdLife International

Population trends from "Birds in Europe" editions 1 and 2

These publications present a thorough and detailed review of the conservation status of European birds. Based on detailed breeding and wintering population data collected in each country, the report provides a review of the population sizes and trends of Species of European Conservation Concern.

33 items found, displaying all items.1
Country Biogeographic region Period Status Trend Quality Source Published
Azerbaijan 1990-2000 Wintering Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Belgium 1970-1990 Wintering Fluctuating with changes of at least 20%, but no clear trend Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Bulgaria 1970-1990 Wintering Stable, or change of less than 20% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Croatia 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Denmark 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Denmark 1970-1990 Wintering Information not available Information not available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Finland 1990-2000 Breeding Decreasing : 30 % Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
France 1990-2000 Wintering Fluctuating between 30% to 49% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
France 1970-1990 Wintering Large decrease of at least 50% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Germany 1990-2000 Wintering decreasing between 60% to 90% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Germany 1970-1990 Wintering Information not available Information not available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Greece 1990-2000 Wintering Fluctuating between 30% to 49% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Greece Mediterranean 1970-1990 Wintering Information not available Information not available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Iceland 1990-2000 Wintering Stable between 0% to 19% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Iceland Arctic 1970-1990 Wintering Fluctuating with changes of at least 20%, but no clear trend Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Ireland 1990-2000 Wintering Stable between 0% to 19% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Ireland Atlantic 1970-1990 Wintering Stable, or change of less than 20% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Italy 1990-2000 Wintering Unknown Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Italy 1970-1990 Wintering Small increase of 20-49% Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Netherlands 1990-2000 Wintering Increasing : 44 % Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Netherlands Atlantic 1970-1990 Wintering Fluctuating with changes of at least 20%, but no clear trend Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Norway 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Portugal 1990-2000 Wintering Fluctuating Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Portugal 1970-1990 Wintering Fluctuating with changes of at least 20%, but no clear trend Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Portugal Macaronesian 1970-1990 Wintering Stable, or change of less than 20% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Russian Federation 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Russian Federation 1970-1990 Wintering Fluctuating with changes of at least 20%, but no clear trend Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Spain 1990-2000 Wintering Increasing between 0% to 19% Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
Spain 1970-1990 Wintering Fluctuating with changes of at least 20%, but no clear trend Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Spain Macaronesian 1970-1990 Wintering Fluctuating with changes of at least 20%, but no clear trend Species generally well known, but only poor or incomplete quantitative data available Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Sweden 1990-2000 Breeding Stable between 0% to 19% Species poorly known, with no quantitative data available Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
United Kingdom 1990-2000 Wintering Decreasing : 9 % Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 2 (1990-2000) 2004
United Kingdom Atlantic 1970-1990 Wintering Fluctuating with changes of at least 20%, but no clear trend Reliable quantitative data (e.g. atlas survey or monitoring data, etc.) are available for the whole period and region in question Birds in Europe 1 (1970-1990) 1994
Source: BirdLife International
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