Pilea depressa 'Sao paulo

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Pilea depressa 'Sao Paulo' is a charming, vigorous houseplant appreciated for its dense, lush foliage. This variety of Pilea is renowned for its small, round, dense, dark-green leaves, which create a carpet or ground-cover effect, perfect for terrarium gardens or as ground cover in larger houseplant compositions.

Origin: Although the Pilea depressa species is native to tropical regions such as the Caribbean and parts of South America, the 'Sao Paulo' variety has been selected for its ornamental characteristics and hardiness as a houseplant.

Growth: Pilea depressa 'Sao Paulo' is characterized by rapid, creeping growth. It can spread rapidly under ideal conditions, covering the floor of a pot or draping elegantly over the sides of a hanging basket.

Flowers: Like many Pileas, the flowers of Pilea depressa 'Sao Paulo' are small and discreet, often less important to growers than the foliage. They can appear at various times of the year if light and humidity conditions are optimal.

Light: This plant prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate medium light levels. Too much direct light can burn leaves, while too little light can slow growth and fade foliage.

Watering: Water regularly, keeping the substrate slightly moist but never soggy. Allow the substrate surface to dry slightly between waterings to prevent root rot.

Substrate: Use a well-draining potting mix. A standard houseplant mix enriched with perlite or pumice is ideal to aid drainage while retaining enough moisture to support dense foliage.

Toxicity: Pilea depressa 'Sao Paulo' is considered non-toxic to humans and pets, making it suitable for use in living spaces frequented by children or pets.

Pilea depressa 'Sao Paulo' is an excellent option for adding lush greenery and texture to your home or office. Its rapid growth and easy care make it a favorite among houseplants for beginners and more experienced collectors alike.

Potting soil for tropical plants