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4 BY J. CRAMER PUBLISHER IN WEINHEIM When this catalogue was in the page-proof stage in the press, a work entitled "Lichens of India" by Ajay Singh was published as a bulletin by the National Botanic Gardens, Lucknow. This bulletin apparently appears to have been based largely on an unpublished part of my Ph. D. thesis lodged at the Lucknow University Library, and to have been consulted during my stay in the U. S.A. ( ) without my knowledge. I congratulate this author, and the authorities of the National Botanic Gardens, Lucknow, for their endeavour to perpetuate the errors and shortcomings in the manuscript of my said thesis and also considerably add their own to make the work really C 0 M PR E H ENS IVE. The lichenologists all over the world will find plenty of material to browse and enjoy l D. D. AWASTHI PRINTED IN GERMANY 1. IV BY CHR. BEIASXR, STUTTGART

5 Introduction This catalogue comprises the taxa of the lichens reported from the political boundaries of India (continental and insular), Nepal, Pakistan and Ceylon. The consideration together of these territories falling within a single phytogeographical unit, has been taken up with a view to give the research workers in any of these countries an opportunity to assess their floristic component with reference to the neighbouring country. The catalogue is an out-come of compilation for a number of years in India (major part of this, comprising 702 species excluding lichens from Ceylon was included as an appendix in the Ph. D. thesis submitted by the author at the University of Lucknow in 1960), and subsequently completed in its present form during the author's stay ( ) at the University of Colorado, U.S.A. This long period for the compilation was necessitated on account of the much dispersed literature on Indian lichens in the publications of the 19th and early 20th century several of which were not available in India. Under the schematic representation followed, the taxa comprising the catalogue number 1310 species belonging to 158 genera and 50 families. The thus consolidation of the taxa, it is hoped, will form a firm foundation on which future taxonomic investigations on the lichens of this region can be satisfactorily carried out. The taxa that have been described on the material collected from this subcontinent have been marginally marked by an asterisk (*) in the catalogue. -4 large number of these taxa are known from their original collections only. The t>ype specimens are located in the various European herbaria and thus not within an easy reach to an Indian worker. Even the duplicates of the earlier collections are either altogether absent or insignificantly represented in the Indian herbaria. This has made the comparison of fresh collections a formidable task. Tropical lichens in general are in great need of revision on world-wide basis and there is possibility that many taxa have been described more than once not only from other parts of the world but even from India. Such tangles can be resolved only after a thorough examination of the type specimens preserved in numerous herbaria.

6 The genera, the species within the genus, are arranged alphabetically For easy reference. The name of tlie family has been noted within parenthesis against the name of the genus according to the system of ZAHI~BR~JCKNER (1926) excepting those for which a subsequent authority has been quoted. Catalogus Lichenum Universalis by ZAI~I.- BRUCKNER ( ), abbreviated to CATAL. for brevity in the catalogue, has been followed closely for nomenclatural purposes except in few cases. The latter mostly pertain to either revisions or the monographs published subsequently. Each taxon described on the material from the subcontinent has been provided with complete citations of the references of the original author (and the author of a transfer), the name of the collector, the area of collection, and the location of the type specimen (s). For all other taxa, reference is made to the CATAL. to conserve space. The type specimens that have been seen by the author have been marked by the sign "!" following the abbreviation for the name of the herbarium. Under whichever name (the correct name, the basionym or the synonym) a taxon has been reported by an author has been cited as such along with the locality. Monographic works, such as by MOTYKA ( ), SANTESSON (1952), RUNEMARK (1956), and KUROKAWA (1962) have been followed in tot o. Few cross references have been given to avoid confusion. Few desirable new combinations have also been effected. Personal opinion has been kept at a minimum unless they are warranted for clarification. Every attempt has been made to make the catalogue as comprehensive as possible within its limited scope. However, errors of omission or com- ~nission that may have crept in will be welcomed by the author, if brought to his notice. Acknowledgements I am especially grateful to Dr. S.N. DAS GUPTA for the encouragement provided at the early stages of my work on lichens. My sincere thanks art) due lo Dr. Huco G. RODCCK, and Prof. WILLIAM A. WCHER of the Univcrsity of Colorado for the facilities, help, and numerous courtesies extended to mo during my stay there. To Prof. O.A. HOEC, Oslo, I am indebted for rcadily making available the photostat copies of thr rare literature. I also takc this opportunity to express my thanks to thc National Science Foundation for the grant which provided for my stay at tlie ITniversity of Colorado during 196%63, and also enabled Inc to procur(. rare and costly littlraturc on lichcnology. Historical Rcviow There is mention of Lichen fraciformis L. from India in Syecicls Plantarum by LINNAI~US (1753, p. 1447); but the true Liche~~ frrciformis [= Roccella jzlciformis (I,.) DC.] docs not occur in India and hence

7 the Indian specimen cited by Linnaeus should be Roccella montagnei BEI,. ERIC ACHARIUS, the father of lichenology, described four species, namely Alectoria arabum AcH., Collema rottleri Ar:ti., Isidium bassiue AcH., and Porina subcutunea Am. from India in his classical works Lichenographia Universalis (1810) and Synopsis Methodica Lichenun~ (1814). About a decade later, E. FRIES (1825) described five new species: Parmelia cirrhata FR., P. confluens FR., Trypethelium pruinosum FR., T. superbum FR. and Usnea dichozoma FR. from) "India Orientalis." Collections of lichens made from Pondicherry and Coromandel coast were described by BELANGER (1838), and comprised 40 taxa. The six new species described were: Gyalecta tropica B~L.. Parmelia coccodes BEL., Ramalina berterii B EL., Opegrapha streblocarpa BEL., Roccella montagnei BEL., and Thelotrema crateriforme BEL. At almost the same period PERROTTET'S collections of lichens from Nilgiri mountains (often mis-spelt Neelgherries or Nilgherries by European authors) were described by MONTAGNE (1842) which comprised 37 species, two of which were new to science. Some of the conspicuous foliose and fruticose lichens collected by K. WALLICH from eastern India and Nepal were described by TAYLOR (1847), and numbered 12 new species. In the same publication, TAYLOR also included another five new species from Madras and Ceylon the specimens of which were collected by WIGHT. Out of the 17 taxa described, Alectoria virens TAYL., Parmelia cristifera TAYL., P. cylindrophora TAY L., P. diademata TAYL., P. nepalensis TAY L., Stictu u~allickiana TAYL., and Usnea pectinata TAYL. are noteworthy and now known to be widely distributed. The lichen collections of R. STRACHEY and J. E. M'INTERBOTTOM from Kumaon, N. W. Himalayas during the years were described by BABINGTOS (1852). Out of the 44 taxa reported five species were new to science. The lichens collected by J. D. HOOKER and T. Tuo~sorv from eastern Himalayas and Nepal during , were examined, described and incorporated in Synopsis Methodica Lichenum by W. NYLANDER (1860, and 1863). Majority of the species reported were foliose and fruticose in nature. Out of a total of 80 t,axa reported, almost half belonging to the genera --I lectoria, Cetraria, Leptogil~m, Parmelia, Stereocaulon, Urn bilicaria and Usnea were new. This was an important contribution to considerably enhance the knowledge of the lichens from the Himalayan region. A few years later, outstanding collections from the tropical parts of the subcontinent were made by KVRZ from the Botanic Garden, Calcutta; from Bengal and 24 paragannas; and from the Andainans. All of these were described by NYLAKDER (1867, 1869, and 1873 respectively), and comprised 53 species (19 new) for Calcutta, 22 species (11 new) for

8 Bengal, and 63 species (46 new) for the Andamans. These collections had a large number of new species and a conspicously high percentage of the crustose Pyrenocarpeae and Graphidineae. The genera Arthonia, Graphis, Lecanora, Lecidea, Opegrapha, Platygrapha, Thelotrema, Trypethelium and Verrucaria were richly represented. A monotypic genus, Pyrgidizcm (P. bengaliense KREMPELH.), of the family Caliciaceae was also created. My attempts to re-collect it in the type locality (Botanic Garden, Calcutta) and on the same habitat (bark of Ravenelu madagascariensis) have been unsuccessful, and it is very likely that due to t.he changed environmental conditions of the garden within the last one hundred years, the species is lost. At almost a simultaneous period, G. H. I<. THWAITES, Director OF the Royal Botanic Garden, Peradeniya, Ceylon made extensive collections of the lichens from that island. These were described by LEIGHTON (1869), comprised 196 species of which 44 were new, and there was a new genus Asteristion LEIGHT. Almost three decades later, NYLANDER (1900) described 159 species of lichens from Ceylon that were collected by ALMQUIST in 1879 in the Vega Expedition. There were 48 new species in NYLANDER'S publication. In both the contributions on lichens from Ceylon, the crustose forms predominated. The members of the Pyrenocarpeae and Graphidineae constitute about one third of the total lichen flora of the island. Through his various publications, the Scottish lichenologist J. STIRTON (1876, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1898a, and 1898b) added 98 new taxa to the lichen flora of India. Specimens of these were mostly collected by G. WATT, A. WATT, KING and TIIOMSON from the different parts of India (Assam, Darjeeling, Kumaon, and Nilgiri) and Ceylon. Contributions of major interest pertained to the genus Usnea and to Pyrenocarpeae and Graphidineae. Another major contribution to the lichen flora of the subcontinent was through the revisions or new descriptions of about 60 species by JEAN MITLLER Argoviensis (=MULL. ARG.) ( ) in Lic.henologische BeitrBge. In addition, MULL. ARC. (1892) also described the lichens from Manipur collected by G. WATT during the boundary demarcation period. This collection comprised 101 taxa of which 29 were new species and one new genus Enterodictyor~ M~~LL. ARG. A small collection by STEVENS from Sikkim was enumerated again by MULL. ARG. (1895) and comprised 12 species. Rlajority of the new species in the contributions by M~~LL. ARG. belonged to the genera Arthothelium, Gruphis, Graplzina, Leca,nortr, Ixcidea, Pertusaria, Phueographina and Trypetheliunt. The exotic (from European view-point) lichens deterniined by NYL-~DER and preserved in the herbarium of Paris Museum were

9 enumerated by A. HUE (1892), where mention of 273 taxa from India and Ceylon is made. In the more elaborate work on the Extra-European lichen, HUE (1898,1899,1900,1901) recorded 84 taxa from India giving full descriptions along modern lines. Three new species of l'armeliu from Nilgiri were also described. In another publication, HUE (1900b) enumerated 37 species of lichens collected by GRAY from Coonoor in Nilgiri Hills. Lichens from the different parts of the country and l~elonging to the herbarium of E. I,EVIEII were enumerated by JATTA (1902, and 1905) and comprised 142 taxa. A few years later, JATTA (1911) enumerated 46 taxa of lichens collected by Lr~rir from bialabar, and by LONG and GOLLAN from the Himalayas. The same ycar, 5 species were recorded from Ceylon by ZAHI.RRI;CKNER (1911). 31 taxa of lichens collected by SOMERVELI,E from the high altitudes in the region of the Everest during the Everest Expedition in 1924 were reported by PAULSON (1925). An important contribution by A. L. SMITII (1026) recorded the creation of a new family Cryptotheciaceae - a family of primitive lichens, comprising the genera Cryptotheciu STIRT. and Stirtonia A. L. SMITH. Interestingly enough majority of the species belonging to these two genera are based on the material collected from India. In the late twenties, lichens from the Himalayan region were collected by KASHYVP, CIIAI~DHURI and C~rol>~a. Their collections were determined by A.L. SMITH (1931) and conlprised 76 taxa. Based on a part of the same collection, ZAHLBRUCKKER (1931) established a new genus Chartdhuria with a single species C. indica ZAALBR. Apparently based on these determinations, CHOPRA (1934) published a treatment on the lichens from the Himalayas, which comprised 75 species. Studies on the Indian lichens were resunled in the late forties of the present century through the collections of AWASTHI. Some of his collections resulted into 43 new taxa that were described by RASANES (1950, and 1952). A collection by FOREAU from Palni hills was enumerated with short notes by MOREAU (1952) and comprised 62 taxa. The lichens from Nepal Himalayas were collected by NAKAO in and described by ASAHINA (1955). In his first two publications,.~\vastiii(1957a, 1957b) described 7 new species from the Himalayan region and one from Kodaikanal. A third note of the same year (1957~) recorded certain species of Usnea for the first time from India. Subsequently, nlonographic treatment of the Indian species of Physcia and -4naptychia was undertaken by AWASTHI (1960a, 1960b). Further advance was achieved by the enumeration of a large number of lichen taxa chiefly from the Himalayan region by A\VASTHI (1960~~ 1961, and 1963). ilnotller recent important contribution to the lichen flora

10 of the subcontinent was made by POELT (1961) by enumerating 73 taxa of lichens frorn the region of N.W. Karaltorum. This is the first conlprehensive record of the lichens occurring in the dry ternperate regions of the Himalayas. In addition, to the above mentioned references several others list minor additions to the lichen flora of the sub-continent, and the following which I have been able to examine are by LINDSAY (1866), BITTER (1901), BOULY DE LESDAIN (1910), Du RIETZ (1926), QURAISH~ (1928), MAGNUSSON (1934), ABBAYES (1939, 1958a, 1958b), SANTESSON (1941), RASANEN (1949, 1952b), BISWAS (1956), BHATIA (1957), AHTI (1961 a, 1961 b), and CULBERSOX (1962). Though a large number of Indian lichens have been chemically investigated by Seshadri and his numerous students at Delhi University, the names of only those taxa that are of taxonomic interest have been incorporated in the catalogue. Monographic treatments of only a few genera on world-wide basis have so far been published. In the monograph on the genus Cladoniu by VAINIO (1887, 1894, and 1897), 19 species are reported from the temperate regions of India. MAGNUSSON (1929) reported a single species of the genus Acarospora from India. In the monographic treatment of the genus Usnea, MOTYKA ( ) reported 48 species, of which Usnea ceratina AGII., U. dichotoma FR., U. flexilis STIRT., U. hookeri MOT., U. pectinata TAYL., U. rubicunda STIRT., U. stirtoniana ZAHLBR., U. sordida MOT., U. subsordida STIRT., and U. thomsonii STIRT. are widely distributed in the Himalayas and the Nilgiris. In the monumental work on the foliicolous lichens by S.~NTESSC)N (1952), 22 species of wide distribution in the other tropical parts of the world are reported frorn India and Ceylon. In the most recent monograph on the genus.,lnaptychia, KUROKAWA (1962) has reported 24 species from India. Location of the Specimens It is very difficult to almost impossible to pin-point the location of all the specimens of lichens so far collected and tlistributed. However, the location of the specimens of the principal collectors of which information is available has been noted below. BABINGTON'S herbarium is reported to have been transferred to British Museum from Cambridge. RASANEN'S herbarium is now incorporated in the Irniversity Botanical Museum, Helsinki. Original herbarium of STIRTON is preserved at the Natural History hluseum, Glasgow, while duplicates of the majority of the specimens are also present in the British Rl~~seum, London. Iiunz's collections seem to be widely distributed and I have

11 seen better samples in other herbaria than the original collection of NYLANDER at Helsinki. The collection of HOOKER and Ttrouso~ is also widely distributed. The abbreviations used for the herbaria below are in accordance to the Index Herbariorum by IJ~rc..ro~1w and STAFLEI: (1959). The private herbarium of the author has been abbreviated to "Aw." Table Described by I,ocation of the types or isotypes PERROTTET MONTACNE (1852) WALLICH TAYLOR (1847) STRACHEY and W~NTERL%OTTOM BABINGTON (1852) HOOKER and THOMSON NYLANDER (1860) KU RZ NYLANDER (1867, 1869, and 1873) THWAITES LEICHTON (1869) G.IVATT,A. WATT, and THOMSON STIRTON (1876,1879,1881) G. WATT MCLL. ARC. (1892) ALMQUIST XYI,ANI)ER (1900) GRAY HUE (1900h) LEVIER JATTA (1902, 1905) LUTHI and GOLLAN JATTA (1911) I<ASHY UP, CHAIJDHURI, and CHOPRA A. L. S~IITH (1931) AWASTHI RASANEN (1950,1952) LOBBICHLER and SCHNEIDER POELT (1961) AWASTHI AWASTHI (1957, 1960) PC FII, BM, K BM, DD H, I<, PC, UM 11, LSM, PC, M, CAL BM GL,AM, 13M K, G S, H PC NAP XAP RM, V' H, - 4 ~ w The climate of India is essentially monsoon tropical; the four seasons recognized by the Indian Xlet~eorological department are (1) the cold weather season from December to hlarch, (2) the hot weather season from April to May, (3) the rainy season from June to September, and (4) the season of the retreating south-west monsoon from October to November. Each of the seasons is characteristic in possessing an easily recognisable seasonal rhythm of its own, which has a more or less definite duration. The major part of the rain, an essential factor for vegetation, falls throughout India (except the eastern coastal region of Peninsular India) during the rainy season due to south-west monsoon. The coastal districts of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and A4acIras get their maximum rain during October and November due to retreating monsoon. As a result, of the south-west monsoon the maximum

12 amount of rainfall occurs in the Himalayan region. The eastern Himalayas receive the greatest amount, and its intensity gradually decreases westwards. The western Ghats are in the next category of lower rainfall, the intensity of which diminishes southwards. 'l'his is followetl by the castern Ghats where too, the decrease is southwards. The peninsular plateau is con~paratively drier from the adjoining similar latitudes, the dryness of which increases southwards. Thc. Indo-Gangetic Plain though fairly wet in the eastern India, gets drier westwards, ultiniately resulting into the desert regions of Rajasthan. As a consequence of the high percentage of humidity couplecl wit11 high average mean temperature, the eastern parts of Intlia and the lower elevations of the Ghats support broad-leaf evergreen arid deciduous forests. The lower elevations in the Himalayan region (under 5,000 ft.) have broad-leaf deciduous forests of a subtropical nature. Elevations of over 5,000 ft. in the Himalayas invariably have broadleaf deciduous and needle-leaf evergreen forests, which are gradually I-eplaced above 11,000 ft. by an alpine vegetation of small evergreen needle-leaf shrubs, deciduous shrubs and/or perennial or annual herbs. The elevations of over 5,000 ft. in the western Ghats have either broad-leaf evergreen forests or rarely local coniferous forests. In the mid-eastern parts of India (Bihar and Orissa) the forests are chiefly of broad-leaf deciduous trees or evergreen shrubs. Part of the Gangetic plain and the peninsular plateau support broad-leaf deciduous forests or subtropical deciduous forests. In western India, where rainfall is very meagre and the xerophytic conditions prevail, the vegetation is sparse consisting of scattered broad-leaf deciduous shrubs or small trees. A study of the lichen flora from all these areas reveals that tlierc exists a direct correlation of the above mentioned vegetational types with the floristic lichen types. In the broad-leaf evergreen forests, only places exposed to slinlight and wind, such as the fringes of the forests or borders of the artificial or natural openings in the forests form suitable habitats for the growth of lichens. The lichen types that predominate in such areas are the corticolous Pyrenocarpeae and Graphidineae. In the shady places within the forests, the shade loving Collemaceae and Peltigeraceae occur in modest number. Foliicolous lichens are likely to occur in profusion in such localities, but in vicw of their limited collections from the subcontinent it is premature to express a definite opinion. Optimum conditions for a profuse growth of lichens exist in thc temperate and alpine regions of the Himalayas, and in the higher elevations of the Western Ghats. Most of the foliose and fruticose lichens reported have been collected from these areas. In the alpine

13 region of the Himalayas, the lichens often form as felt-like growt,h on the ground in shade or in open, and in addition are conspicuounly present on the rocks and boulders. In the southern part of the peninsular region, the forests instead of being in continuol~n ~tretches, are restricted to small communities located in the depressions or sheltered areas of the landscape. These groups of forests, locally c.alled Sholu are favourable habitats for a good lichen vegetation. Foliose and fruticose lichens are found to grow luxuriantly in these small areas, where almost all the trees are equally and sufficiently exposed to rain, sunlight and wind currents. Moderate number of corticolous crustose lichens and few foliose forms occur in the broad-leaf deciduous forest,s of mid-eastern India, the peninsular plateau, and other subtropical regions where rainfall is not a limiting factor. A considerable area of the Indo-Gangetic Plain is devoid of lichen flora due to severe inhibitory factors of insufficient rainfall, high temperature, long dry seasons, and over and above them a dense human population and continued cultivation for ages past. An interesting phytogeographic area exists in the insular Ceylon and the Andamans. A large number of species of lichens belonging to Pyrenocarpeae and Graphidineae, which are corticolous in nature are dominant part of the lichen flora. They are in addition endemic in nature, which however is a well known feature of the insular areas. Until the lichen flora of the subc,ontinent is fully explored, it is premature to discuss at length the dist,ributional patt,erns within the country and the affinities outside. However, even at this stage of our knowledge, the distribution and the affinities of the lichen flora in context with the rest of the world can be broadly surmised. Taking the Himalayan region first, we notice a high degree of c.orrelation between the affinities of the lichen flora and the higher plants. In short, the lichens from the eastern Himalayas show c,lose affinit.y witah the Sino-Japanese and South-East-Asian element of the flora. This is exhibited by the occurrence of species namely rilectoria asiatica Du RIETZ, Cetraria asahinae SATO, C. everniella (NYL.) KREMPELH., C. straminea VAIN., C. wallichiana (TAYL.) Rli: LL. ARG., Parmelia homogenes NY L., P. mnrmariza NY L., P. ru.derata VAI s., P. plutyphyllinn NYL., P. subcriltita NY L., I). zollingeri HEPP, Nephromopsis strachey i (BAB.) MULL. ARG., Runz.alina sinensis JATTA, Sticta henryana hli;.~~. ARG., S. platyphylloides NYL., Umbilicaria yuniznna (NYL.) HUE, and Usnea asa.hinae Mo~..The 1ic.hens from the west8ern Himalayas show a closer affinity with the European element.. This is indicated by the spec.ies : Cetraria pirtastri (SCOP.) ROHL., I)ermnlocarpon mouli~zsii (MoNT.) ZAIII~BR., Lobaria discolor (Bony) HUE, Nephroma expnllidlcm

14 NYL., N. helveticztm AcH., Physcia caesica (HOFFM.) H AMPE, I>. muscigena (AcH.) NY L., P. pulverz~lenta (SCHHEB.) H AMPE, P. stellaris (L.) NYL., Purmelia stenophylla (AcH.) D ~J RIETZ, P. olivacea (IJ.) NYI,., Soborina crocea (L.) Ac~i., Toninia coeruleonigricans (IJrcrr~~.) Tls. FR., Usnea ceratina AcH., and Xanthoria parietina (L.) BELTRAM. In acldition a smaller Himalayan element which is endemic in nature is exemplified by Gymn,oderma coccocarpum NY L., Cetraria ambiguu BAB., C. leucostignza LBv., C. thomsonii (STIRT.) M~~LI,. ARG., Physcia melunotricha AWASTHI, Ramalina subcomplanata NYL., Stereocaulon botryophorrcm M~~LL. ARG., S. foliolosum NYL., S. macrocephalum Mii~r,. ARG., S. piluliferzcm Tir. FR., Usnea hookeri MoT., U. cladonioides (NYL.) nu ~IETZ, U. pectinata TAYL., U. stirtoniana ZAHLBR., and U. thomsonii STIRT. A fourth type includes species which are almost cosmopolitan, circurn-polar, or pantropical. Examples of these are: Alectoricz jubata (L.) AcH., Cetraria islundica (L.) Ac~r., C. nivalis (L.) AcH., Cladonia rangiferina (L.) WEB., Lecanora rubina (VILL.) AcH., Rinodincz mniarea (AcH.) K~RB., Siphula ceratites (WAHI~ENB.) FR., and Thamnolia vermicularis (L.) SCHAER. as the circum-polar element; and Baecomyces roseus PERS., Caloplaca elegans (LINK.) TH. FR., Cludonia pyxidata (L.) FR., Dermatocarpon miniutum (L.) MAN N., Lobaria yulmonaria (L.) AcH., Parmelia cirrhata FR., P. conspersa ACII., P. tinctorurn DESPR., Peltigera canina ACII., P. horizontalis (HuDs.) BAUMG., and Physcia setosa (Acr.) NY L., representing an element cosmopolitan in distribution. An interesting feature is exhibited by the lichen flora of the remote sheltered parts in Western Himalayas where rainfall is meagre and altitudes high so that temperate xerophytic conditions prevail. Though insufficiently known so far, the lichens of the area show an affinity with the lichens occurring in the arid regions of Central China, drier parts of western Asia, arid regions of Rocky mountains in North America, and Peru in South America. The species which reflect this disjunct distribution are Acarospora strigata (NYL.) JATTA, A. br~llata ANZI, Glypholecia scabra (PERs.) M~~LL. ARG., Lecanora maculata H. MAGN., L. peltata (RAM.) STEUI)., Thyrea pulvinatu (SCHAER.) MASS., and Peccania hoegii AWASTHI (this Indian taxon is closely allied to P. coralloides MASS. occurring in the other areas). The lichens occurring in the foot-hills of the Himalayas, and in the subtropical parts of ~ndia, usually belong to the cosmopolitnn element and thus exhibit affinities with the lichens of tropical America and South-East Asia. Examples to support this are: Anaptychia diadenzatn (TAYL.) KIJROKAWA, Coccocarpin pellita (AcH.) Illij~,~. ARG., Nephromo tropicum (M~~LL. ARG.) ZAIILBR., Par~elia reticuluta TAYL., P. S~I~I-

15 laevigala NY I>., Phyllopsora paroifolia (I'ERs.) M UI,I~. ARG., Physcia aegialita (AcH.) NYL., P. picta (Sw.) NYI.., Pyxine berteriana (FBF;) IMSHAUG, P. COCO~S (SW.) NYL., 1'. sorediata (Aclr.) MONT., Pseudncyphelluria aurata (Ac~r.) VAIN., P. argyracea (Bony) VAIN., Noccella lnontagnei B ~L., Sticta juliginosu (DIC KS.) AcH., and Teloschistes flauicans (Sw.) NORM. Most of the examples given above are arnongst the foliose and fruticose forms on account of their exhaustive studies in all the arcas. The crustose element of the flora is either cosrnopolitan in distribution or apparently endemic due to insufficient explorations of them. SAX- TESSON'S monograph on the foliicolous lichens goes to prove this fact. The insular areas are well known to possess a high degree of endemicity in all their biological populations, and lichens do not seem to form an exception. On account of their peculiar biological nature, lichens are more plastic than any other group of plants. With the increase of our knowledge about their responses under diverse ecological and climatic conditions, it is very likely that a large number of the lichen taxa may prove to be minor modifications of the more widely occurring species and thereby get merged with them. It thus necessitates to view the taxonomy of lichens in perspective of the whole world rather than small geographic areas. Catalogue AC.4 ROS PO RA Mass. (Acarosporaceae) Acarospora bullata Anzi - CATAL. 5: Magnusson (1929, p. 359) ; Awasthi (1963, p. 32) N. W. Himalaya. Acarospora chlorophana (Wahlenb.) RIass. ; Magnusson (1929, p. 103) ; Paulson (1925, p. 192) Mt. Everest - nomencl. syn. of Acarospora flava (Bell.) Trevis. in CATAL. 5: *-4carospora indica (Mull. Arg.) Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. V, 1: (not seen) - CATAL. 5: ; Magnusson (1929, p. 373) hlanipur, a doubtful species of Acarospora; - Placodium indicum Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: hlanipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K. -4carospora schleicheri (Ach.) Mass. - CATAL. 5: ; Magnusson (1929, p. 77) - Poelt (1961, p. 88) N. W. Karakorum..4carospora smaragdaln (Wahlenb.) Mass. - CATAL. 5: ; Magnusson (1929, p. 139) - Paulson (1925, p. 192) Mt. Everest..4carospora strigcrta (Nyl.) Jatta - CATAL. 5: ; hlagnusson (1929, p. 207) - Awasthi (1963, p. 32) N. W. Himalaya.

16 Acarospora superans H. Magn. - Poelt (1961, p. 88) N. W. Karakorum. Acarospora tominiana H. Magn. - CATAL. 8: Poelt (1961, p. 88) N. W. Karakorum. Acarospora veronensis Mass. - CATAL. 5: ; Magnusson (1929, p. 191) - Paulson (1925, p. 192) Mt. Everest. A C R 0 S C Y PH US Lev. (Sphaerophoraceae) Acroscyphus sphaerophoroides Lev. - CATAL. 1 : Nylander (1860, p. 173) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 34) Himalaya. ALE CTO RIA Ach. (Usneaceae) Alectoria cfr. acanthodes Hue - Asahina (1955, p. 63) Nepal. Alectoria asiatica DuRietz, Arkiv for Bot. 20 A (11): Himalaya - CATAL. 6: Alectoria bicolor (Ehrh.) Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1860, p. 279) Himalayas. Alectoria jubata (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1860, p. 280) Himalayas; Hue (1892, p. 69) Himalaya. Alectoria jubata var. prolixa Ach. - CATAL. 6: Hue (1892, p. 86) Himalayas. Alectoria ochroleuca (Hoffm.) Mass. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1860, p. 281) Himalayas; Hue (1892, p. 69) Himalayas; DuRietz (1926, p. 23) Himalayas. *Alectoria spinosa Tayl. Hook. London Journ. Bot. 6: Nepal, leg. Wallich. Type in FH! - nomencl. syn. of Alectoria sulcata (Lev.) Nyl. in CATAL. 6: "Alectoria sulcata (Lkv.) Nyl. Mem. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbough 5: (not seen); Nylander (1860, p. 281) Nepal, Himalayas; Hue (1892, p. 67) Himalayas; Hue (1899, p. 91) India; DuRietz (1926, p. 19) Himalayas - CATAL. 6: Awasthi (1960, p. 176) Nepal; Awasthi (1961,p. 38) NEFA; - Corlzicularia sulcata L6v. in Jacq. Voyage l'inde, Bot , p. 179 (not seen). "Alectoria oirens Tayl. Hook. London Journ. Bot. 6: Sheopore, leg. Wallich. Type in FH!; Nylander (1860, p. 283) Himalaya; Miill. Arg. (2891, p. 373) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 70) Himalaya; Hue (1899, p. 96) Nepal, Himalaya; DuRietz (1926, p. 19) H' laya - CATAL. 6: Asahina (1955, p. 62) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 37) NEFA.

17 A N A PT Y CH IA Korb. (Physciaceae) Anaptychia aquila (Ach.) Mass. - nomencl. syn. of Anaptychia fusca (Huds.) Vain. in CATAL. 7: and in Kurokawa (1962, p. 16); - Physcia aquila (Ach.), Hue (1892, p. 112) Himalaya. * ilnaptychia albidifzava Kurokawa, Beihefte "Nova Iledwigia," Hefte 6: Darjeeling, E. Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw.! rlnaptychia angustiloba (Mull. Arg.) Kurokawa (1962, p. 39) Nepal; - Physcia speciosa v. angustiloba hlull. Arg., Jatta (1905, p. 177) N. W. Himalay a ;- il naplychia speciosa v. angustiloba (Jliill. Arg.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 7: *Anaptychia awasthii Kurokawa, Beihefte zur "Nova IIedwigia,ll Hefte 6: Tiger hill, Darjeeling, Himalayas, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw!. *Anaptychia barbifera (Nyl.) Trevis. var. setigera (Stirt.) Zahlhr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: ;- Physcia barbifera v. setigera Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 10: Kumaon, Himalaya, leg.? Type in GLAM - not cited in Kurokawa (1962). Anaptychia ciliaris (L.) Korb. - CATAL. 7: Awasthi (1960b, p. 433) Kashmir; - Physcia ciliaris (L.) DC., Jatta (1905, p. 176) N. W. Himalaya - taxon not recorded from Himalaya in Kurokawa (1962)..4naptychia comosa (Eschw.) hlass. - CATAL. 7: Jatta (1911, p. 311) Sikkim; Awasthi (1960b, p. 434) Himalayas; Kurokawa (1962, p. 103) Himalaya; - Physcia conzosa (Eschw.), h'ylander (1900, p. 9) Ceylon. Anaptychia corallophorn (Tayl.) Vain. - CATAL. 7: Snlith (1931, p. 132) Himalaya; Chopra (1934, p. 80) Himalaya; Awasthi (1960b, p. 417) Himalayas and S. India; Kurokawa (1962, p. 62) - taxon not reported from Indian subcontinent. The specimens cited by Awasthi (1. c.) annotated to Snaptychia isidiophora (Nyl.) Vain. by Kurokawa. *Anaptychia coronata Kurokawa, Beihefte zur "Nova Hedwigia," Hefte 6: Darjeeling, E. Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in -4w. Anaptychia dendritica (Pers.) Vain. - CATAL. 7: Chopra (1934, p. 80) Himalayas ; -,-l lzaptychia dendritica var. dendritica, Kurokawa (1962, p. 54) Himalayas. Anaptychia detonsa (Fr.) Jatta - nomencl. syn. of,-lnaptychia palmulata (Michx) Vain. in CATAL. 7 : ; Kurokawa (1962, p. 17) not recorded from Himalaya; - Physcin detonsn (Fr.), Jatftfa (1905, p. 178) N. W. Himalaya.

18 *-lnap~ychia diadernatu ('Tayl.) Kurokawa, Beihefte zur "Nova IIedwigia," HeTtc 6 : Ilirnalayas, and Ceylon ; - I'trrrrrelic~ diudernattz Tayl. IIook. 1,oncIon Journ. Bot. 6: /17. Ncpal, leg. Wallich. Type in FH!; - ilnuptycahiu hypoleuca v. diudcnrutw (Tayl.) Zatrlhr. - CATA\],. 7: Hiie (2H99, 1). 113) India; Awast hi (196013, p. 428) IIimalayas. * 4nuptychicz dicidenttsta f. 61*achylobu (Rliill. Arg.) liuroltawa, Beiliefte zur "Nova Hetlwigia," I-Iefte 6: Himalayas; - Physcitl speciosa var. cinerascens f. bruchyloba Miill. Arg. Flora 73: Iihasi hills, leg. Griffith. Type in G; - Alnaptychia esor.ediata f. brclchylobu (Rliill. Arg.) Awasthi (1960b, p. 422) I-Iin~alaya. -1naptychia dissecta Kurokawa var. dissecta, Kurokawa (1962, p. 38) Himalayas. ;I naptychia dissectu var. koyana Kurokawa (1962, p. 39) N. W. Himalaya. Anaptychia esorediata (Vain.) DuHietz et 1,yng-e - CATAL Awasthi (1960b, p. 421) Himalayas, Nepal, and South India - nomencl. syn. of Anaptychia diadenzatu (Tayl.) Kurokawa by Kurokawa (1962, p. 28). Specimens cited by Awaslhi (1.c.) annotated to Anaptychiu diadematu by Iiurokawa. * Anaptychiu fir~mula (Nyl.) Dodge et Awasthi in Awasllii, Journ. Indian Bot. Soc. 39: Himalayas; Kurokawa (1962, p. 40) Elimalayas; - Physcia firmula Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Himalaya, leg. Hooker and Thomson. Type in H - Stirton (1876, p. 157) Kumaon; Hue (1892, p. 110) Himalayas - CATAJJ. 7: Anuplychiu flabellata (Fee) Mass., Kurokawa (1962, p. 52) N.W. Himalaya, South India and Ceylon - nomencl. syn. of 11 naptychia hypoleuca (Muhlenb.) Mass. in CATAL. 7: Anaptychia galactophylla (Tuck.) Trevis. - CATAL. 7: Hue (1900 b, p. 236) South India, Nilgiri. Taxon not reported from India by Kurokawa (1962). * Anuptychiu himalayensis Awasthi, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 45 B : Askote, N. W. Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw - Awasthi (1960b, p. 435) Himalayas; Kurokawa (1962, p. 87) Himalayas. Anaptychiu hypocaesia Yasuda, Klirokawa (1962, p. 57) Himalayas, and South India. Anaptychia hypoleuca (hluhlenh.) Mass. - CATAL. 7: Nylander (1900, p. 9) Ceylon; Smith (1931, p. 132) Himalaya; hloreau (1952, p. 143) South India, Palni hills; Awasllii (196013,

19 p. 427) South India. 'l'axon not rcportecl Prom India Ily Kurokawa (1962). Specin~ens cited in Awasthi (I. c.) annotatrd Lo d naplyvhia dendritica by Kurokawa ;- IJhysciu h,t]l)oleuca,.latla (1!)05, p. 177) N.W. liirnalaya; - ljsercdophysciu hy}~oler~cu, Ilue (IYo()b, p. 256) South India; Jalla (1911, p. 311 ) llirnalaya. '4 nuptychiu hypoleuca var. fulu~scens Vain. - CATAI,. 7 : 727. l!j:jl - nomencl. syn. of Anup/ychic~ jlahellatu (Fkc) Mass. in Kurokawa (1962, p. 52) -Awasthi (1!9601), p. 429) llirnalayas. Specimens citcd by Awasthi (1. c.) annot,aterl to A naplychia dendritica (Pers.) Vain. by Kurokawa. *..I naptychia incanu (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. I 'niv. 7 : ; Awasthi (1960b, p. 438) Himalayas; Kurolcawa (1962, p. 92) Ilimalayas, Nepal, and S. India; - Physcia incana Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Darjeeling, leg. Thomson. Type in BM, GLAhI. *.-inaptychia indica H. Jlagn. in Awasthi, Journ. Indian Bot. Soc. 39: Darjeeling, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw - Kurokawa (1962, p. 102) Darjeeling. ;Inaptychia isidiophora (Nyl.) Vain., Kurokawa (1962, p. 33) Himalayas, and South India; - =Inuptychiu speciosa f. isidiophora (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 7: Moreau (1952, p. 143) South India; Awasthi (1960b, p. 419) Himalayas..4 lzaptychia ka,spica Gyel. - CATAL. 10 : Kurokawa (1962, p. 15) Kashmir. Anaptychia leucomelaena (I,.) Mass. f. albociliata (Nyl.) I-Iue - CATAL. 7: Kurokawa (1962, p. 76) South India..,lnaptychia ler~comelaena var. angustifolia (hley. et Flot.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 7: Awasthi (1960 b. p ) Himalayas; - Physcia leucomela v. angustifolia, N ylander (1860, p. 415) H imalayas; - Physcia anguslifolia, Hue (1892, p. 194) Himalayas - taxon nomencl. syn. of '4 naptychia leucomelaena (L.) Jiass. in Kurokawa (1962, p. 74) - specimens cited by Awasthi (1.c.) annotated to Anaptychia neoleucomelaena Kurokawa, by Kurokawa. -4 naplychia lertcomelaena (L.) Mass. f. leucomelnena, Kurokawa (1962, p ) India; - Anaptychin lertcomelaena (L.) Mass., Hue (1900b, p. 256) South India; Jatta (1911, p. 311) Sout,h India; Smith (1931, p. 132) Himalayas; CATAL. 7: ; Awasthi (1960b, p. 429) South India; - Parntelia lerccomela Ach., Montagne (1842, p. 19) South India; - Ph,yscia ler~comela, Nylander (1900, p. 9) Ceylon.

20 A naptychia leuconlelaena var. multifida (hley. et Flot.) Vain. - CATAI,. 7 : Miill. Arg. (1895, p. 194) Himalaya; Moreau (1952, p. 143) Palni hills - taxon nomencl. syn. of Anaptychia leucomelaenu (L.) Mass. in Kurokawa (1962, p. 74). *,4naptychia leucomelaena var. soredobullata Awasthi, Journ. Indian Bot. Soc. 39: Darjeeling, Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw - taxon nomencl. syn. of Anaptychia neolelicomelaena Kurokawa by Kurokawa (1962, p. 77). * Anaptychia neoleucomelaena Kurokawa, Journ. Jay. Bot. 36 : Jamnotri, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw; - Anaptychia neoleucomelaena f. neoleucomelaena Kurokawa (1962, p ) Himalayas, and South India. Anaptychia neoleucomelaena f. sorediosa (Jatta) Kurokawa (1961, p. 53; and 1962, p. 79) Himalaya; - Anaptychia leucomelaena v. sorediosa (Jatta) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 7 : Awasthi (1960 b, p. 432) Himalaya. Anaptychia neoleucomelaena f. squarrosa (Vain.) Kurokawa (1962, p. 78) India. Anaptychia obscurata (Nyl.) Vain. - CATAL. 7 : Kurokawa (1962, p. 49) Himalayas. *Anuptychia pellucida Awasthi, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 45 B: Darjeeling, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw - Awasthi (1960b, p. 434) Himalayas; Kurokawa (1962, p. 93) Himalayas. Anaptychia psdocarpa (Be].) Mass. - CATAL. 7 : ; Kurokawa (1962, p. 86) - Mull. Arg. (1895, p. 194) Himalaya; Hue (1899, p. 109) India; Smith (1931, p. 132) Sikkim; Chopra (1934, p. 77) Himalaya; Awasthi (1960b, p ) Himalayas and Nepal; - Parmelia podocarpa Bel., Montagne (1842, p. 19) South India; - Physciu podocarpa, Jatta (1905, p. 176) Himalayas - taxon not reported from India by Kurokawa (1962). Specimens cited by Awasthi (1. c.) annotated to pr. p. Anaptgchia awasthii and pr. p. A. incana by Icurokawa. Anuptychia psendospeciosa Kurokawa (1962, p ) Himalayas. Anaptychia pseudospeciosa var. tremulans (Mull. Arg.) Kurokawa (1962, p ) South India; - Pser~dophyscia speciosa v. tremnlans Mull. Arg. (1895, p. 195) Himalayas. * Anaptychia punctiferu Kuroltawa, Beihefte zur "Nova Hedwigia," Hefte 6: Nepal, and Himalayas, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw.


22 * &-1 naptychicz speciosa var. imhricata (Jatta) Zahlbr. Cat. 1,ich. Crniv. 7: ;- Physcia speciosa v. inihricnta Jatta, Malpighia 19: Mussoorie, N. W. Himalaya, leg. Arriar Singll. Type in NAP. Taxon not recordetl in Kurokawa (1962). Anaplychi~z speciosa f. pulvinigera Mull. Arg. - CATAI,. 7: ; - Physcia speciosa v. cinerascens f. pulvinigera Mull. Arg. (1890, p. 340) Naga hills - nomcncl. syn. of Anaptychin pseudospeciosa var. tremulnns (Mull. Arg.) Kurokawa (1962, p ). llnaptychia speciosa f. sorediosa (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 7: ; - Pseudophyscia speciosa f. sorediosa Miill. Arg., Hue (1900b, p. 256) Nilgiri hills - nomencl. syn. of -4naptychia pseudospeciosa v. tremulans (Mull. Arg.) in Kurokawa (1962, p. 26). *Anaptychia togashii ICurokawa, Beihefte zur "Nova Hedwigia," Helte 6: Sikkim, leg. Togashi. Type in TI, US. il N TII R-4 15'0 THE CI U M Hampe (Pyrenulaceae) Anthracothecium americanum (Ach.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 1 : ; - Verrucaria analepta v. americana Ach., Belanger (1838, p. 143) Peninsular India. * ilnthracothecium andamanicum (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. Linnaea 63 : (not seen) - CATAL. 1: ; - Verrucaria andamanica Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. Hue (1892, p. 287) Andaman. "Anthrncothecirim (?) aaoistum (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. J,ich. Univ. 1 : ; - 17errucaria anoista Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAlI. ('j nthrncothec~um) aspistea (FPe);- Ve~nrucariaspistea (Fee), Leigliton (1869, p. 184) Ceylon; Nylander (1873, p. 183) Antlaman - nomencl. syn. of A nthrncothecium lihricolum (FPe) hiull. Arg. in CATAL. 1 : Inthrucotheciuni borbonicum (Nyl.) hlull. Arg. - CATAI,. 1 : ; - Verrucaria borbonica Nyl., ],eighton (1869, p. 183) Ceylon. -4 nthracothecium denridatrim (Kyl.) Xliill. Arg. - CATAI,. 1 : ; - Verrrrcaria denrrdata Nyl., Nylantl~r (1873, p. 180) Andaman; IIue (1892, p. 292) Andaman, Ceylon; Nylarirler (1000, p. 25) Ceylon - non~encl. syn. of zl nthrcrcotlzecirrm pc~rvinrrclerrnz (Illey. el Flot.) in CATAI,. 1 : !)22..lathracotheciun~ duplicnris (Nyl.) hiull. Arg. - CATrll,. 1 : ; - I'err~~carin driplzcans Nyl., 1,eight on (1869, p. 18'1) Ceylon.

23 *.?l nthmcothecium emergens (laeight..) Zahlbr. Cat. IAir.h. I 'niv. 1 : ; - Verrucaria emergens Leight. 'l'raris. ],inn. Soc. 1,ontlon 27: Ceylon, leg. l'hwaites. Type in (1') - not seen at ,~4nthracothecium epapillatum (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. I: ; - Verrucaria epapillata Nyl., Nylander (1000, p. 24) Ceglon. *.4NTliRACOTHECI HI Mi1 LA YENS'E (Riis.) Co~nh. nov. ; - Botturia (Anthracotheciurn) himalayensis Has. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Darjeeling, Icg. Awasthi. Type in H ; isotype in Aw. *.4nthracothecium interponens (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. Bull. Soc. Hot. Belgique 30: (not seen) - CATAI,. 1: ; - I'errucaria interponens Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. S. Kurz. Type in H!. Hue (1892, p. 288) Andaman. ilnthracothecium libricolum (Fee) Miill. Arg. - C.4TAL. 1: ; - Verrucaria libricola (Fee), Nylander (1867, p. 8) Calcutta; Stirton (1876, p. 159) Calcutta; Hue (1892, p. 288) Ceylon. *Anthracothecium luteonitens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucaria luteonitens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H. *-4nthracothecium manipurense Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 1 : Anthracotheciurn paramerum (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. - C.4TAL. 1 : ; - Verrucnria paramera Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 24) Ceylon. *A4nthracotheci~tm thu'aitesii (Leight.) Mull. Arg. Linnaea 63: (not seen) - CATAL. 1: ; - I-errrrcariu th(4nclitesii Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon. leg. l'hwaites. Type in Bill!. Anthracothecir~nz varioloszzn~ (Pers.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 1: hlull. Arg. (1892. p. 231) Alanipur; Smith (1931, y. 128) Darjeeling ; Chopra (1934, p. 15) Himalaya ;- 1-errrtcnrin cwriolosu (Pers.), Leighton (1869, p. 183) Ceylon.,4 11'21.4 Stiz. (Parrneliaceae) *.inzicz physoiden A.L.Smith, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 16: Himalaya, Darjeeling, leg. Chopra. Type in BJI. Chopra (1934, p. 61) Darjeeling; A4wasihi (1961, p. 34) NEF.4.

24 -4 R TI-ION I A (Ach.) Zahlbr. (Art,honiaceae) Arthonia antillarr~rn (Fke) Nyl. - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1867, p. 7) Calcutta; Hue (1892, p. 261) Calcutta. *.$rthonia arctata Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in GLAM - CATAL. 2 : *&-lrthonia catenatlila Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andarnans, leg. S. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 260) Andamans - CATAI,. 2: rthonia cinnabarina (DC.) Wallr. - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1867, p. 7) Calcutta; Leighton (1869, p. 180) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 259) Calcutta; Nylander (1900, p. 19) Ceylon. *Arthonia cinnabarina f. comitata Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: India, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM! - CATAL. 2: Arthonia cinnabarina var. opegraphina (Ach.) Leight. - CATAL. 2: ; - Arthonia opegraphina (Ach.), Nylander (1900, p. 19) Ceylon. Arthonia cinnabarina var. violacea (Chev.) 'Nyl. - CATAL. 2: Stirton (1876, p. 157) Calcutta. *.4rthonia circurnalbicans Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H! - CATAL. 2: *,4rthonia collectiva Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assanl, leg. A. Watt. Type in GLAM - CATAL. 2: ,-l rthonia dispersula Nyl. - CATAL. 2 : Nylander (1900, p. 19) Ceylon. *Arthonia impolitella Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H! - CATAL. 2: *Arthonia i~lconspiczca Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GLARI - CATAL. 2: Arthonia leprariella Nyl. - CATAL. 2: Hue (1892, p. 264) India. *Arthoizia lirnitata Nyl. in Hue, Nouv. Arch. hlus. 111, 3: Ceylon, leg. Gardener. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 262) Ceylon - CATAL. 2: lrthonia medltsula (Pers.) Nyl. - CATAL. 2: ; - Opegraplzn rnedusrrla Pers., Belanger (1838, p. 336) Peninsular India...lrthonia obscura Ach., Belanger (2838, p. 132) I'eninsular India - taxon nomencl. syn. of A-Irthonia rer~i/orrnis (Pers.) Rdhl. in CATAI,. 2:

25 *,-I rthor~ia pellea Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. 1,ondon 27 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!; Willey (1890, p. 48) Ceylon ; Nylander (1900, p. 20) Ceylon - CATAL. 2: 73. 1'323. drthonia polymorpha Ach. - CATAL. 2: hliill. Arg. (1892, p. 228) Manipur. clrthonia propinqua Nyl. - CATAL. 2: Iiue (1892, p. 266) Ceylon. Arthonia radiata (Pers.) Ach. var. swartziana (Ach.) Almq. - CATAL. 2: ; - Arthonia astroidea v. swartziana (Ach.), Nylander (1867, p. 8) Calcutta; Hue (1892, p. 267) Calcutta. *.4rthonia ravida Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GIJAM - CATAL. 2: *:lrthonia recedens Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G. Watt. Type BM!, GLAM - CATAJJ. 2: *-4rthonia rubiginella Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almq~iist. Type in S, H - CATAL. 2: *.+lrthonia simplicascens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H - CATAL. 2: *-drthonia simplicnta Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H - CATAL. 2: *-4rthonia subgyrosa Nyl. Flora 52: Bengal, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 267) Bengal- CATAL. 2: *-4rthonia subvelata Nyl. Flora 52: Bengal, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 267) Bengal- CATAIJ. 2 : *=lrthonia translucens Stirt,. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAXl - CATAL. 2: I rthonia varia (Ach.) N yl. var. stenographella (Nyl.) - CATAL. 2 : ; - Arthonia stenographella NyI., Ky Iander (1900, p. 19) Ceylon..1 R TH 0 :Y I0 PS IS Miill. Arg. (Art honiaceae) *.4rthoniopsis plzyllosyili~n (IVyI.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. t'niv. 2: ; -.-irthonicr phy'llospilizn ATyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist,. Type in S, UPS, H - Santesson (1952, p ) - "to be rejected as nomen dubium."

26 -1 1 THO P YREN If1 (Mass.) hliill. Arg. (Pyrenulaceae) *.irthopyrenia alboatrcc. (Krlempelh.) Rliill. Arg. Flora GG: Calcutta - CATAL. 1: ; - Verrucaricl ulboatrct Krempelh. in Nyl. I'lora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; I-lue (1892, p. 295) Calcutta.,Irthopyt-enia analeptu (Ach.) Mass. - CATAL. 1: ; - T'errucuria anczlepta (Ach.), Belanger (1838, p. 143) Peninsular India. *.4rthopyt*enia ceylonensis (Mass.) Mull. Arg. Flora 66: Ceylon - CATAL. 1 : ; - Dactyloblastus ceylonensis Mass. Atti I. R. Istit. Veneto 111, 5: Ceylon, leg. I'. Type (?) - (not seen) ; - Verrucariu ceylonensis (Mass.), Leighton (1869, p. 182) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 297) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 24) Ceylon. *i4rthopyrenia cinefaciens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - T~errucaria cinefaciens Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normancl. 11, 7: Andamans, leg. Icurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 295) Andamans. iirthopyrenia majuscula (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 1: ; - Verrucaria majuscula Nyl., Nylander (1867, p. 8) Calcutta. *Arthopyrenia nidulans Mull. Arg. Flora 68: Ceylon, leg. Nieter. Type in G - CATAL. 1 : "Arthopyrenicz nieteriana Mull. Arg. Flora 66: Ceylon, leg. Nieter. Type in G - CATAL. 1 : "Arthopyrenia planorbella (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucaria planorbella Ny1. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andanlans, leg. Kurz. Type in I1!; Hue (1892, p. 297) Andamans. *,lrthopyrenia sribnera (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. Hedwigia 30: CATAL. 1: ; - Verrucaria subne.ra Nyl. B1111. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Huc (1892, p. 295) Andaman. *rirthopyreniu terminata (Nyl.) hlull. Arg. Flora 73: CATAL. 1 : ; - Verrrrcaria terminczta Nyl. Hull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7 : Andarnans, leg. Iiilrz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 295) Andamans. 11 H THO THLLI U ilf Mass. (Arthoniaceae) Arthothelium czbnorme (Ach.) Miill. Arg. - CATAT,. 2: ; -.-lrthonia abnormis (Ach.), Npland~r (1867, p. 7) Cnlciltta; 1311~ (1892, p. 265) Calcutta.

27 * Arthothelium abnorme var. insitrtrn (Stirt.) Zahlhr. Cat. I,ich. IJniv. 2: ; - Arthonia abrzormis * insita Stirt. ]'roc.. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11 : India, leg. G. M'att. 'Type in Uhl!, C;I,AM. Arthothelium unastomo,suns (Ach.) Arn.; - Ilrthoniu anustonlosurzu (Ach.), Nylander (1900, p. 20) Ceylon - non~encl. syn. of Arthothelium dispersum (DC.) Mudd. in CATAL. 2: *Arthothelium bessale (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. 1,ich. I'niv. 2: ; - Arthonia bessalis Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Norrnand. 11, 7: Andamans, leg. Kurz. Type in Ii!; Hue (1892, p. 268) Andarnan. *Arthothelium chiodectoides (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. 1,ich. I-niv. 2: ; - Arthonia chiodectoides Nyl. Flora 52: Bengal, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 264) Bengal. *Arthothelium erumpens Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - taxon not recorded in CATAL. *Arthothelium nemorale (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. L-niv. 2: ; - Arthonia nemoralis Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BJI!, GLAM. * Arthothelium pycnocarpoides Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 2: Arthothelium spectabile (Flot.) Mass. - CATAL. 2: Moreau (1952, p. 136) Palni hills; - Arthonia spectabilis (Flot.), Nylander (1900, p. 20) Ceylon. *,-irthothelii~m sr~biliciniim (1,eight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. I-niv. 2: ; - Arthonia subilicina Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BlI!. * Arthothelium sicbverzosrrm (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. I'niv. 2 : ; -,-lrthonia sr~bvenosn Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. 1,ondon 2'7 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bl1!. *,-IS TE KIS TIOX Leight. (Byssolornaceae) *Asteristi012 erumpens Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. Londor~ 2'7: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bf\l!; Nylander (1900, y. 18) Ceylon - CATAL. 2: A-1 S THO THE LI U Eschw. (Astrot heliaceae) *Astr-otkeliurn ja1la.r 3lull. -4rg. Bot. Jahrbuch 6: 3S Ceylon (not seen) - CATAL. 3 : ; - Trypetk~lirrnl pcrllescens Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites - (non Fke).

28 -4 U LA,Y I Nrl Fee (Graphidaceae) *,-I ulaxina. ~cniseptata R. Sant. Symbol. Bot. Upsal. 12 : Assam, leg. Kanjilal. Type in UPS. B.4 CI L) IL1 Zahlbr. (Lecideaceae) Bacidia alpina (Schaer.) Vain. - CATAL. 4: Poelt (1961, p. 87) N. W. I<arakorum. *B,4CIDIi1-4MERICANA var. LIVIDONIGRICANS (Mull. Arg.) Comb. nov. ; - Patellaria americana var. lividor~igricans Miill. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K - taxon not recorded in CATAL. * Bacidia chinsurensis (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: ; - Lecidea chinsurensis Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G. Watt. Type in GLAM, BM. * Bacidia convezula (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Tlniv. 4: ; - Patellaria convexula Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G. Bacidia fuscorubella (Hofl'm.) Bausch - CATAL. 4: ; - Lecidea luteola * fuscorubella (Hoffm.), Nylander (1869, p. 170) Bengal; Hue (1892, p. 201) India. Bacidia hicnana Zahlbr., A. L. Smith (1931, p. 129) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 35) Darjeeling - CATAL. 8: * Bacidia hunana var. rugosa A. L. Smith, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 16 : 129. i931. Darjeeling, leg. Chopra. Type in?; Chopra (1934, p. 35) Darjeeling - CATAL. 10: * Bacidia incongruens (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: ; - Lecidea ilzcongricens Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Assam, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. Bucidia lar~rocerasi (Del.) Vain. - CA4TAL. 4: ; - Lecidea endoleuca v. laurocerasi Del., Nylander (1900, p. 15) Ceylon. Bacidia lzcteoln (Schrad.) Mutld. - CATAL,. 4: ; - Patellaria lrcteola (Schrad.), Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 223) Manipur; A.L.Smith (1931, p. 129) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 36) Ilarjeeling. Bacidia rnedialis (Tuck.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 4: ; - Lecidcc~ medinlis Tuck., Nylander (1867, p. 5) Calcutta; Hue (1892, p. 203) Calcutta. Bacidia naegelii (Hepp) Zahlbr. - CATAI,. 4: ; - Leciden nuegelii Hepp, Nylancler (1!400, p. 32) Ceylon.

29 Bacidia pallidocarnea (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr. - CATAI,. 4: Santesson (1952, p. 444) Ceylon. Bacidia pelidniza (Nyl.) Oliv.; - Lecidea pelidniza Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 15) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. sy11. of Bacidiu urnbrir~u v. turgida (Korb.) Th. Fr. in CATAI,. 4: Bacidia personatu Malme - CATAL. 10: Awasthi (1963, p. 30) Kodaikanal. * Bacidia phaeolomoides (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. l'niv. 4: ; - Patellaria phaeolomoides Mull. Arg. Flora 67 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in G. * Bacidia propinquellu (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Iich. Univ. 4: ; - Lecidea propinquella Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 203) Calcutta. Bacidin rosella (Pers.) DeNot. - CATAL. 4: Awasthi (1963, p. 30) N. \V. Himalaya. * Bacidia rufescens (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat,. Lich. Univ. 4: ; - Patellaria rufescens Riull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G. Bacidia scitula (Tuck.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 4: ; - Lecidea scitrcla Tuck., Nylander (1900, p. 14) Ceylon. Bacidia spadicea (Ach.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 4: ; - Lecidea spadicea Ach., Nylander (1867, p. 5) Calcutta; Hue (1892, p. 201) Calcutta; Nylander (1900, p. 15) Ceylon. * Bacidin subann.exa (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Unir. 4: ; - Lecidea sicbannexa Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H. * Bacidia submedialis (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: ; - Lecidea submediulis Nyl. Acka Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H. Bd E 0 Ad YCE S Pers. (Cladoniaceae) Baeomyces erythrellzcs (Alont..) Nyl. - CATAL. 4: Erronously reported from "India Orientalis" in CATAL. The original references cited refer it t,o tropical America. Baeomyces fungoides Ach. - CATAL. 4 : Mull. Arg. (1895, p. 194) Darjeeling; Hue (1892, p. 237) India. Baeomyces icmndophilrcs Nyl. ; - see Icmadophila ericetorrun (L.) Zahlbr.

30 * 13aeomyces pachypus Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1 : Iiirnalaya, leg. Hooker and Thon~son. Type in li, K; Hue (1892, p. 35) India; Hue (1898, p. 237) India - CATAL. 4 : Bueorrryces roseus I'ers. - CATAJJ. 4: A. L.Smith (1931, p. 129) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 39) Darjeeling, Himalaya. Uaeonlyces rrz/us (Huds.) Habenh. - CATAL. 4: Leighton (1869, p. 463) Ceylon. *Rileorr/yces sorediifer Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. illmquist. Type in S, H - CATAL. 4 : B I-4 TO RE LLA Th. Fr. (Acarosporaceae) Bicrtorella conspersa (Fee) \lain. - CATAIJ. 5: ; - Lecideci conspersa Fee, Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 22.1) hlanipur. Bintorella lestr~dinea (Ach.) Rfass. - CATAIJ. 5: ; - Sporastatia testrldinea (Ach.) Riass., Poelt (1961, p. 88) N.W. Karakorum. R LA S TEN IA Mass. (Caloplacaceae) * Blustenia brebissonii (Fee) Mull. Arg. var. subdecadens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: 4G. 1931; - Lecanorn brebissonii v. subdecudens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H. * Rlrxstenia nigrocinctella (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. L,ich. IIniv. 7: ;- Lecanora nigrocinctella Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H. * BL.4S TENI'4 0 RISSEA'SIS (Ik.) Comb. nov.; - Callopisnza (Blastenia) orissense Rcis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Orissa, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw. * Blastenin poliotera (Nyl.) Alull. Arg. Linnaea 63: (not seen) - CATAL. 7: ; - Lecanora poliotera Nyl. Flora 52: Bengal, leg. Kurz. Type in I-I!; Hue (1892, p. 133) Bengal. BOMB YLIOS PO RA DeNot. (Caloplacaceae) * Bombyliospora coccodes (Bd.) Mass. Atli I. K. Istit. Veneto 111, 5: (not seen) - CATAI,. 7: ; - Parmelia coccodes Bel. Voyage Ind. Orient. 2: Peninsular India, leg. Belanger. Type in? ; Hue (1892, p. 198) India. Bombyliospora domingensis (Pers.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 7: ; - Lecanorn domingensis Ach., Nylander (1869, p. 70) Bengal; Hue (1892, p. 135) Bengal; - Lecidea dorningensis (Pers.), Leighton (1869, p. 173) Ceylon.

31 * flombyliospora leprolyta (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. 1,ich. I Jniv. 7: ; - I,ecanora leprolyta Nyl. Flora 52: Bengal, leg. Kl~rz. Type in I-I!; Hue (1892, p. 135) Bengal; - t'atellaria leprolyta (Nyl.), Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 222) Xlanipnr. Bombyliospora tuberculosa (FCe) Mass. - CATAIA. 7: Jatta (1911, p. 312) Malabar; Moreau (1952, p. 141) I'alni hills. B U E LLI,4 DeNot. (Buelliaceae) Ruellia aethalea (Ach.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 7: Awasthi (1963, p. 35) N. W. Himalaya. * Buellia aggrediens (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Llniv. 7: : - Lecidea aggrediens Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. "Buellia alboatrior (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: ; - Lecidea alboatrior Nyl. Flora 52: Bengal, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 227) Bengal; - Uiplotomrnu alboatrior (Nyl.). Jatta (1902, p. 12) Bilaspur. Buellia canescelzs (Dicks.) DeNot. - CATAL. 7: Hue (1892, p. 221) India. *Buellia ceylanensis Zahlbr. Denks. math. naturv. class ICais. Akad. Wiss. Wien 88: Ceylon, leg. Rechinger. Type in \V - CATAL. 7: * Buellia diorista (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: ; - Lecidea diorista Nyl. Flora 52: Bengal, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 222) Bengal. Bzsellia disciformis (Fr.) hludd. - CATAL. 7: loreau (1952, p. 142) Palni hills; - Lecidea discijormis Fr., Leighton (1869, p. 173) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 16) Ceylon; - Buellia parasenta v. disciformis (Fr.), Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 223) Rfanipur. Buellia epipoliu (Ach.) Mong. - CATAL. 7: ; - Rhizocarporl alboutrr~m v. epipolia, A.L.Smith, Paulson (1925, p. 193) Jlt Everest. *Buellia flavella hlull. Arg. Hedwigia 32: Bombay, leg.?. Type in M - CATAL. 7: Buellia geophila (Floerke) Lynge, Awasthi (1963, p. 35) Nepal - taxon nomencl. syn. of Brtellia i~tsignis v. geophila (Floerke) Th. Fr. in CATAL. 7: *Bnellia inornata (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: ; - Lecidea inornatn Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt,. Type in Bhl!, GLAXl.

32 Buellia insignis (Naeg.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 7: ; - Buellin disciformis v. insignis Naeg. Moreau (1952, p. 140) Palni hills. Buellia leptocline (Flot.) Korb. - CATAL. 7: ; - Leciden leptocbinis Flot., Hue (1892, p. 226) Bengal. * Buellia lycopodinn (Mont.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: ("species dubium") ; - Lecidea lycopodina hlont. Ann. Sci. Nat. I I, 17: Nilgiri, leg. Perrottet. Type in?. * Buellia montana H. Magn. Bot. Notiser 2: Nainital, leg. Mehra. Type in Herb. Magnusson. Buellia myriocarpa (DC.) DeNot.; - Lecidea myriocarpa DC., Nylander (1900, p. 16) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Buellia punctata (Hoffm.) Mass. in CATAL. 7: * Buellia nubiloides Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: ; - Lecideu nzcbila Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H - (non Norm.). Buellia pnpillata (Sommerf.) Tuck. - CATAL. 7: Awasthi (1963, p. 35) Nepal. Buellia prclchella (Schrad.) Tuck. - CATAL. 7: Awasthi (1963, p. 36) Nepal. * Bzcellia pusillula (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: ; - Lecidea pusilllcla Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10) Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H. Buellia stellulata (Tayl.) Mudd. - CATAL. 7: Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 223) Manipur. Buellia triphragmia (Nyl.) Arn. ; - Lecidea triphragmia Nyl., Nylander (1867, p. 5) Calcutta; Stirton (1876, p. 159) Calcutta; Hue (1892, p. 225) Calcutta; Nylander (1900, p. 16) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Brcellia lar~ricassiae (Fee) Mull. Arg. in CATAL. 7: Buellia verruclclosa (Sm.) hludd. f. ferruginosa (Nyl.) Zah1br.-CATAI,. 7: ; - Lecidea ocellata f. ferrrcginosa Nyl., Hue (1892, p. 224) Himalaya. B Y SSO LO MA Trevis. (Byssolomaceae) Byssoloma leucoblepharum (Nyl.) Vain. em. H. Santesson (1952, p ) Assam - nomencl. syn. of Byssoloma tricholomrcm (Mont.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 8: Byssoloma rotuliforme (Miill. Arg.) R. Santesson (1952, ) Ceylon - syn. of Baciclin rotuliformis (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr. in CATAIJ. 4:

33 * B Y SSO PIIHAG M I A Choisy (Affinity not known) *Byssophragmia monospora Choisy, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 78: Madura, Kodaikanal, leg. Foreau. Type in? - CATAI.,. 8: CALI CI U M Pers. (Caliciaceae) Calicium quercinum Pers., Nylander (1900, p. 4) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Calicium lenticulare (Hoflm.) Fr. in CATAI,. 1: CA LO PLA CA Th. Fr. (Caloplacaceae) *CALOPLACA ALMORENSIS (Has.) Comb.nov.; - Callopisma almorense Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Almora, N. W. Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw. Caloplaca aurantiaca (Lightf.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 7: Hue (1892, p. 131) India; - Lecanoru aurantiaca, Nylander (1867, p. 4) Calcutta; - Callopisma aurantiaca, Jatta (1902, p. 12) India. Caloplaca bullata (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 7: Poelt (1961, p. 91) N. W. Karakorum. Caloplaca cerina (Ehrh.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 7: Poelt (1961, p. 91) N. W. Karakorum. Caloplaca cerina var. cyanolepra (DC.) Kickx - CATAL. 7: ; - Callopisma cerinum v. cyanolepra Fr., Jatta (1905, p. 181) Mussoorie. Caloplaca cerilza var. stillicidiorum (Vahl) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 7: Awasthi (1963, p. 34) Kashmir. Caloplaca elegans (Link.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 7: Asahina (1955, p. 63) Kepal; - Parmelia elegalzs Ach., Babington (1852, p. 249) Kumaon; - Placodium elegans DC. Paulson (1925 p. 191) Mt. Everest; - Xanthorin elegans (Link.) Poelt (1961, p. 91) N. W. Karakorunl. Caloplaca elegans var. discreta (Schaer.) Icorb. - C.4TAL. 7: ; - Placodium elegal~s v. discretum (Schaer.), Jatta (1905, p. 180) Pangi. Caloplaccl elegans var. lara (hlull. Arg.) Jat'ta - CATAL. 7: ; - Placodium elegalzs r. laxunt hiull. Arg.. Jatt,a (1905, p. 180) Pangi. *Cnlopluca encephalarti (Iirempelh.) Zahlbr. Cat.. Lich. Univ. 7: ; - Lecanorn encephalarti Krempelh. in Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutt,a, leg. Kurz. Type in H. Hue (1892, p. 132) Calcutta.

34 *Caloplaca frigida (Pauls.) Zalllbr. Cat. Lich. IJniv. 7: ; - Placodiicrn frigidrcnl Pauls. Journ. Bot. 63: hlt. Everest, leg. Somervelle. Type in?. Caloplaca fulvolutea (Arn.) Jatta; - Callopisma fulvoli~ten Nyl., Jatta (1905, p. 181) Pangi - taxon nomencl. syn. of Culoplacu ji~ngermannine (Vahl) Th. Fr. in CATAI,. 7: * Caloplaca holochracea (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7 : ; - Lecunora holochraceu Nyl. in Crombie, Journ. Linn. Soc. Hot. 15: hlt. Khasia, leg. Hooker; Himalaya, leg. ICurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 130) Himalaya. Caloplaca insnluris Poelt, Poelt (1961, p. 91) N. W. Karakorum. * Caloplncu lcrcrsii (Krempelh.) Zahlhr. Cat. Lich. Ilniv. 7 : ; - Lecanora kurzii Krempelh. in Nyl. Bn11. Soc. 1,inn. Norrnand. 11, 7 : Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 135) Andaman. Caloplaca leptopisma (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 7: Bhatia (1957, p. 38) N.W. Himalaya. *CA LO PLACA MA LAENSIS (Ras.) Comb. nov. ; - Callopisma maluense Hiis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Uttar Pradesh, Mala, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw. Caloplaca muroricm (Hoffm.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 7: Awasthi (1963, p. 35) Himalayas. Caloplaca murorum f. arnoldi A.L.Smith - Paulson (1925, p. 191) Mt. Everest - taxon not recorded in CATAL. - Reference to the form by A. L. Smith not traceable, probably a nomen nudzcm. * C A LO PLA Cil PINLIA RE NS IS (Ras.) Comb. nov. ; - Callopisma pindarense Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Almora, N. W. Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw. Caloplaca sorediata (Vain.) DuRietz - CATAL. 7: ; - Xanthoriu sorediata (Vain.), Poelt (1961, p. 91) N. WT. Karakorum. *Caloplaca subdolosa (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: ; - Lecanora subdolosa Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H. Caloplaca trachyphylla (Tuck.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 7: Awasthi (1963, p. 35) N. W. Himalaya. CA M P Y LO TIiELI U ICf Mull. Arg. (Paratheliaceae) *Canzpylothelium superbum (Fr.) Illiill. Arg. Flora 68: CATAL. 1: ; - Trypethelium superbum Fr. Syst. Orb. Veget. pars 1: India Orient,alis. Type in UPS.

35 CA N 1) E LA ti IA Mass. (I'armcliaceae) Candelaria concolor (Ilicks.) Arn. - CATAI,. 6: C;rovclr and Seshadri (1959, p ) Kashmir; Poelt (1961, p. 8X) N.\1'. Karakorum. *Candelaria fibrosa (Fr.) Mull. Arg. f. indica Hue, Kouv. Arch. Mus. IV, 2: India; leg.?. Type in PC; Hue (1900h, p. 264) Nilgiri - CATAL. 6: Moreau (1952, p. 141) Palni hills. CA N 1) E L A R I E LLA Miill. Arg. (Lecanoraceae) Candelariella azcrella (Hoffm.) Zahlbr. - C.+lTAIJ. 5: I'oelt (1961, p. 88) N. W. Karakorum. Candelariella vitellina (Ehrh.) Mull. Arg. - CATAI,. 5: Paulson (1925, p. 191) Rlt. Everest; Poelt (1'361, p. 88) N.\Y. Karakorum; - Parmelia vitellir~a,4ch., Babington (1852, p. 249) Kumaon. Candelariella xanthostigma (Pers.) Lett. - Poelt (1961, p. 88) N. \Y. Karakorum - taxon syn. of Candelariella vitellir~a v. xanthostigma (Pers.) Elenk. in CATAL. 5: C-4 T I LL-4 HI,4 Th. Fr. (Lecideaceae) Catillaria bouteillei (Desm.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 4: Santesson (1952, p ) Ceylon. *Catillaria cervinofusca (Kyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: ; - Lecidea cervinofusca Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 192) Andaman. "Catillaria indica B. de Lesdain, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 57: India, leg.?. Type in? - (not seen) - CATAI,. 4: Catillaria intermixta (Kyl.) Am. - CATAI,. 4 : Awast,hi (1963, p. 30) Ootacamund; - Lecidea intermixta Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 14) Ceylon. Catillaria intermizta var. parasemoides (Nyl.) Am. ; - Lecidea intermixta v. parasentoides Nyl.. Nylander (1900, p. 14) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Catillaria intermixta v. microspora (Arn.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 4: Catillaria leptocheiloides (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 4: ; - Patellaria leptocheiloides Nyl., Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 222) Ilianipur.

36 *Catillaria melaleptodes (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: ; - Lecidea metaleptodes Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H. Catillaria semecarpi Vain. - CATAL. 4: Awasthi (1963, p. 30) Madurai, Shembaganur. *Catillaria sikkimensis (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: ; - Patellaria sikkimensis Mull. Arg. Bull. Herb. Boiss. 3: Darjeeling, leg. Stevens. Type in G. Catillaria sordidula (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 4: ; - Lecideu sordidula Nyl., Hue (1892, p. 212) Sone river, India. CE T R A RIA Ach. (Parmeliaceae) "Cetraria ambigica Bab. Hook. Journ. Bot. 4: Kumaon, Garhwal, leg. Strachey and Winterbottom. Type in BM, K, DD! - CATAL. 6: Riisanen (1952a) p. 14,27) E. Himalaya; Asahina (1955, p. 55) Nepal; - Platysma ambiguum (Bab.) Nylander (1860, p. 311) Sikkim, Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 68) Himalaya. Cetraria asahinae Sato, Awasthi (1961, p. 36) NEFA. Cetraria crispa Nyl. var. japonica Asah., Asahina (1955, p. 55) Nepal. Cetraria cucullata (Bell.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: Asahina (1955, p. 57) Nepal. "Cetraria everniella (Nyl.) Krempelh. Verhandl. Zool. Bot. Gesellsch. Wien 18: CATAL. 6: RBsSnen (1952a, p. 15,27) Himalaya; Asahina (1955, p. 57) Nepal; Awasthi (1960c, p. 174) Nepal; - Platysma eoerniellum Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Himalaya, leg.?; Hue (1892, p. 67) Himalaya; - Everniu stracheyi Bab. in Hook. Journ. Bot. 4: Kumaon, leg. Strachey and Winterhottom. Type in BM, H, K, DD. *Cetraria ever.niella f. subteres Asahina in Kihara, Fauna and Flora Nepal Himalaya 1: Nepal, leg. Nakao. Type in?. Cetruria fahlunensis (L.) Schaer. - CATAT,. 6: ; - Platysrna jahlunensis (L.) Nylander (1860, p. 309) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 67) Himalaya. Cetraria glauca (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: ; - Platysma glnuczrnl (l,.), Nylander (1860, p. 313) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 68) Himalaya. * Cetraria hypotrachyncr. Mull. Arg. Flora 74: RIanipnr, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G. Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 217) hlanipiir. - CATAT,. 6: Rffsiinen (1952a, p. 15, 29) hlanipur, Himalaya.

37 Cetraria islundica (L.) Ach. - CArI'AIJ. 6: Nylantler (1860, p. 298) I-Iimalaya; Hue (1892, p. 65) Iiimalaya. * C'etraria leucostignza Lev. in Jaquemont, Voyage l'lnde, Bot G4, p India, leg. 1'. Type in? - Rasjnen (1952a, p. 15, 29) liin~alaya; Awasthi (1961, p. 35) NEiFA; - Platysma leucostigrnum (Lev.), Nylander (1860, p. 305) Nepal; Hue (1892, p. 67) IIirnalaya; Hue (1899, p. 212) India; Jatta (1911, p. 310) Darjeeling. * Cetraria megaleia (Nyl.) nbs. Kuopion Luonnon k'stav. Yhdist. Julk. Sarja B, 2 (6): 15, Himalaya; - Purmeliu megnleia Nylander, Synop. 1,ich. 1: Sikkirn, Himalaya, leg. Hooker. Type in H, K, HM. - Lindsay (1866, p. 510) llirnalaya; - 1)lutysma megaleiurn (Nyl.), Hue (1892, p. 66) India; Jatta (1902, p. 8) Simla; Jatta (1905, p. 171) hlussoorie - taxon nomencl. syn. of Cetraria sanguinea Schaer. in CATAL. 6 : *Cetraria melaloma (Nyl.) Krempelh. Verhandl. Zool. Bot. Gesellsch. Wien 18: (not seen) - CATAL. 6: ; - Platysrna melalomum Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Sikkin~, Himalaya, leg. Hooker and Thomson. Type in H, K. Hue (1892, p. 66) Himalaya - taxon nomencl. syn. of ATephromopsis rhytidocarpcl (blont.) Zahlbr. in Rasdnen (1952a, p. 47), Himalaya. * Cetraria nepalelzsis Awasthi, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 45 B : Nepal, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw. *Cetraria nigricans Nyl. var. hinzalayal~a Asahina in Kihara, Fauna and Flora Nepal Himalaya I: Kepal, leg. Nakao. Type in?. Cetraria l~ivalis (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: Paulson (1925, p. 190) hlt. Everest. Cetraria pallescens Schaer. - CATAL. 6: Rashnen (1952a, p. 16, 18) Himalaya; Asahina (1955, p. 56) Kepal. *Cetraria pallida Awasthi, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 45 B: '7. Nepal, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw. Cetraria pinastri (Scop.) Rohl. - CATAL. 6: ; - Platysma pinastri (Scop.), Jatta (1905, p. 179) Pangi. Cetraria reticulata Krempelh. in litt., Hiisiinen (1952a, p. 28, 44) Himalaya - nomen nudum. Cetraria cfr. rhytidocarpa - Asahina (2955, p. 58) Nepal. Cetraria saepiltcola (Ehrh.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: ; - Platysma saepincola (Ehrh.), Hue (1892, p. 67) Himalaya. Cetraria sangicinea Schaer. - CATAL. 6: hliill. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Manipur; Rasanen (1952a, p. 32) Himalaya.

38 *Cetraria stangrlinecr var. dissecttr Rlull. Arg..Tourn. I,inn. Soc. Bot. 29: Rlanipur. leg. G.\Yatt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 6: Hiisiinen [1952a, p. 52 syn. of Celraria megaleia (Nyl.) Riis.]; - I'armelia lhomsonii var. dissecta (hlull. Arg.) Culberson (1962, p. 307) Himalaya. *Cetraria siklci~nerzsis Riis. Arc.h. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Sikkim, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw - nomencl. syn. of Nephrornopsis rhytidocarpa (Rlont.) Zahlbr. in Hiisiinen (1952a, p ). Cetrariiz slramineu Vain. - CATAL. 6: Awasthi (1961, p. 36) NEFA. Cetraria teysmanni Mont. et v. cl. Bosch - Rasanen (1952 a, p. 16, 28) Himalaya - taxon nomencl. syn. of Cetraria pallescens in CATAL. 6 : * Cetraria thomsonii (Stirt.) Mull. Arg. Flora 74: ; Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Manipur - CATAL. 6: Hgsgnen (1952 a, p. 16, 31) Himalaya; Asahina (1955, p. 56) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 35) NEFA; - Ylalysma thomsonii Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Darjeeling, leg. Thomson. Type in BM, GLAM, G; - Parmelia thomsonii (Stirt.) Culberson (1962, p ) Himalaya, Nepal. *Cetraria wallichiana (Tayl.) Mull. Arg. Flora 71: ; Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 21.8) Manipur - CATAL. 6: Rasanen (1952a. p. 16, 28) Himalaya; Asahina (1955, p. 56) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 35) NEFA; - Sticta wallichiana Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Nepal, leg. Wallich. Type in FH!; - Platysma wallichianzlm (Tayl.) Hue (1892, p. 67) Himalaya; Hue (1899, p. 211) Manipur ; Nepal. "Cetraria wablichiana var. isidioidea Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Va-. namo" 5 (1): Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw - taxon nomencl. syn. of Cetraria hypotruchyna Miill. Arg. in R&jiinen (1952a, p. 40). *CHA UDH URIA Zahlbr. * Chnudhrcria indica Zahlbr. Ann. Mycol. 30: Darjeeling, leg. Chaudhuri. Type in W. Taxon nomencl. syn. of Anaptychia dindema.ta (Tayl.) Kurokawa in Kurokawa (1962, p. 28). CH 101) E CTON Ach. (Chiodectonaceae) Chiodecton farinaceam Fee - CATAL. 2: ,eighton (2869, p. 182) Ceylon.

39 *(,'hiodecton Jlavicaris Mull. Arg. Jourrr. 1,inn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CA'I'AI,. 2: *Chiodecton heterotropum Nyl. Flora 50: (I:alcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Iiue (1892, p. 273) Calcutta - CATAJJ. 2: Chiodecton hypochnoides Nyl. - CATAL. 2: IJeightorr (1869, p. 182) Ceylon. * Chiodecton intern~issr~m Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normarrd. 11, 7 : Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in I1! ; Hue (1892, p. 274) Andaman - CATAL. 2 : * Chiodecton nzicrographum (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. I'niv. 2 : ; - Stigmatidium micrographum Nyl. Flora 50: 6. 18G7. Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 259) Calcutta. *Chiodecton pallidella (Nyl.) Vain. see Enterographa pullidella (Nyl.) Redinger. Chiodecton philippinum Vain. - CATAL. 2: A. I,. Smith (1931, p. 128) Calcutta; Chopra (1934, p. 21) Calcutta. Chiodecton praepullens (Nyl.) Vain. - CATAL. 2 : ; - Sligmatidilsm praepallens Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 19) Ceylon. *Chiodecton punctulatum Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAhl - C.4T-41,. 2: Chiodecton sphaerale Ach. - CATAL. 2: Leighton (1869. p. 182) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 19) Ceylon. * Chiodecton stigmaticum (Krempelh.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Platygrapha stigmatica Krempelh. in Nylander, Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. *Chiodecton subfarinaceum Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 10: Kumaon, leg. Dickie. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. 2: C HR 00 DISC US (hlull. Arg.) Mull. Arg. (Thel~t~remaceae) Chroodiscus coccineus (Leight.) Mull. Arg., Santesson (1952, p ) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Phyllophthalnzaria coccinea (Leight.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 2: CL N 114 (Hill) Vain. (Cladoniaceae) Cladonia aggregata (Sw.) Ach. - CATAL. 4: Vainio (188'7, p. 227) Nepal; Hue (1892, p. 51) Himalaya; Hue (1898, p. 258) India; Asahina (1955, p. 47) Nepal; Awasthi (1960c, p. 171) Nepal. Cladonia alpestris (L.) Rabenh. - CATAL. 4: Abbayes (1958a, p. 201) Nepal: Ahti (1961a. p ) Nepal.

40 Cladonia anzaurocrnea (Floerke) Schaer. - CATAI,. 4: Abbayes (1958a, p. 203) Nepal. Cladonia arnarcrocraea f. celotea (Ach.) Vain. - CATAL. 4: bbayes (1958a, p. 203) Nepal.. (.'ladonia amaitrocraea 1'. olrycerus (Ach.) Vain. - CATAL. 4 : Abbayes (1958a, p. 203) Nepal. *Cladonicr. applanata Hiis. Arc,h. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Siltkirn, Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw. ('ludoriia bacillaris Nyl. - CA'I'AT,. 4: Vainio (1887, p. 91) Ceylon; Leighton (1869, p. 163) Ceylon. Cladoniu bacillaris f. clavata (Ach.) \lain. - CATAL. 4: Hue (1898, p. 260) India. Cladonia bellidiflora (Ach.) Schaer. - CATAL. 4: Awasthi (1961, p. 30) NEFA. "Cltrdonia botrytes (Hag.) Willd. var. exsoluta Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H - CATAI,. 4: Cladonia caespitica (Pers.) Floerke - CATAL. 4 : Moreall (1952, p. 140) Kodaikanal. Cladonia calycantha (Del.) Nyl. - CATAL. 4: Vainio (1887, p. 202) Nepal; Abbayes (1958a, p. 206) Nepal. Cladonia campbelliana (Vain.) Gyel., Abbayes (1958a, p. 211) Ceylon - syn. of Cladonia gracilis v. campbelliana Vain. in CATAL. 4: Cladonia cenotea (Ach.) Schaer. - CATAL. 4: Abbayes (1 958a, p. 211) W. Pakistan. Cladonia ceratophylla (Sw.) Spreng. - CATAL. 4: Nylander (1860, p. 191) Nilgiri; Hue (1892, p. 41) Nilgiri. Cladonia ceratophyllina (Nyl.) Vain. - CATAL. 4 : Asahina (1955, p. 47) Nepal. Cladonia chlorophaea (Floerke) Spreng., Abbayes (1958a, p. 206) Nepal; Abbayes (1958b, p. 212) W.Pakistan - syn. of Cladonin pyxidata v. chlorophaea Floerke in CATAL. 4: 575, C'ladonia coccifera (L.) Willd. var. stemmatina Ach. - CATAI,. 4: Vainio (1887, p. 160) Himalaya. Cladonia coniocraea (Floerke) Sandst., Jatta (1905, p. 167) Nepal; Jatta (1911, p. 312) Himalaya; Abbayes (1958b, p. 212) LV. Pakistan - syn. of Cladonia fimbriata v. coniocraea (Floerke) in CATAL. 4:

41 Cludonia cornutu (L.) Schaer. - CATAI.1. 4 : Vainio (1887, 1). 132) Sikkim. Cludonia corymbosa (Ach.) Kyl., Nylander (1900, p. 5) Ceylon - nyn. of Cladonia fr~rcuta var. corymbosa (Ach.) Nyl. in CATAI,. 4: C'ladoniu delorrnis Hoffm. - CATAL. 4: Nylandr~r (1860, p. 222) I-Iimalaya; Vainio (1887, p. 191) Hirnalaya; 1i11e (18132, p. 48) I-iimalaya. Cladonia degenerans (Floerke) Spreng. - CArl'AI,. 4: Nylander (1860, p. 199) Himalaya; Vairlio (1887, p. 143) Sikkir~~; Hue (1892, p. 44) Hirnalaya. ('ladonia degenerans var. pleolepis Floerke - CATAL. 4: Hue (1892, p. 44) India. C'ladoniu degenerans var. trachyna Floerke - CATAL. 4: Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 217) hlanipur. Cladolzia delavayi Abbayes, Candollea 16: Nepal; Allti (1961 b, p ) Himalaya. Cladonia delessertii (Nyl.) Vain. - CATAL. 4: I-lue (1898, p. 268) Himalaya. Cladonia delicata (Ehrh.) Floerke f. subsquamosa Nyl. - CATAL. 4: Leighton (1869, p. 253) Ceylon. Cladonia digitata Schaer. - CATAL. 4: Nylander (1860, p. 222) Himalaya; Vainio (1887, p. 126) Himalaya; Hue (1892. p. 48) Himalaya. Cladonia divulsa Nyl., Hue (1892, p. 43) India; - Cladonia gracilis v. divulsa, Xylander (1860, p. 197) India - taxon not recorded in CATAL. Cladonia fimbriala (L.) Fr. - CATAL. 4: Vainio (1894, p ) Nilgiri; Jatta (1902, p. 4) Kumaon, and Kashmir; Abbayes (1958b, p. 212) ]+'.Pakistan; Poelt (1961, p. 87) 3I.M;. Karakorum. Cladonia finzbriata var. coniocraea Floerke - see Cladonia coniocraea (Floerke) Sandst. Cladonia fimbriata var. ochrochlora (Floerke) Vain. - CATAL. 4: ;- Cladonia ochrochlora Floerke, Nylander (1900, p. 5) Ceylon; Jatta (1905, p. 167) llussoorie. Cladonia fimbriata var. radiatn (Schreb.) Coem. - CATAL. 4: Nylander (1860, p. 195) Himalaya. Cladonia fimbriata 1-ar. subulata (L.) Vain. - CAT.4L. 4: Vainio (1894, p. 254) Sikkim.

42 Cladonia firnbriata var. srcbulata f. abortiva (Floerke) Harm. - CATAL. 4: Jatta (1905, p. 167) Nepal; - Cludorzia fimbrircln \,. abortivt~ Floerke, Jat,ta (1911, p. 312) Hirnalaya. Cladonia floerkeana (Fr.) Somnierf. var. carcata (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAL,. 4: ; - Cladonia carcata Ach., Nylantler (1900, p. 6) Ceylon. Cladonia foliaceu (Huds.) Schaer. var. convoluta (Lam.) Vain. - CATAL. 4 : Vainio (1894, p. 399) Sikkirn. Cladonia furcata (Huds.) Schrad. - CATAL. 4: Nylander (1860, p. 205) Himalaya; Vainio (1887, p. 322) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 45) Himalaya. Cladonia furcata var. asperata Mull. Arg. - not recorded in CATAL. - An intermediate form between f. adsperszzm and f. surrecturn in Vainio (1887, p. 346) - hlull. Arg. (1892, p. 217) Manipur. Cladonia furcata var. corymbosa Ach. - see Cladonia corymbosa (Ach.) Nyl. Cladonia furcata var. pinnata (Floerke) Vain. - CATAL. 4: A.L.Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 41) Darjeeling; Awasthi (1961, p. 29) NEFA. Cladonia furcata var. racemosa (Hoffm.) Floerke - CATAL. 4: Jatta (1905, p. 168) Sikkim; Abbayes (1958a, p. 205) Nepal. Cladonia furcata var. sirrrecta Floerke - CATAL. 4: Jatta (1905, p. 168) Sikkim; Jatta (1911, p. 312) Himalaya. Cladonia gracilenta Nyl., Abbayes (1958b, p. 213) Ceylon - taxon not recorded in CATAL. Cladonia gracilis (IJ.) Willd. var. aspera Floerke - CATAL. 4: Hue (1892, p. 272) India. Cladonia gracilis var. campbelliana Vain. - see Cladonia campbelliana (Vain.) Gyeln. Cladonia gracilis var. elongata (Jaqu.) Floerke - CATAL. 4: Abbayes (1958a, p. 206) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 29) NEFA. Cladonia gracilis var. elongata f. hugueninii Del. - CATAL. 4: Abbayes (2958a, p. 206) Nepal. Cladonia gracilis var. elongata f. laontera (Del.) Arn., Asahina (1955, p. 47) Nepal. Cladonia grayi hlerrill - CATAL. 8: Poelt (1961, p. 87) N. W. Karakorum. Cladonia impexa Harm. - CATAL. 4: Awasthi (2961, p. 29) NEFA.

43 Cladonia rnacilenla HofTrn. - CATAI,. 4: Vainio (1887, p. 102) Ceylon. Cladonia rnitis Santlst. - CATAL. 4: 5G Abhayes (1939, p ) Sikkim, Ilimalaya; Awasthi (ISCiOc, ) Nepal. Cladonia pleurota (Floerke) Schaer. - CATAI,. 8: ilsahina (1955, p. 47) Nepal; Awasthi (1960c. p. 171) Ncpal. Cladonia pleurota var. esorediatu Asahina, Asahina (1055, p. 47) Nepal. Cladonia pityrea (Floerke) Fr. - CATAL. 4: i'ainio (1H94, p. 357) Himalaya; I-Iue (1900h, p. 252) Nilgiri ; A. L. Slxlit11 (1 934, p. 130) Sikkim; Chopra (1934, p. 41) Sikkirn; Abbayes (1958b, p. 213) Himalaya. Cladonia pityrea f. megathallina Vain. - CATAI,. 4: Ilue (1898, p. 278) Nilgiri; Hue (1900b, p. 252) Nilgiri. Cladonia polyphylla hiont. et v.d. Bosch., Abbayes (1958h, p. 213) Ceylon. Cladonia pyxidata (L.) Fr. - CATAL. 4: Babington (1852. p. 250) Kumaon; Vainio (1894, p. 229) N.W. Himalaya; Jatta (1905, p. 165) Pangi; A. L. Smith (1931, p. 129) I<ashmir; Abbayes (1958a, p. 206) Nepal; Awasthi (1960c, p. 171) Nepal; Poelt (1961, p. 87) N. W. 1Carakorum. Cladonia pyxidata var. chlorophaea Floerke - see Cladonia chlorophaea (Floerke) Spreng. Cladonia pyxidata var. neglecta (Floerke) Mass. - CATAI,. 4: Vainio (1894, p. 229) Sikkim; Asahina (1955, p. 47) Nepal. Cladonia rangiferina (L.) Web. - CATAL. 4: i'ainio (1887, p. 14) Himalaya. Cladonia rangiferina ssp. rangiferina var. rangiferina - Ahti (1961, p ) Sikkim, Nepal. Cladonia rangiformis Hoffm. var. pringens (Ach.) I'ain. - CATAL. 4: Vainio (1887, p ) Iihasia hills. Cladonia reticulata (Russell) Vain. - CATAL. 4: Vainio (1887, p. 282) Himalaya. Cladonin scabriuscula (Coenl) Sandst. - CATAL. 8: Abbayes (195Sa, p. 205) Nepal. Cladonia squamosa (Scop.) Hoffm. - CATAL. 4: Nylander (1900, p. 5) Ceylon. Cladonia sqrtamosa var. detzticollis (Hoffm.) Floerke f. sqctamosissi~na Floerke - CATAI,. 4: Jloreau (1952, p. 137) Shembaganur, hladurai.

44 C'lndonia sqrlunlosa var. mlcricelln (Del.) Vain. - CATAI,. 4: A. L.Srrlit,h (1932, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 41) Darjeeling. ('ladonicz sylvcitica (I,.) I-IofTm. - CATAL. 4: Vainio (1887, ) IIinlalaya; Jatta (1911, p. 312) Sikkirn ; Asahina (1955, p. 47) Nepal; Awaslhi (2960c, p. 171) Nepal. ('lndonia tenriis (Floerke) Harm. var. tenuis - Ahti (1961 a, p ) India, Nepal - taxon within the species in CATAL. 4: , no variety. C'lndonia trirgidu (Ehrh.) Hofl'm. - CAl'AL. 4: Nylantler (ls60, p. 205) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 45) Himalaya. ('lndonia tlzrgida f. stricta Nyl. - CATAL. 4: Asahina (2955, p. 4'7) Nepal. Cladonia unciulis (L.) Web. - CATAL. 4: Vainio (1887, p. 259) Himalaya. C'ladonia verticillutn Hoffm. - CATAL. 4: Vainio (1894, p. 183) hlanipur; Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 217) hlanipur; Awasthi (1961, p. 30) Assam. Claclonia verticillutu var. cervicornis (Ach.) Floerke - CATAL. 4: Vainio (1894, p. 191) India. Cladonia viilcanica Zoll., Abbayes (1958b, p. 211) Ceylon - syn. of C'ladoniu didyma var. vulcanica Zoll. in CATAL. 4: C'ladonia yunnana (Vain.) des Abb., Abbayes (1958a, p. 202) Nepal - taxon syn. of Cladonia transcendens var. yunnana Vain. in CATAL. 4: CLtl TI! R O POH I N A hlull. Arg. (Pyrenulaceae) *Cluthroporina (?) anoptella (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrzicariu nnoptella Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BhI, GLARI. "Clathroporina dzcplicascens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - C'errzcctsria duplicascens Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H, BhI!. CO CCO Cd B PI;l Pers. (Pannariaceae) Coccocurpia molybden Pers., hlontagne (1842, p. 20) Nilgiri; Hue (1892, p. 123) Andaman; Nylander (1900, p. 9) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Coccocarpia pellita var. pc~rmelioides (Hook.) Mull. Arg. in CATAL. 3:

45 Coccocarpia pellita (Ach.) Mull. Arg. - CATAI,. 3: A.1,. Smith (1931, p. 129) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 28) Darjeeling; Awasthi (1961, p. 25) Assam. * Coccocarpia pellita var. atrocaesia Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotyj~e in Aw. Coccocarpia pellita var. cronia Tuck. - CATAI,. 3: ; -- Coccocarpia cronia (Tuck.) Vain., Jatta (1905, p. 180) Andaman: Awasthi (1963, p. 29) Quilon, Travancore. Coccocarpia pellita var. genuina Mull. Arg., Jatta (1905, p. 180) Andaman - taxon syn. of Coccocarpia pellita in CATAL,. 3: Coccocarpia pellita var. incisa (Pers.) Mull. Arg. - CATAI,. 3: Jatta (1905, p. 180) Andaman; Moreau (1952, p. 138) Shembaganur, Madurai; - Coccocarpia molybdea var. incisa (Pers.), Nylander (1873, p. 165) Andaman; - Coccocarpia incisa Pers., Hue (1892, p. 123) Andaman. Coccocarpia pellita var. pannosa Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1905, p. 180) Andaman. Coccocarpia pellita var. parmelioides (Hook.) 3lull. Arg. - CATAL. 3 : Jatta (1905, p. 180) Andaman; Moreau (1952, p. 138) Palni hills; - Coccocarpia parmelioides (Hook.), Leighton (1869. p. 166) Ceylon. Coccocarpia pellita var. smaragdina (Pers.) hfiill. Arg. - CATAL. 3: ; - Coccocarpia smaragdina Pers., Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon. Coccocarpia pellita var. tenuir (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. - Mull. Arg. (1882. p. 321) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Coccocarpia pellita var. lividorufa (Mey. et Flot.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 3: CO E NOGOA'I U Ill Ehrb. (Coenogoniaceae) * Coenogonium cancellatum Leight,. Trans. Linn. Soc,. London 27 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM! - CATAL. 2: * Coenogonium corrzcgatunz Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bhl! - taxon not recorded in CATAL. Coenogonium imple.run2 n'yl. - CATAL. 2: Leighton (2869, p. 172) Ceylon. Coenogonircm leprieurii (hfont.) Nyl. - CATAL. 2: Leight,on (1869. p. 172) Ceylon.

46 * Coenogonium retistriaturn Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in HM! - CATAL. 2 : *C'oenogonium tenuissimzcnz Iirempelh. Nouv. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 7: Ceylon, leg.?. Type in G (not seen) - CATAL. 2: Collerna actinoptych~zm Nyl. - CATAL. 3: ; - Synchoblustus nctinoptychus Nyl., Jatta (1905, p. 185) Antlaman. Collen~a aggregutum (Ach.) Hohl. - CATAL. 3: Stirton (1876, p. 158) Ceylon; - Synchoblast~cs aggregatus, Quraishi (1928, p. 228) hiussoorie. *Collemu coccophyllum Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Nilgiri, leg. Perrottet. Type in H, PC; Hue (1892, p. 22) India - CATAL. 3: Collema fasciculare (L.) Wigg. - CATAL. 3: hlontagne (1842, p. 20) Nilgiri. Collema flaccidurn Ach., hforeau (1952, p. 137) Palni hills; - Synchoblastus flaccidus (Ach.), Jatta (1902, p. 13) India; Jatta (1911, p. 312) Himalaya - taxon nomencl. syn. of Collema ricpestre (Sw.) Habenh. in CATAL. 3: Collema furvum (Ach.) DC - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1902, p. 13) Iiumaon. Collema granulatum (L.f.) Rohl. - CATAL. 3: ; - Collema pzclposum var. granzclatum (Sw.), Jatta (1905, p. 185) Andaman. Collema implicatum Nyl. - CATAL. 3: ; - Synchoblastz~s implicati~s Nyl., Jatta (1905, p. 188) Kurseong, Sikkim. Collema nigrescens (Huds.) DC - CATAL. 3: Montagne (1842, p. 20) Nilgiri; Bahington (1852, p. 252) Kumaon; Leighton (1869, p. 162) Ceylon; Moreau (1952, p. 137) Kodaikanal. "Collema nigrescens var. biliosum Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat,. Bot. 11, 18: Nilgiri, leg. Perrottet. Type in (?) PC - CATAL. 3: Collema nigrescens var. frcrfuraceum (Schaer.) Oliv. - CATAL. 3: Moreau (1952, p. 137) Palni hills. Collema polycnrpon Hoffm. - CATAL. 3: Awasthi (1963, p. 29) Pratapgarh fort, Maharasthra. * Collema proboscidale Rfont. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. 11, 18: Ootacamund, Nilgiri, leg. Perrottet. Type in (?) PC - CATAL. 3:

47 *Collema rottleri Ach. Lichenogr. Urliv. 1810, p India. Type i r ~ (T) 11, UPS - CATAL. 3: Collemu ryssoleum (Tuck.) Tuck. - CATAL. 3: Awastlri (1963, p. 29) Sladurai, Shemhaganur. Collema subnigrescens Degel. - Awasthi (1963, p. 29) Ootacamund. CORN I C UL11 H Irl Ach. (Parmeliaceac) Cornicularia aculeata (Schreb.) '4ch.; - Cetruriu aculeata Fr., Hue (1899, p. 83) Himalaya - taxon nomencl. syn. of Cornic~~luriu tenuissima (L.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 6: CROC I'NIA Mass. (Chrysothricaceae) * Crocynia ilzdiccc B. de Lesd. in Hue, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 17 : Pangi. Type in PC - CATAL. 8: Crocynia lanuginosa (Ach.) Hue ; - A mphiloma lanuginosa Nyl., Jat,ta (1905, p. 179) Pangi, and Mussoorie, N.W. Himalaya - taxon nomencl. syn. of Crocynia membrartacea (Dicks.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 2 : * C R Y PTO THE CI-4 (Stirt.) A. L. Smith (Cryptotheciaceae) Cryptothecia candida (Krempelh.) R. Sant. - Santesson (1952, p. 65 to 68) Ceylon - taxon under Arthothelium candidrrm (Krempelh.) Miill. Arg. in CATAL. 2 : * Cryptothecia conferta A. L. Smith, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 11 : Assam, leg.?. Type in B;II - CATAL. 8: *Cryptotheciu involl~ta Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Assam, leg. Watt. Type in Bhl, GI,14?11 - CATAL. 2: * Cryptothecia stirlonii A. L. Smith, Trans. Brit. hlycol. Soc. 11 : Tongloo, Darjeeling. leg.?. Type in BAI - CATAL. 8: *Cryptothecia subnidulans Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 10: Nilgiri, leg.?. Type in Bhl, GLAhl - CATAL. 2: *Cryptothecia subtecta Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Chinsurah. Assam, leg. G.\%'att. Type in BM, GLAM - CATAL. 2: C Y PH ELI UJl (Ach.) Th. Fr. (Cypheliaceae) Cyphelium lerccampyx (Tuck.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 1: ; - Trachylin lerrcanzpyx Tuck., Leighton (1869, p. 163) Ceylon.

48 Cyphelium stigonellrim Ach.; - Calicium stigonellum Ach., Bklanger (1838, p. 137) Peninsular India - taxon nomencl. syn. of Cyphelirimrt sessile (Pers.) Trevis. in CATAL. 1: D E NI) R IS COCA ULO N Nyl. (Uncertain affinity) Dendriscocaulon umhausensis (Auersw.) Degel. - Awasthi (1963, p. 29) Kodaikanal - taxon syn. of L)endriscocaulon bolacinum (Ach.) Nyl. in CATAL. 3: E R M.4 TINA Almqu. (Mycoporaceae) *Dermatina deplanuta (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Mycoporum deplanatiim Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G.Watt. Type in K, G. *Dermatina indica (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. I : ; - Mycoporum indicum Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: hlanipur, leg. G.Watt. Type in K, G. 1) E R lff A TO CA R PO N (Eschw.) Th. Fr. (Dermatocarpaceae) *DE R MA TOCA RPON CI-IOIS YI Awasthi Nom. nov.; - Dermatocarpon rhizinosrim Choisy, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 78: ICodaikanal, leg. Foreau. Type in? - CATAL. 8: [non Dermatocarpon rhizinosum (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. {Tniv. 1: Dermatocarpon miniatum (L.) Mann. - CATAL. 1: ; - Endocarpon miniatum (L.), Jatta (1905, p. 183) Pangi. Dermcitocclrpon minialum var. complicatum (Lightf.) Hellb. - CATAI,. 1 : A. L. Smith (1931, p. 128) Waziristan; Chopra (1934, p. 13) Waziristan. 1)ermutocarpon morilinsii (Mont.) Zahlhr. - CATAL. 1 : A. L. Smith (1931, p. 128) Kashmir; Chopra (1934, p. 13) Kashmir; Rloreau (1952, p. 136) Palni hills; Asahina (1955, p. 43) Nepal; Bhatia (1957, p. 38) N.W.Himalaya; - Rndocnrpon rnorilinsii Mont., Hue (1892, p. 277) Himalaya. Dermatocarpon rnfescens (Ach.) Th. Fr. - CATAL,. 2: A.L.Srnith (1932, p. 128) Waziristan; Chopra (1934, p. 24) Waziristan. *I)ermatocarpon vellereurn Zscllacke in Rahenll. ICrppt,. Flora $1 (1.1): Pangi, N.W. Himalaya, leg. Skoliczka - CATAT,. 10:

49 D I C T YON E M A (C. Ag.) Zahlbr. (Thelephoraceae) Ljictyonema sericeum (Sw.) Berk. - CATAL. 7: ; - Dichonema sericeum (Sw.), Nylander (1863, p. 51) India. DIME RELLA Trevis. (Gyalectaceae) Dimerella lutea (Dicks.) Trevis.; - Lecidea lutea (Dicks.), Kylander (1869, p. 70) Bengal; Leighton (1869, p. 172) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 183) India - taxon as syn. Microphiale lutea (Dicks.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 2 : Dimerella epiphylla (Mull. Arg.) Malme, Santesson (1952, p ) Ceylon - taxon syn. of Microphiale epiphylla (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 2 : D I PLOSCH IS TE S Norm. (Diploschistaceae) Diploschistes actinostomus (Pers.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Urceolaria actinostoma Pers., Hue (1892, p. 181) India; Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur. Diploschistes bryophilus (Ehrh.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Diploschistes scruposus var. bryophilus (E hrh.) Hepp, Asahina (1955, p. 43) Nepal. Diploschistes cinereocaesius (Sw.) Vain. - CATAL. 2: Bhatia (1957, p. 38) N.W. Himalaya; Awasthi (1963, p. 28) Oootacamund. Diploschistes gypsaceus (Ach.) Zahlbr. ; - Urceolaria gypsacea Ach., Nylander (1900, p. 18) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Diploschistes albissimus (Ach.) Dalla Torre et Sarnth in CATAL. 2: * Diploschistes rampoddensis (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Urceolaria rampoddensis Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H. Diploschistes scrrtposrts (Schreb.) Norm. - CATAL. 2: Poelt (1961, p. 86) N. W. Karakorum; - Urceolaria scruposa Ach., Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon. Diploschistes scruposus var. arenarius (Schaer.) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 2: Poelt (1961, p. 86) N. W. Karakorum. D I PLO TO ill MA hiass. (pr. p. Buellia DeNot.) (Buelliaceae) Diplotomma hzslzgarica Szat., Poelt (1961, p. 91) N. W. Karakorum.

50 D I R I NA Fr. (Dirinaceae) *Dirina byssiseda hfull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G.LVatt. Type in I<, G - CATAL. 2: Llirina ceratoniue (Ach.) Fr. - CATAL. 2: Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon. Birina repanda Fr. - CATAL. 2: , India. E CH IN0 PLA CA F6e (Asterothyriaceae) Echinoplaca pelliculu (Mull. Arg.) R. Sant., Santesson (1952, p. 367 to 369) Ceylon - taxon under Arlhonia pellicula Mull. Arg. in CATAL. 2 : ENDOCA R PO N (Hedw.) Zahlbr. (Dermatocarpaceae) Endocarpon pusillum Hedw. - CATAL. I : A. L.Smith (1931, p. 128) Gujranwala, Punjab ; Chopra (1934, p. 14) Gujranwala, Punjab. EN TE ROG RA PHA Fee (Opegraphaceae) sensu Santesson *Enterographa multiseptata R. Sant. Symb. Bot. Upsal. 12: Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in UPS. * Enterographa pallidella (Nyl.) Redinger, Fedde Repert. 43 : ; - Platygrapha pallidella Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 255) Calcutta - taxon under syn. Chiodecton pallidellum (Nyl.) Vain. in CATAL. 2: , and erronously also under Schismatomma palidella (Nyl.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 2: *EN TE R 0 D I C T YON Mull. Arg. (Chiodectonaceae) * Enterodictyon indicum Miill. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 2: E R I OD E R MA Fee (Pannariaceae) Erioderma groendalianum (Ach.) Hue - CATAL. 3: ; - Sticta groendaliana Ach., Montagne (1842, p. 18) Nilgiri. * Erioderma meiocarpum Nyl. Synop. Lich. 2: Nilgiri, leg. Perrottet. Type in I-I, PC; Hue (1892, p. 124) Nilgiri - CATAL. 3: Erioderma polycarpum Fee - CATAL. 3: Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon.

51 Erioderma unguigerrim (Bory) Nyl. - CATAL. 3: Ideighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon. Erioderrna wrightii Tuck. - CATAL. 3: Jat,ta (190.5, p. 180) Andaman. E t7e R N I A Ach. (Usneaceae) Evernia divaricata (L.) Ach. - CATAI,. 6: Piylander (1860, p. 285) Himalaya; Hue (18'32, p. 70) Hinlalaya. Evernia mesomorpha Ach. - Asahina (1955, p. 62) Nepal - taxon nomencl. syn. of Evernia thamnodes (Fw.) Arn. in C.4T.41,. 6: *Evernia stracheyi Bab. London Journ. Bot. 4: Kumaon, leg. Strachey and Winterbottorn. Type in BM, I<, Dl). - Reference incorrectly recorded under hrephromopsis stracheyi in CATAL. 6: Taxon nomencl. syn. of Cetraria everniella Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: , and CATAL. 6: G L Y PH IS (Ach.) Fee (Chiodectonaceae) Clyphis cicatricosa Ach. - CATAL. 2 : Nylander (1867, p. 8) Calcutta; Hue (1892, p. 272) Calcutta; Nylander (1900, p. 23) Ceylon. Clyphis cicatricosa var. confluens (Zenk.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Glyphis confluens Zenk., Leighton (1869, p. 181) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 23) Ceylon. *Glyphis duriuscula Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. 2: Glyphis favulosa Ach. - Stirton (1876, p. 157) Calcutta; Hue (1892, p. 272) Calcutta; Nylander (1900, p. 23) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Glyphis cicatricosa Ach. in CATAL. 2: G L Y PHOLECI.4 Nyl. (Acarosporaceae) Glypholecia scabra (Pers.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 5: Poelt (1961, p. 88) N. W. Karakorum; Awasthi (1963, p. 32) N.?V. Himalaya. G R A PHI NA Miill. Arg. (Graphidaceae) Graphina acharii (Fee) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 2: A. L. Smith (1931, p. 128) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 19) Darjeeling, Sikkim. *Graphina aeola (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis aeola Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM.

52 Graphina anguina (Mont.) Miill. Arg. var. pulverulenta (Sm. et Sowarb) A. L. Smith - CATAL. 2: Quraishi (1928, p. 228) Mussoorie. Graphina anguina var. radiata (Leight.) B. de Lesd. - CATAL. 2: Quraishi (1928, p. 228) Mussoorie. Graphina balbisii (Fke) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis balbisii Fke, Leighton (1869, p. 176) Ceylon. Graphina bilabiata (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: , Ceylon (an error) - in the reference of the basionym Graphis bilabiata Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10) : , the locality cited is Labaun. *Graphina caesioradians (Leight.) Mull. Arg. Bull. Herb. Boiss. 2: CATAL. 2 : ; - Graphis caesioradians Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. Graphina canaliculata (Fee) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Opegrapha canaliculata (Fee), Belanger (1838, p. 134) Peninsular India. *Graphina cingalina (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis cingalina Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S. *(Graphina) concolor (Nyl.); - Graphis concolor Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - taxon nomencl. syn. of Graphina boschiana Mull. Arg. in CATAL. 2 : *Graphha dimorphodes (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis dimorphodes Nyl. in Leighton, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM! ; Hue (1892, p. 284) Ceylon; - Fissurina dimorphodes (Nyl.), Nylander (1900, p. 23) Ceylon. *Graphina discoides (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis discoides Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. Graphina dividens (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis dividens Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 175) Ceylon. Graphina fasciata (Eschw.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 226) Manipur. *Graphina fissofurcata (Leight.) Mull. Arg. Flora 65: CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis fissofurcata Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in 13hI!. Graphina gracilis (Fr.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Grnphis gracilis (Fr.), Leighton (1869, p. 174) Ceylon.

53 *Graphina incondita (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis incondita Nyl. Bull. Soc. Idinn. Norrnand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 249) Andaman. *Graphina intortula (Slirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Ilniv. 2: ; - Graphis intortula Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. Graphina intricata (Eschw.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis intricata Eschw., Leighton (1869, p. 174) Ceylon. *Graphina leprographa (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis leprographa Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S. *Graphina leucocarpoides (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis leucocarpoides Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. *Graphina leuconephala (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Fissurina leuconephala Nyl. Flora 52: Bengal, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 247) Bengal. *Graphina multistriata hlull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: hlanipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 2: Graphina obtecta (Nyl.) hliill. Arg. - CATAL. 2: hiiill. Arg. (1892, p. 227) hlanipur; Moreau (1952, p. 136) Palni hills, Manalur; - Graphis obtecta Nyl., Nylander (1867, p. 8) Calcutta; Nylander (1869, p. 72) Bengal; Hue (1892, p. 244) India; Nylander (1900, p. 22) Ceylon. *Graphina obtecta var. oligospora Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 2: *Graphina particeps (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. Flora 65: CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis particeps Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 244) Andaman; Nylander (1900, p. 22) Ceylon. *Graphina perstriatula (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis perstriatula Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. Hue (1892, p. 238) Andaman. *Graphina platycarpa (Eschw.) Zahlbr. var. parallela (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Unir. 2: ; - Graphina sophistica var. parallela Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G. Graphina poitiaei (Fee) hliill. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis poitiaei Fee, Leighton (1869, p. 175) Ceylon.

54 "Graphina senzirigidu hliill. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAI,. 2: *Gruphina simulans (Leight.) hlull. Arg. Hedwigia 30: CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis sirnulans Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bhl!. Graphina sophistica (Nyl.) Mull. Arg.; - Graphis sophisticu Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 21) Ceylon; Jatta (1905, p. 183) Darjeeling - taxon nomencl. syn. of Graphina plutycurpu (Eschw.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 2: *Gruphina spilota (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis spilota Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. *Gruphina streblocarpa (Bel.) hlull. Arg. Flora 65: CATAL. 2: ; - Opegraphu streblocarpa B6l. Voyag. Ind. Orient. 2: Bengal, leg. Belanger, Type in?. *Graphinu sicbobtecta (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis subobtecta Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 244) Andaman. Graphina subserpentina (Nyl.) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis subserpentina Nyl., Hue (1892, p. 235) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 21) Ceylon. Graphina substriatula (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis substriatula Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 175) Ceylon. *G RA PHI NA S U B TO H Q UE N S (Nyl.) Comb. nov. ; - Graphis subtorquens Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Anclaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H; - taxon not recorded in CATAL. "Graphina tuberculosa (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis tuberculosa Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Assam, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAh4. G Rrl PI9 IS (Adans.) Mull. -4rg. (Graphidac,eae) Graphis ajzelii Ach. - CATAL. 2: Leighton (1869, p. 1'75) Ceylon. Graphis angzcilliformis Tayl. - Leighton (1869, p. 173) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Graphis illinata Eschw. in CATAL. 2: Graphis assimilis Nyl. - Nylander (1900, p. 20) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Graphis iiztricatn Fee in CATAI,. 2: *Graphis capillacea Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11 : Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G.Watt.Type in B5I!, GLAhI-CATAJ,. 2 :

55 *Graphis celata Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. C;la~gow 11: Assarn, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM l, GLAM - CATAL. 2 : *Graphis ceylanica Zahlbr. Cat. 1,ich. Univ. 2: Ceylon; - Graphis irradians Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S. Graphis circumradians Nyl. - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1873, p. 177) Andaman; Hue (1892, p. 248) Andaman. Graphis cinerea Fee var. conglomerata (Fee) hlull. Arg. - CATAL. 2 : ; - Graphis conglomerata (Fee), Leighton (1869, p. 175) Ceylon. *Graphis coarctata Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11 : Assam, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. 2: Graphis comma Ach. - Jatta (1905, p. 183) Kurseong, Sikkim - taxon nomencl. syn. of Graphis lineola in CATAL. 2: Graphis connata (Eschw.) Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 174) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Graphis anfractuosa (Eschw.) Eschw. in CATAL. 2: *Graphis contortuplicata Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 2: Graphis duplicata Ach. - CATAL. 2: Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 224) Manipur; Miill. Arg. (1895, p. 195) Sikkim; - Opegrapha duplicata Ach., Belanger (1838, p. 134) Peninsular India. Graphis duplicata var. sublaevis (Nyl.) blull. Arg., Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 224) Manipur - taxon nomencl. syn. of Graphis duplicata var. peruviana (Fee) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 2: Graphis furfuracea Leight. - CATAL. 2: Hue (1892, p. 246) Ceylon. Graphis grammatis Fee - CATAL. 2: ; - Opegrapha grammatis (Fee), Belanger (1838, p. 136) Peninsular India. "Graphis implexula Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in Bh?!, GLAII - CATAL. 2: *Graphis intermediella Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Assam, leg. G. Watt. Type in Bhl!, GLAhl - CATAL. 2: "Graphis intricata Fee f. rectiuscrrla Nyl. in Hue, Nour. Arch. Xlus. 111, 3: , and (1892, p. 234) Himalaya, leg.?. Type in PC - CATAL. 2: "Graphis irradians Nyl. - see Graphis ceylanica Zahlbr. *Graphis longiramea hliill. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G.Watt. Type in I<, G - CATAL. 2:

56 *Graphis nernatoidea Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM! - CATAL. 2: *Graphis nigroglauca Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in? BRI - CATAL. 2: *Graphis persulcata Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: ilssam, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. 2: *Graphis rimulosa Trevis. var. parallela Miill. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G.Watt. Type in K, G - taxon not recorded in CATAL. Graphis scripta (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1867, p. 8) Calcutta; Leighton (1869, p. 174) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 232) India; Nylander (1900, p. 20) Ceylon; A. L. Smith (1931, p. 128) Darjeeling. Graphis scripta var. flexuosa Mass. - CATAL. 2: Stirton (1876, p. 156) Calcutta. Graphis scripta var. pulverulenta (Pers.) Ach. - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1867, p. 8) Calcutta; Leighton (1869, p. 174) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 232) India; - Opegrapha pulverulenta (Pers.), Belanger (1838, p. 135) Peninsular India. *Graphis scripta var. sanguinolenta Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Orissa, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw. Graphis scripta var. serpentina (Ach.) Meyer - CATAL. 2: Leighton (1869, p. 174) Ceylon; - Opegrapha serpentina (Ach.), Belanger (1838, p. 135) Peninsular India. Graphis striatula (Ach.) Spreng. - CATAL. 2: Leighton (1869, p. 175) Ceylon; Nylander (1873, p. 176) Andaman; Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 224) Manipur; Nylander (1900, p. 21) Ceylon; Moreau (1952, p. 137) Palni hills; - Opegrapha striatula (Ach.), Hue (1892, p. 238) Andaman. *Graphis subdisserpens Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 234) Andaman - CATAL. 2: Graphis suboirginea Nyl. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis scripta v. subvirginea Nyl., Nylander (1867, p. 8) Calcutta; Leighton (1869, p. 174) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 232) Calcutta. *Graphis supertecta Miill. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G.Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 2:

57 Graphis tenella Ach. - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1900, p. 20) Ceylon. *Graphis verminosa Miill. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 2: G Y A LE C TA (Ach.) Zahlbr. (Gyalectaceae) Gyalecta carneolutea (Turn.) Oliv. - CATAL. 2: ; - Lecidea carneolutea (Turn.), Nylander (1867, p. 4) Calcutta. *Gyalecta carneolutea f. minor (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: basionym referred Lecidea carneolutea f. minor Nyl. Flora 50: but in this reference no formal epithet of f. minor has been suggested by Nylander; Hue (1892, p. 183) Calcutta. *Gyalecta egervescens Nyl. Lich. Envir. Paris 1896, p. 76. Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S. Nylander (1900, p. 13) Ceylon - CATAL. 2: *Gyalecta tropica Be1. Voyage Ind. Orient. 2: Peninsular India, leg. Bblanger. Type in? PC - CATAL. 2: G Y ALE C TI D I U M Miill. Arg. (Asterothyriaceae) Gyalectidium aspidotum (Vain.) R. Sant., Santesson (1952, p ) Assam, Ceylon - taxon as Sporopodium aspidotum (Vain.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 2: Gyalectidium filicinum Mull. Arg. - Awasthi (1963, p. 29) Madurai, Shembaganur - taxon as Sporopodium filicinum (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 2: *G Y M N O DE R MA Nyl. (Cladoniaceae) *Gymnoderma coccocarpum Nyl. Synop. Lich. 2: Tongloo, Sikkim, leg. Hooker and Thomson. Type in H, K. Hue (1892, p. 127) Himalaya - CATAL. 4: G Y R O PHO RA Ach. (taxa included in Umbilicaria Hoffm. em. Frey) GYROPHOROPSIS Elenk. et Sav. (taxa included in Umbilicaria Hoffm. em. Frey) G Y R OS TOM U M Fr. (Thelotremaceae) Gyrostomum scyphuliferum (Ach.) Fr. - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1867, p. 4) Calcutta; Leighton (1869, p. 172) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 178) India.

58 HA E MA TOM MA Mass. (Lecanoraceae) Haematomma puniceum (Sw.) Mass. - CATAL. 5 : A. L,. Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 52) Darjeeling; Moreau (1952, p. 141) Manalur, Palni hills; - Parmelia punicea Ach., hiontagne (1842, p. 20) Nilgiri; - Lecanora punicea Ach., Lindsay (1866, p ) Sikkim; Stirton (1876, p. 159) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 13) Ceylon; - Lecania punicea (Ach.), Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon; Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur. * Haematomma puniceum var. accolens (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 5: ; - Lecanora punicea var. accolens Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A.Watt. Type in Bh4, GLAM; - Lecania punicea var. accolens (Stirt.), Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur. Haematomma ventosum (L.) Mass. - CATAL. 5: Awasthi (1963, p. 33) Nepal. *Haematomma wattii (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 5: ; Hillmann (1940, p. 37) India; - Lecanora wattii Stirt. Trans. New Zealand Instit. 30: Darjeeling, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM, GLAM - taxon wrongly cited from "Nova Zealandia" in CATAL. HELMI N THOCA R PO N Fee (Graphidaceae) Helminthocarpon columbianum (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis columbianum Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 22) Ceylon. HEP PIA Naeg. (Heppiaceae) Heppia patellata (Bagl.) Stiz. - CATAL. 3: Bhatia (1957, p. 39) Punjab, subhimalayan tract. *HO LOG Y MN IA? Nyl. (of uncertain affinity) *Hologymnia subflabellans Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 6: I CA4frI DO PHI LA-I Trevis. (Lecanoraceae) Icmadophila ericetorum (L.) Zahlhr. - CATAL. 5: ; - Baecomyces icmadophilus Nyl., Nylander (1860, p. 183) Nepal; Hue (1892, p. 35) Nepal.

59 LA U H E H A Reichb. (Trypetheliaceae) Laurera madreporiformis (Eschw.) Riddle - CATAL. I: ; - Trypethelium madreporiformis Eschw., Nylander ( 1 869, p. 73) Bengal; Hue (1892, p. 302) Bengal. Laurera megasperma (Mont.) Riddle - CATAL. 1: ; - Trypethelium megaspermum Mont., Leighton (1869, p. 185) Ceylon. *Laurera subdiscreta (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. I: ; - Trypethelium subdiscretum Nyl. Flora 52: Bengal, leg. Kurz. Type in H! - Hue (1892, p. 302) Bengal. LE CANA C T I S Eschw. (Lecanactidaceae) *Lecanactis concordans (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Lecidea concordans Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7 : Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 220) Andaman. Lecanactis patellarioides (Nyl.) Vain. - CATAL. 2: ; - Lecidea patellarioides Nyl., Nylander (1867, p. 5) Calcutta. *Lecanactis premnea (Ach.) Am. var. melargyra (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Lecidea premnea v. nzelargyra Kyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 219) Calcutta. Lecanactis quassiae (F6e) Zahlbr. var. plurilocularis (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Lecidea plurilocularis Nyl., Nylander (1869, p. 71) Bengal; Hue (1892, p. 220) Bengal; - Lecanactis premnea v. pl~~rilocularis Zahlbr., Xloreau (1952, p. 136) Xlanalur, Madurai. LE CA N IA (Mass.) Zahlbr. (Lecanoraceae) "Lecania achroelloides (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. [:nil-. 5: ; - Lecanora achroelloides Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S. Lecnnia erysibe (Ach.) Mudd. - CATAIJ. 5: Paulson (1925, p. 192) Mt. Everest. *Lecania pertenera (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Uni~. 5: ' ; - Lecanora pertenera Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - Santesson (1952, p. 438) - "types fragmentary, probably parasymbiont or parasite on some lichen thallus."

60 LE CA N O RA (Ach.) Th. Fr. (Lecanoraceae) *Lecanora achroella Nyl. var. infinitula Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 5: Lecanora albella Ach. - Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur; Moreau (1952, p. 136) Palni hills - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lecanora pallida (Schreb.) Habenh. in CATAL. 5: Lecanora allophana Rohl. var. glabrata (Ach.) Stein. - CATAL. 5: ; - Lecanora subfusca var. glabra,ta Ach., Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 393) Manipur. * LECA NO RA ALMORENSIS (Ras.) Comb. nov.; - Aspicilia almorensis Hiis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Almora, N. W. Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. Lecanora alphoplaca (Wahlenb.) Ach. - CATAL. 5 : Poelt (1961, p. 88) N.W.Karakorum; Awasthi (1963, p. 33) Kangra, N. W. Himalaya. Lecanora angulosa Ach. - Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lecanora carpinea (L.) Vain. in CATAL. 5: Lecanora utra (Huds.) Ach. - CATAL. 5: Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 10) Ceylon; Awasthi (1963, p. 33) Kodaikanal. Lecanora atra var. americana Fee - CATAL. 5: Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur. Lecanora baicalensis Zahlbr. - CATAL. 5: Poelt (1961, p. 89) N. W. Karakorum. Lecanora caesiocinerea Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Awasthi (1963, p. 33) Kangra, N. W. Himalaya. Lecanora calcarea (L.) Sommerf. - CATAL. 5: ; - Parmelia calcarea (L.), Babington (1852, p. 244) Kumaon. Lecanora cancriformis (Hoffm.) Vain. - CATAL. 5 : Moreau (1952, p. 140) Kodaikanal. Lecanora carnztlenla Nyl. - CATAL. 5 : A. L. Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 51) Darjeeling. Lecanora cenisia Ach. - CATAL. 5: Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur. *Lecanora ceylanica Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 5: Ceylon; - Lecanora pulverata Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - non ex anno 1881.

61 Lecanora chlarona (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Nylander (1869, p. 70) Bengal; Hue (1892, p. 145) Bengal; Nylander (1900, p. 11) Ceylon; A.L.Smith (1931, p. 130) Calcutta; - Lecanora subfusca v. chlarona Ach., Stirton (1876, p. 159) Calcutta; Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur. Lecanora chlarotera Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Lecanora subfusca v. chlarotera Nyl., Jatta (1905, p. 181) Darjeeling. Lecanora chondroderma Zahlbr. - CATAL. 8: Poelt (1958, p. 455) Sikkim. Lecanora chrysoleuca (Sm.) Ach. - Hue (1892, p. 142) Himalaya; A. L. Smith (1931, p. 130) Kashmir ; Chopra (1934, p. 49) Kashmir ; - Parmelia chrysoleuca Ach., Babington (1852, p. 249) Kumaon ; - Squamaria chrysoleuca Ach., Jatta (1905, p. 180) Pangi, Punjab - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lecanora rubina (Vill.) Ach. in CATAI,. 5: Lecanora cinerea (L.) Rohl. - CATAL. 5: Paulson (1925, p. 192) Mt. Everest. Lecanora cinereorufescens (Ach.) Hepp - CATAL. 5: Paulson (1925, p. 192) Mt. Everest. Lecanora cinereorufescens var. diamarta (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAL. 5 : Hue (1892, p. 156) Himalaya. Lecanora coarctata (Turn.) Ach. - see Lecidea coarctata (Turn.) Nyl. Lecanora coilocarpa (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Nylander (1900, p. 11) Ceylon; A.L.Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; - Lecanora subfusca var. coilocarpa Ach., Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur. *Lecanora collaevans Nyl. Acts Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 5: Lecanora dispersoareolata (Schaer.) Lamy - CATAL. 5: Poelt (1961, p. 89) N. W. Karakorum. *Lecanora dissipans Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 5: Lecanora distans (Pers.) Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Hue (1892, p. 151) Calcutta; - Lecanora subfusca v. distans Ac,h., Nylander (1867, p. 4) Calcutta; Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Rianipur; Jatta (1905, p. 181) hlussoorie. *LECANORA DWALIENSIS (Ras.) Comb. nov.; - Aspicilia dwaliensis Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Almora district, Dwali, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw.

62 * Lecanora emergens Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G.Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 5: *Lecanora fimbriatula Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: !4. Nilgiri, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. 5: Lecanora flavida Hepp - CATAL. 5: Awasthi (1963, p. 34) Tehri Garhwal. Lecanora furfurosa Tuck. - CATAL. 5: Nylander (1900, p. 12) Ceylon. Lecanora frustulosa (Dicks.) Ach. - CATAL. 5: Poelt (1961, p. 89) N. W. Karakorum. Lecanora frustulosa var. argopholis (Ach.) Link. - CATAL. 5: Jatta (1905, p. 181) Pangi, N. W. Himalaya. Lecanora garovaglii (Korb.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 5: Poelt (1961, p. 89) N. W. Karakorum. Lecanora granifera (Ach.) Nyl. - Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 219) Manipur; Nylander (1900, p. 12) Ceylon; Moreau (1952, p. 140) Palni hills - taxon syn. of Lecidea granifera (Ach.) in CATAL. 3: "LECANORA GRISEOCINEREA (Riis.) Comb. nov.; - Aspicilia griseocinerea Riis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Almora district, Munsyari, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. Lecanora horiza (Ach.) Rohl. - Jatta (1902, p. 12) Kumaon; - Lecanora subflcsca v. horiza (Ach.), Jatta (1905, p. 181) Kurseong, Darjeeling - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lecanora allophana var. parisiensis Stein. in CATAL. 5: *Lecanora indica Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 5: ; - Placodium demissum Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM (non Korb.). Lecanora ingesta Stirt., [Stirton (1879, p. 311) Rangoon, Burma] - wrong citation of "India Orientalis" in CATAL. 5: Lecanora kansuensis H. Magn. ; - Squamaria kansuensis (H. Magn.) Poelt (1961, p. 90) N. W. Karakorum. "Lecanora khatiensis Riis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Kumaon, Khati, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. * Lecanora kumaonensis Rgs. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2) : Kumaon, Almora, Berinag, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. Lecanora laclcstris (With.)Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Hue (1892, p. 155) Himalaya; Nylander (1900, p. 12) Ceylon.

63 Lecanora lesleyana Darb. - CATAL. 5: I'aulson (1925, p. 192) Mt. Everest. *Lecanora lobulosa Nyl. in Hue (1892, p. 143) Himalaya - nornen nudum - not recorded in CATAL. * Lecanora lecideoides (Choisy) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 8: ; - Dirinella lecideoides Choisy, Bull. Soc. Rot. France 78: Kodaikanal, leg. Foreau. Type in?. Lecanora maculata H. Magn. - Awasthi (1963, p. 34) N. W. Himalaya, Spiti valley. Lecanora melalzaspis Ach. - CATAL. 5 : ; - Parmelia melanaspis (Ach.), Babington (1852, p. 249) Kumaon. Lecanora melanophthalma (Ram.) Ram. - Poelt (1961, p. 89) N.W. Karakorum; Awasthi (1963, p. 34) Spiti valley; N.W. Himalaya - recorded as Lecanora rubina var. melanophthalma (Ram.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 5 : Lecanora muralis (Schreb.) Rabenh. - CATAL. 5: Poelt (1961, p. 89) N. W. Karakorum; - Parmelia muralis (Schreb.), Babington (1852, p. 249) Kumaon. Lecanora mutabilis (Ach.) Mass. - CATAL. 5: Poelt (1961, p. 89) N. W. Karakorum. Lecanora pallida (Schreb.) Rabenh. - CATAL. 5: Moreau (1952, p. 140) Shembaganur, Palni hills. Lecanora phaedrophthalma Poelt - Poelt (1961, p. 89) N. W. Karakorum. Lecanora placentiformis Stein. - CATAL. 5: Poelt (1961, p. 89) N. W. Karakorum. Lecaizora polytropa (Ehrh.) Rabenh. - CATAL. 5 : Poelt (1961, p. 90) N. W. Karakorum. Lecanora polytropa f. subglobosa Cromb. - CATAL. 5: Paulson (1925, p. 192) Mt. Everest. Lecanora peltata (Ram.) Steud. - CATAL. 5: Poelt (1961, p. 89) N. W. Karakorum; Awasthi (1963, p. 34) Kangra district, N. W. Himalaya. Lecanora praeradiosa Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Poelt (1961, p. 90) N. W. Karakorum. Lecanora plclverata Nyl. - see Lecanora ceylanica Zahlbr. Lecanora rubina (Vill.) Ach. - CATAL. 5: Paulson (1925, p. 192) hlt. Everest.

64 Lecanora rugosa (Pers.) Nyl. - Nylander (1900, p. 11) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lecanora rugosella Zahlbr. in CATAL. 5: Lecanora sambuci (Pers.) Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Quraishi (1928, p. 228) Mussoorie. *Lecanora sarcopis (Wahlenb.) Rohl. f. subeflusa Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H; Hue (1892, p. 150) Calcutta - CATAL. 5: Lecanora scrupulosa Ach. - CATAL. 5 : ; - Lecanora subf usca v. scrupulosa (Ach.), Jatta (1905, p. 181) Mussoorie. Lecanora scabridula H. Magn. - Poelt (1961, p. 90) N. W. Karakorurn. * (Lecanora) sikkimensis (Ras.) ; - Placolecanora sikkimensis Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Sikkim, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isbtype in Aw - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lecanora chondroderma Zahlbr. in Poelt (1958, p. 455). * Lecanora somervellii Pauls. Journ. Bot. 63 : Mt. Everest, leg. Somervelle. Type in? - CATAL. 5: (typographic error into sommervellii). * Lecanora sorediella Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10) : Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 5: Lecanora subeflusa (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 5: Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 11) Ceylon; A.L.Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 49) Darjeeling. Lecanora subfusca (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 5: Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 11) Ceylon; A.L.Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 49) Darjeeling; - Parmelia subfusca Ach., Montagne (1842, p. 20) Nilgiri. 1,ecanora subfusca var. argentata (Ach.) Ach. - CATAL. 5: Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur. Lecanora subfusca var. cinereocarnea Eschw., Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lecanora leprosa Fke in CATAL. 5 : Lecanora subfusca var. lainea (Fr.) Korb. - CATAL. 5: Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur. Lecanora subfusca.var. rugosa Nyl. - CATAL. 5: ; - Lecanora rugosa Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 11) Ceylon; A.L.Smil;h (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 50) Darjeeling. Lecanora subfusca var. subcrenulata Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Nylander (1869, p. 70) Bengal; - Lecanora subcrenulata Nyl., Hue (1892, p. 144) Bengal.

65 Lecanora tropica Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 5: Bengal - probably erronously cited from Bengal as syn. Lecanora subcrenulata Nyl., by Hue (1891, p. 62) and in Hue (1892, p. 144). Refer to Lecanora subfusca var. subcrenulata Nyl. Lecanora varia (Ehrh.) Ach. - CATAL. 5: Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 11) Ceylon; - Parmeliu varia (Ach.) Babington (1852, p. 249) Kumaon. Lecanora varia var. subvaria (Nyl.) Oliv. - CATAL. 5: ; - Lecanora subvaria Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 12) Ceylon. *Lecanora varia var. subducens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 5: Lecanora verrucosa (Ach.) Laur. - Poelt (1961, p. 90) N. \V. Karakorum; - Lecanora verrucosa (Ach.) Ach. in CATAL. 5: LE CI D E A (Ach.) Zahlbr. (Lecideaceae) * Lecidea advena Nyl. in Hue, Nouv. Arch. Rlus. III,3: , and (1892, p. 215) Himalaya, leg.?. Type in H! - CATAL. 3: *Lecidea albicans Nyl. in Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. 111, 3: , and (1892, p. 191) India, Parsunath, leg.? (ex herb. Hooker). Type in H! - CATAL. 3: Lecidea albocoerulescens (Wulf.) Ach. - CATAL. 3: Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 222) Manipur. Lecidea altensis Th. Fr. - CATAL. 3: ; - Lecidella altensis Th. Fr., Jatta (1905, p. 182) hlussoorie. Lecidea arctica Sommerf. - CATAL. 3: Paulson (1925, p. 193) hilt. Everest. Lecidea armeniaca (DC.) Fr. - CATAL. 3: Babington (1852, p. 252) Kumaon; Hue (1892, p. 216) Himalaya. Lecidea assimilata Nyl. - CATAL. 3: Paulson (1925, p. 193) Rft. Everest. Lecidea assimilis Th. Fr. - CAT.4L. 3 : Paulson (1925, p. 193) hlt. Everest. Lecidea atrobrunnea (Rain.) Schaer. - CATAL. 3: Poelt (1961, p. 86) N. W. Karakorum. Lecidea auriclclata Th. Fr. - CATAL. 3: Paulson (1925, p. 193) hlt. Everest; Awasthi (1963, p. 30) Kangra, N. W. Himalaya. Lecidea aurigera (Fde) Rliill. Arg., Riliill. Arg. (1892, p. 222) hlanipur - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lecidea granifera (Ach.) Vain. in CATAL. 3 :

66 *Leeidea awasthiana Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Almora district, N. W. Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. Lecidea curpathica (Korb.) Szat. - Poelt (1961, p. 86) N. W. Karakorum. Lecidea cinnabarina F6e - Belanger (1838, p. 129) Peninsular India - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lecidea piperis var. erythroplaca (F6e) Krempelh. in CATAL. 3: Lecidea coarctata (Turn.) Nyl. - Awasthi (1963, p. 30) Almora, N. W. Himalaya; - Lecanora coarctnta (Turn.) Ach., Nylander (1900, p. 10) Ceylon - CATAL. 5: Lecidea decipiens (Hedw.) Ach. - CATAL. 3: Paulson (1925, p. 193) Mt. Everest ; A. L. Smith (1931, p. 129) Waziristan ; Chopra (1934, p. 34) Waziristan; Poelt (1961, p. 86) N. W. Karakorum. *Lecidea deminuescens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 3: Lecidea elegantior H. Magn. - Awasthi (1963, p. 31) Nepal. Lecidea enteroler~ca Ach. - Nylander (1900, p. 15) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lecidea parasema (Ach.) Ach. in CATAL. 3: "Lecidea fuscorubescens Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Norrnand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 191) Andaman - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lecidea caliginosa Stirt. in CATAI,. 3: *Lecidea fziscorubida Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 191) Andaman - CATAL. 3: Lecidea granifera (Ach.) Vain. - CATAL. 3: ; - Lecanora granifera Ach., Nylander (1867, p. 4) Calcutta; Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 219) Manipur; Nylander (1900, p. 12) Ceylon. *Leeidea griseococcine~ Nyl. in Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. 111, 3: , and (1892, p. 186) Himalaya, leg. Hooker. Type in H! - CATAL. 3: Lecidea hedini H. Magn., Poel t (1961, p. 86) N. W. Karakorum. * Lecidea homochromoides Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 3: *Lecidea himalayana (Bab.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: ; - Biatora himalayana Bab. Hook. London Journ. Bot. 4: Kumaon, leg. Strachey and Winterbottom. Type in? BM.

67 Lecidea incongruens Stirt. - An erronous and cluperfluous entry in CATAL. 3: The taxon has correctly been cited as Uacidia incongruens (Stirt.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 4: Lecidea lucida (Ach.) Ach. - CATAL. 3: ; - Hiatora lucida (Ach.) Fr., Grover and Seshadri (1959, p ) Kumaon. Lecidea luridescens Nyl. - CATAL. 3 : Hue (1892, p. 187) Himalaya. Lecidea macrocarpa (DC.) Steud. - CATAL. 3: Awasthi (1963, p. 31) Nepal. * Lecidea manipurensis (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Vniv. 3: ; - Psora manipurensis Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G.Watt. Type in K, G. Lecidea meiocarpa Nyl. - Nylander (1900, p. 31) Ceylon - nomencl. syn. of Lecidea minuta (Schaer.) Nyl. in CATAL. 3: Lecidea parasema Ach. - CATAL. 3: Belanger (1838, p. 129) Peninsular India. * Lecidea parasema var. mulleri Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: Manipur; - Lecidea parasema var. microcarpa Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: hlanipur, leg. G.Watt. Type in K, G - (non Ach.). * Lecidea permzctabilis Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 3: * Lecidea pindarensis Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2) : Kumaon, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw. Lecidea piperis (Spreng.) Nyl. - CATAL. 3: Leighton (1869, p. 172) Ceylon. Lecidea portensis Nadv. - Poelt (1961, p. 87) N.MT. Karakorum. Lecidea rubina Ach. - CATAL. 3: ; - Biatora rlcbina (Ach.), Bklanger (1838, p. 128) India. Lecidea russula Ach. var. leprosa Hue - CATAL. 3: Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 222) Manipur. Lecidea stigmatea Ach. - Poelt (1961, p. 87) N. W. Karakorum - taxon recorded as Lecidea elaeochroma Ach. in CATAL. 3: *Lecidea sublutea Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 3: Lecidea subrufescens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 3: Lecidea tessellata (Ach.) Floerke - Poelt (1961, p. 87) N. W. Karakorum - taxon under Lecidea cyanea (Ach.) Rohl. in CATAL. 3:

68 Lecidea vernalis (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 3: Leighton (1860, p. 172) Ceylon. Lecidea vitellinaria Nyl., Poelt (1961, p. 87) N. W. Karakorum. LEY RL4 RIA Ach. (Imperfect Lichen) Lepraria candelarius (L.) Fr. - CATAL. 7: Grover and Seshadri (1959, p ) Nilgiri. Lepraria chlorina (DC.) Ach. - CATAL. 7: Grover and Seshadri (1959, p ) N.W. Himalaya. Lepraria firava (Schreb.) Ach., Nylander (1900, p. 25) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lepraria candelarius Fr. in CATAL. 7: LE P TOG ID I U M Nyl. (Ephebaceae) Leptogidium intricatulum (Nyl.) Nyl. - CATAL. 2: Jatta (1911, p. 312) Malabar. LE P TOG I U M (S. Gray) Zahlbr. (Collemaceae) Leptogium azureum (Sw.) Mont. - Jatta (1905, p. 184) Kurseong, Sikkim, Andaman - taxon syn. of Leptogium tremelloides var. azureum (Sw.) Nyl. in CATAL. 3: Leptogiam brebissonii Mont. - CATAL. 3: Montagne (1842, p. 20) Nilgiri. Leptogium bullatum (Sw.) Mont. - CATAL. 3: Nylander (1860, p. 129) India; Lindsay (1866, p. 522) Kumaon; Hue (1892, p. 28) India; Bhatia (1957, p. 37) W. Himalaya. Leptogium caesium (Ach.) Vain. - CATAL. 3: A. L. Smith (1931, p. 129) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 25) Darjeeling. Leptogium caesium var. pichneum (Ach.) Vain. - CATAL. 3: ; - Leptogium pichneam Ach., Nylander (1900, p. 1) Ceylon; - Leptogium tremelloides var. pichneum (Ach.), Jatta (1905, p. 184) Andaman. Leptogium callithamnium (Tayl.) Nyl. - CATAL. 3: Leighton (1869, p. 162) Ceylon. Leptogium chloromelum (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAL. 3: Nylander (1860, p. 128) India; Hue (1892, p. 27) India. Leptogium cyanescens Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 162) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Leptogium cyanizum Nyl. in CATAL. 3:

69 Leptogium cyanizum Nyl. - CATAL. 3: ; - Stephanophoron cyanizum Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 4) Ceylon. *Leptogium devertens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. IJniv. 3: ; - Steyhanophoron devertens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Alrnquist. Type in H, S. Leptogium diaphanum (Sw.) Mont. - Nylander (1900, p. 1) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Leptogium moluccanum (Pers.) Vain. in CATAL. 3: Leptogium delavayi Hue - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1905, p. 185) hlussool.ie. Leptogium jallax Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1902, p. 14) Mussoorie; Jatta (1905, p. 183) N. W. Himalaya; Jatta (1911, p. 312) Malabar. Leptogium fallax var. congestum Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1905, p. 183) Kurseong, Sikkim. Leptogium hildenbrandii (Garov.) Nyl. - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1902, p. 14) Kumaon. Leptogium inflexum Nyl. var. isidiosulum Nyl. - CATAL. 3: Stirton (1876, p. 157) Kumaon. Leptogium marginellum (Sw.) S. Gray - CATAL. 3: Nylander (1873, p. 164) Andaman; Hue (1898, p. 227) Andaman; Moreau (1952, p. 137) Palni hills; - Leptogium tremelloides var. marginellum Nyl., Hue (1892, p. 26) Andaman. Leptogium menziesii (Sm.) Mont. - CATAL. 3: Nylander (1860, p. 128) Sikkim; Hue (1892, p. 27) Himalaya; Hue (1898, p. 230) India; Jatta (1902, p. 14) Himalaya; Jatta (1905, p. 184) Himalaya; Jatta (1911, p. 312) Himalaya; A. L. Smith (1931, p. 129) Darjeeling ; Kashmir; Chopra (1934, p. 24) Darjeeling and Kashmir; Asahina (1955, p. 46) Nepal. Leptogium menziesii var. fuliginosrcm Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 3: Hue (1898, p. 230) Himalaya ; Hue (1900 b, p. 251) Nilgiri ; A.L.Smith (1931. p. 129) Himalaya; Chopra (1934, p. 25) Darjeeling; Moreau (1952, p. 138) Kodaikanal. Leptogium moluccanum (Pers.) Vain. - CATAL. 3: A.L. Smith (1931, p. 129) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 26) Darjeeling. Leptogium palmatum (Huds.) Mont. - CATAL. 3: A.L. Smith (1931, p. 129) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 26) Darjeeling. Leptogium phyllocarpum (Pers.) Mont,. - CATAL. 3: Nylander (1860, p. 130) India; Hue (1892, p. 28) India.

70 * Leptogium phyllocarprim var. crassi~isculum (Tayl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Uni17. 3: ; - Co1lem.a crassiusculum Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Madras, leg. Wight. Type in FH!. Leptogium phyllocarpum var. isidiosum Nyl. - Stirton (1876, p. 157) Kumaon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Leptogium phyllocarpum var. coralloideum (Mey. et Flot.) in CATAL. 3: Leptogium phylbocarpum var. macrocarpum Nyl. - CATAL. 3 : Leighton (1869, p. 162) Ceylon; Hue (1898, p. 228) Ceylon. Leptogir~m puiggarrii Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1905, p. 184) Andaman. Leptogium saturninum (Dicks.) Nyl. - CATAL. 3 : Leighton (1869, p. 162) Ceylon; Jatta (1902, p. 14) Kashmir; Moreau (1952, p. 138) Kodaikanal; Poelt (1961, p. 86) N. W. Karakorum; Awasthi (1961, p. 25) Assam; - Collema saturninum Ach., Montagne (1842, p. 20) Nilgiri; Babington (1852, p. 252) Kumaon. Leptogium subtile (Schrad.) Torss - CATAL. 3: Quraishi (1928, p. 228) Mussoorie. Leptogium tenuissimum (Dicks.) Fr. - CATAL. 3: Quraishi (1928, p. 228) Mussoorie. Leptogium tremelloides (L.f.) S. Gray - CATAL. 3: Leighton (1869) Ceylon; Nylander (1873, p. 164) Andaman; Hue (1892, p. 26) India; Jatta (1902, p. 15) Sikkim; and Mussoorie; Jatta (1905, p. 183) Nepal, Himalaya; Hue (1900b, p. 251) Nilgiri; Moreau (1952, p. 138) Kodaikanal; - Collema tremelloides Ach., Babington (1852, p. 252) Kumaon. Leptogium tremelloides var. rugulosum Nyl. - Jatta (1905, p. 184) Andaman - taxon nomencl. syn. of Leptogium cimiciodorum Mass. in CATAL. 3: "Leptogiurn trichophorum Miill. Arg. Flora 72: India, leg. Levier. Type in NAP, G. Jatta (1902, p. 15) Himalaya; Jatta (1905, p. 185) Himalaya; CATAL. 3: ; A.L. Smith (1931, p. 129) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 27) Darjeeling. Leptogium cfr. trichophorum f. fuliginoszcm Miill. Arg. - Asahina (1955, p. 45) Nepal. LE P TOR HA Pli I S Korb. (Pyrenulaceae) Leptorhaphis epidermidis (Ach.) Th. Fr. var. albissirna (Ach.) ; - Verrucaria epidermidis var. albissima Ach., Belanger (1838, p. 14) Peninsular India - taxon syn. under Leptorhaplzis epidermidis (Ach.) Th. Fr. in CATAL. I:

71 *Leptorhaphis stenobola (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. 1,ich. Univ. 1: 3/ ; - Verrucaria stenobola Nyl. in Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. 111, 4: , and Hue (1892, p. 313). Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in 11, S, PC. Nylander (1900, p. 25) Ceylon. LE P TO T R E MA Mont. et v. d. Bosch (Thelotremaceae) * Leptotrema allosporoides (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. Bull. Herb. Boiss. 2: Append. 1: CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema allosporoides Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. * Leptotrema andamanicr~m (Nyl.) A. L. Smith, Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema andamanicum Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H I. Leptotrema compunctum (Sm.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema compunctum Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 168) Ceylon. Leptotrema epitrypum (Nyl.) A. L. Smith - CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema epitrypum Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 17) Ceylon. *Leptotrema exalbidum (Stirt.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema exalbidum Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. Leptotrema phaeosporum (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema phaeosporum Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 168) Ceylon. "Leptotrema reclusum (Krempelh.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Thelotrema reclusum Krempelh. in Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. Hue (1892, p. 175) Andaman. * Leptotrema subconcretum (Leight.) Mull. Arg. Nouv. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 23: ; CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema sr~bconcretr~rn Leighton, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. Leptotrema subgeminrim (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: locality erronously cited in CATAL. "Insula.4ndamanW - original references do not mention t,his locality. * Leptotrema wightii (Tayl.) Mull. Arg. Flora 65: CATAL. 2: Moreau (1952, p. 137) Palni hills; - Endocarporz wightii Tayl. London Journ. Bot,. 6: Madras, leg. Wight.. Type in FH!.

72 LE TlIi4 H 1.4 Zahlbr. (Usneaceae) Letharia vlclpina (L.) Hue - CATAL. 6: Awasthi (1'360~) p. 176) Nepal. LO BA R 1.1 (Schreb.) Zahlbr. (Stictaceae) Lobaria adpressa (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 3: ; - Sticta adpressa hlull. Arg., Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Manipur. Lobaria adscripta (Nyl.) Hue - CATAL. 3: Hue (1901, p. 26) Ceylon. Lobaria adscripturiens (Nyl.) Hue - CATAL. 3: Moreau (1952, p. 138) Kodaikanal. *LO BA H IA A M'A S TIIIA NA (Riis.) Comb. nov. ; - Lobarina awaslhiana R3s. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw. *LO Brl R IL4 D I CT YO TA (Stirt.) Comb. nov. ; - Stictina dictyota Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 10: Kumaon, leg. Dickie. Type in BM!, GLAM - taxon erronously referred Sticta dictyota Stirt. in original reference in CATAL. 3: I have examined the type at BM and find it a true Lobaria and not Sticta. Lobaria discolor (Bory) Hue - CATAL. 3: Hue (1901, p. 23) India; Moreau (1952, p. 139) Kodaikanal; Awasthi (1962, p. 26) NEFA; - Ricasolia discolor (Bory), Nylander (1860, p. 367) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 99) Himalaya. Lobaria glomulifera (Lightf.) Hoffm.; - Ricasolia glomulifera Nyl., Hue (1901, p. 28) Nilgiri - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lobaria amplissima (Scop.) Forss. in CATAL. 3: Lobaria herbacea (Huds.) DC.; - Sticta herbacea Ach., Montagne (1842, p. 18) Nilgiri; Babington (1852, p. 247) Kumaon; Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Manipur; - Ricasolia herbacea (Huds.), Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lobaria laetevirens (Lightf.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 3: * Lobaria isidiosa (Mull. Arg.) Vain. Philippine Journ. of Sci. sect. C, 8: CATAL. 3: Asahina (1955, p. 47) Nepal; Awasthi (1960c, p. 170) Nepal; - Stictina retigera f. isidiosa Mull. Arg. Flora 65: Nepal, leg. Wallich; Ceylon, leg. Nieter. Type in G; Moreau (1952, p. 138) Kodaikanal; - Lobaria retigern f. isidiosn (Mull. Arg.), Hue (1901, p. 39) Nepal. * Lobaria isidiosa var. squamuligera Awasthi, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 54 B: Assam, leg. G. Panigrahi. Type in Assam and in Aw.

73 Lobaria linita (Ach.) Rabenh. - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1902, p. 5) N. W. Himalaya. *Lobaria pindarensis Has. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Almora district, Kumaon, leg. Awasthi. Type in 11, isotype in Aw. Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. - CATAL. 3: A. L.Sn-~ith (1931, p. 129) Darjeeling. Lobaria pulmonaria f. hypomela (Del.) Crornb. - CATAL. 3: ; - Sticta pulmonacea v. hypomela Babington (1852, p. 247) Kumaon; Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Manipur. Lobaria quercizans (Ach.) Michx - CATAL. 3: ; - Stictina quercizans Ach., Jatta (1911, p. 310) Malabar. (Lobaria) ravenelii (Tuck.) ; - Ricasolia ravenelii Tuck., Stirton (1876, p. 157) Kumaon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Lobaria quercizans (Ach.) Michx in CATAL. 3: Lobaria retigera (Bory) Trevis. - CATAL. 3 : Hue (1901, p. 38) India; Asahina (1955, p. 46) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 26) Assam, NEFA; - Sticta retigera Ach., Montagne (1842, p. 18) Nilgiri; Babington (1852, p. 247) Kumaon; Nylander (1860, p. 351) India; Stirton (1876, p. 159) Kumaon; - Stictina retigera, bliill. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Manipur ; - Lobarina retigera, Hue (1892, p. 86) India; Nylander (1900, p. 8) Ceylon; Jatta (1902, p. 6) Himalaya; Jatta (1905, p. 170) Himalaya. * Lobaria retigera f. erythrocardia (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 3: ; - Stictina retigera f. erythrocardia Mull. Arg. Bull. Herb. Boiss. 3: Kurseong, Darjeeling, leg. Stevens. Type in G. LO PAD I U 1I1 Korb. (Lecideaceae) Lopadium fuscum Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 4: Santesson (1952, p ) Ceylon. Lopadium leucoxanthoides (Vain.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 4: Awasthi (1963, p. 31) Shembaganur, Madurai. Lopadium leucoxanthum (Spreng.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 4: ; - Lecidea leocoxantha Spreng., Leighton (1869, p. 173) Ceylon; Stirton (1876, p. 156) Kumaon. Lopadium puiggarii (hlull. Arg.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 4: Santesson (1952, p ) Ceylon. * Lopadium saxicolum H. hlagn. Bot. Notiser 2: Dwarahat, Almora, leg. hlehra. Type in Herb. hlagnusson.

74 *Lopadium venustulum (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: ; - Lecidea venustula Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. Lopadium subcoerulescens Zahlbr. - CATAL. 8: Awasthi (1963, p. 31) Shembaganur. Lopadium vulpinum (Tuck.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 4: ; - Heterothecium vulpinum (Tuck.), Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 223) Manipur. MA RON EA Mass. (Acarosporaceae) * Maronea manipurensis H. Magn. Meddel. Goteborgs Bot. Tradgard 9: 46, Manipur, leg. G.Watt. Type in K - CATAL. 10: ; - Lecania (Maronea) melanocarpa, Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur. MAZOS IA Mass. (Chiodectonaceae) * Mazosia phyllosema (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: Santesson (1952, p ) Andaman ; - Platygrapha phyllosema Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 256) Andaman. MEGA LO PS 0 R A Vain. (Parmeliaceae) * Megalopsora cylindrophora (Tayl.) Vain. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. ser. A, 15 (6): CATAL. 6: ; - Parmelia cylindrophora Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Madras, leg. Wight. Type in FH! ; - Psoroma cylindrophorum, Hue (1892, p. 126) India. MEGA LOS PO RA Mey. et Flot. (Lecideaceae) * Megalospora marginiflexa (Hook. et Tayl.) Zahlbr. var. nilgherrensis (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: (nomen nudum); - Lecidea marginiflexa var. nilgherrensis Nyl. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbough 5 : (nomen nudum) ; Hue (1892, p.,195) nomen nudum. * Megalospora megaspora (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 4: ; - Lecidea megaspora Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. Megalospora versicolbr (Fke) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 4: ; - Leciden versicolor (Fee), N ylander (1900, p. 14) Ceylon.

75 ME LA M PI D I U M Stirt. (Lecanactidaceae) Melampidium metabolum (Nyl.) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Melaspilea metabola Nyl., Nylander (1873, p. 177) Andarnan; Hue (1892, p. 271) Andaman. ME LA NO THE CA (Fee) Miill. Arg. (Trypetheliaceae) Melanotheca aggregata (Fee) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. I: ; - Verrucaria aggregata Fee, Leighton (1869, p. 117) Ceylon; Stirton (1876, p. 157) Kumaon. * Melanotheca coactella Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. 1 : * Melanotheca indica Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 303) Calcutta - CATAL. 1 : * Melanotheca indica var. vaga Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutt,a, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 303) Calcutta - CATAL * Melanotheca leucotrypa (Nyl.) hliill. Arg. Flora 68: CATAL. 1 : ; - Trypethelium leucotrypctm Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 300) Calcutta. ME LAS PI LEA Nyl. (Gra~hida~eae) Melaspilea heterocarpa (Fee) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; -. Graphis heterocarpa Fee, Leighton (1869, p. 175) Ceylon. * Melaspilea insitiva Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: '79. Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G.Watt. Type in Bhl!, GLAhi - CATAL. 2: * Melaspilea perminuta Nyl. Act,a Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 2: * Melaspilea subdeformis Nyl. Acta Soc,. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 2: MI C R 0 G LA E N.S Korb. (Verrucariaceae) * Microglaena tlzelostonloides (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1 : ; - T/Terrucaria thelostornoides Nyl. Expos. Synopt. Pyrenocarpeae, 1858, p. 41. India, leg.? (not seen). Type in? H; Hue (1892, p. 286) India.

76 ill I CKO PH IA LE (Stiz.) Zahlbr. - see DIME R E LLA Trevis. Microphiale lutea (Dicks.) Zahlbr. - see Dimerella lutea Trevis. 151 I CRO TJI E L IA Korb. (Pyrenulaceae) *,liicrothelia (?) arctata (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucaria arctata Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Assarn, leg. G. Watt. Type in GLAM. * fiiicrothelia clavaeformis (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Tferrucaria clavaeformis Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G. Watt. Type in Bhl!, GLAM. * Microthelia conothelena (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1 : ; - Verrlicaria conothelena Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7 : Andarnan, leg. I<urz.Type in 13! ; Hue (1892, p. 298) Andaman. * Microthelia conothelena var. errans (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucaria conothelena var. errans Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 298) Andaman. * Microthelia nonensis (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucaria nonensis Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. Microthetia thelena (Ach.) Trevis. - CATAL. 1: ; - Verrucuria tklena Ach., Belanger (1838, p. 143) Peninsular India. M Y CO B I LI M B I11 Rehm. (Lecideaceae) *imycobilimbia calcuttensis Riis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1) : Calcutl;a, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw. M Y CO CA LI C I U M Vain. (Caliciaceae) * fifycocalicium himalayense HHs. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Darjeeling, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw. NA E V IA Mass. (Arthoniaceae) *Naevia pandani Riis. Arch. Soc,. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Orissa, leg. Awasthi. Type in H; isotype in Aw. ATE PH RO MA Ach. (Peltigeraceae) Nephroma expallidum Nyl. - CATAL. 3: A.L.Sn1itli (1931, p. 129) Kashmir.

77 Nephroma helveticum Ach. - Leighton (1869, p. 163) Ceylon; Iiue (1892, p. 102) India; Hue (1900, p. 105) Ceylon; Moreau (1952, p. 140) Shembaganur, Palni hills; - Nephromium tomentosum v. helveticum (Ach.), Nylander (1860, p. 319) Sikkim - taxon syn. of Nephroma resupinatum f. helveticum (Ach.) Rabenh. in CATAL. 3: * Nephroma nakaoi Asahina in Kihara, Fauna and Flora Nepal Himalaya, Lichens 1: Nepal, leg. Nakao. Type in?. Nephroma parile (Ach.) Ach. sensu Wetmore (1960, p. 440); - Nephromium laevigatum f. parile (Ach.), Jatta (1905, p. 169) Pangi, N. W. Himalaya - taxon referred as Nephroma laevigaturn f. parile (Ach.) Mudd. in CATAL. 3: * Nephroma sikkimense Asahina, Journ. Jap. Bot. 38 (7) : Sikkim, leg.? (not seen). Nephroma tropicum (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 3: ; - Nephromium tropicum hliill. Arg., Illiill. Arg. (1883, p. 21) India and Ceylon - taxon as Nephroma helveticum v. helveticum in Wetmore (1960, p. 421). N E PH RO MO PS IS Miill. Arg. (Parmeliaceae) Nephromopsis rhytidocarpa (Mont.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 8: ; - the taxa Cetraria melaloma and Cetraria sikkimensis considered syn. of Nephromopsis rhytidocnrpa by Rasanen (1952a, p. 33) and hence this taxon from Himalaya. *Nephromopsis stracheyi (Bab.) hfiill. Arg. Flora 74: , and hliill. Arg. (1892, p. 217) Manipur; Hue (1899, p. 217) Xianipur, India - CATAL. 6: Rasanen (1952a, p. 33) Himalaya; Awasthi (1961, p. 37) NEFA; - Cetraria stracheyi Bab. London Journ. Bot. 4: Kumaon, leg. Strachey and Winterbottom. Type in Bh4, K, DD; - Platysnta stracheyi (Bab.), Nylander (1860, p. 305) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 66) Himalaya. * Nephromopsis stracheyi f. ectocary isma Hue, Nouv. Arch. Rius. IV, 1: Himalaya, leg.?. Type in PC - CATAL. 6: * Nephromopsis stracheyi var. nephromoides (Nyl.) Ras. Kuopion Luonn. Ystav. Yhdist. Julk. Sarja B, 2 (6): Himalaya; - Platysma nephromoides Nyl. Flora 52 : Himalaya, leg.?. Type in H; Hue (1892, p. 66) Himalaya; - under Nephromopsis stracheyi in CATAL. 6:

78 0 CELL U LA RIA (Mey.) Miill. Arg. (Thelotremaceae) *Ocellrclaria albidiformis (Leight.) Zahlbr. Ann. Mycol. 14: ; - Thelotrema albidiforme Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM - taxon nomencl. syn. of Ocellularia porinoides (Mont. et v. d. Bosch) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 2: *Ocellularia nllosporiza (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Thelotrema allosporiza Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H; Hue (1892, p. 176) Andaman. Ocellularia calvescens (Fke) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema calvescens Fee, Leighton (1869, p. 168) Ceylon. (Ocell~~larin) cavatum var. granuliferum (Nyl.);- Thelotrema cavatum v. granuliferum Nyl. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbough 5: (not seen) - Hue (1892, p. 172) - CATAL. 2: taxon nomen nudum. *Ocellrclaria chonestoma (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Ascidium chonestomum Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. Ocell~ilaria dolichospora (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema dolichosporum Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 17) Ceylon. Ocellularia dolichotata (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema dolichotatum Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 17) Ceylon. *Ocelllclaria exanthismocarpa (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Thelotrema exanthismocarpum Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. *Ocellularia leightoni Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: nomen specificurn mutandum ob Ocellularia granulosa (Tuck.) Zahlbr. ; - Ascidium grani~losum Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Types in BM!. *Ocellularia leplospora (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Thelotrema leptosporum Nyl. in Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. *Ocellularia leucotylia (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. Hedwigia 30: ; CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema leucotylium Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. II,7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. Ocellularia microspora (Mont.) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema microsporum Mont., Nylander (1869, p. 70) Bengal; Leighton (1869, p. 167) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 170) India.

79 (Ocellularia) myriotrema (Nyl.); - Thelotrema myriotrema Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 168) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Ocellularia alba (Fee) Mull. Arg. in CATAL. 2: (Ocellularia) olivaceum (Fee) ; - Thelotrema olivaceum Mont., Leighton (1869, p. 168) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Ocellularia bonplandiae (Fee) Mull. Arg. in CATAL. 2: *Ocellularia papillata (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Thelotrema papillatum Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM I. *Ocellularia pertusariaeformis (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Ascidium pertusariaeformis Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. Ocellularia platystoma (Mont.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema platystoma Mont., Leighton (1869, p. 167) Ceylon. Ocellularia porinoides (Mont. et v. d. Bosch) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2 : ; - Thelotrema porinoides Mont. et v. d. Bosch, Nylander (1900, p. 17) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 171) Ceylon. *Ocellularia punctulata (Leight.) Zahlbr. corr. Awastlii; - Ascidium punctulatum Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in? BRI - typographical error in CATAL. 2: of the specific epithet into "pustulata" and "pustulatum." Ocellularia sphinctrinella (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema sphinctrinella Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 167) Ceylon. *Ocellularia terebrans (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Thelotrema terebrans Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 174) Andaman. *Ocellularia thelotremoides (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: Moreau (1952, p. 136) Manalur, Palni hills; - Ascidium thelotremoides Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. 0 CH RO LE CH IA Mass. (Lecanoraceae) Ochrolechia pallescens (L.) Mass. - CATAL. 5: Verseghy (1962, p ) Sikkim; - Pa.rmelia pallescens Ach., Montagne (1842, p. 20) Nilgiri; - Lecanora pallescens (L.), hliill. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur. Ochrolechia parella (L.) Mass. - CATAL. 5: ; - Parmelia pallescens f. parella Fee, Belanger (1838, p. 125) Peninsular India

80 *Ochrolechia parella var. gyrosa Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Darjeeling, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw - taxon syn. of Ochrolechia rosella (Mull. Arg.) Verseghy in Verseghy (1962, p ). Ochrolechia rosella (Mull. Arg.) Verseghy (1962, p ) Himalaya. Ochrolechia tartarea (L.) Mass. - CATAL. 5: ; - Lecanora tartarea Ach., Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 12) Ceylon. 0 PEG RA PHA Humb. (Opegraphaceae) sensu Santesson Opegrapha bonplandi F6e - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1869, p. 71) Bengal; Hue (1892, p. 253) Bengal. Opegrapha herpetica Ach. - CATAL. 2: Moreau (1952, p. 137) Manalur, Palni hills. Opegrapha herpetica f. fuscata Schaer. - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1869, p. 71) Bengal; Hue (1892, p. 254) Bengal. Opegrapha hysterioides Stirt. - see Opegrapha stirtoni Zahlbr. Opegrapha inaequalis Fke-CATAL. 2 : Nylander (1867, p. 6) Calcutta; Hue (1892, p. 253) India; Nylander (1900, p. 18) Ceylon. *Opegrapha laeta Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Bengal, leg. Thomson. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. 2: *Opegrapha leptoterodes Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 2: *Opegrapha longula Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (2892, p. 253) Andaman - CATAL. 2: *Opegrapha martii Krempelh. in Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 250) Calcutta - CATAL Opegr-apha prosodea Ach. - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1873, p. 171) Andaman; Hue (1892, p. 253) Andaman. Opegrapha pzclicaris (Hoffm.) Schrad. - CATAL. 2: ; - Opegrapha varia v. pzclicaris (Hoffnl.), Nylander (1867, p. 5) Calcutta; Hue (1892, p. 251) Calcutta. Opegrapha siderella Ach. - CATAL. 2: Leighton (1869, p. 178) Ceylon. "Opegrapha stirtoni Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Opegrapha hysterioides Stirton Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 10: Ceylon, leg.?. Type in GLAM. - (non Duf.).

81 *Opegrapha subsulcata Miill. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 25: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 2: *Opegrapha subvulgata Nyl. Flora 52: Bengal, leg. Kurz. Type in HI; Hue (1892, p. 253) Bengal - CATAL. 2: ; - Opegrapha vulgata Ach. in Nylander (1867, p. 5) Calcutta. *Opepapha tenuir Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. 2: Opegrapha viridis Pers. - CATAL. 2: Quraishi (1928, p. 228) Mussoorie. Opegrapha vulgata Ach. - Nylander (1867, p. 5) Calcutta is Opegrapha subvulgata Nyl. in Nylander (1869, p. 71). PAN NA RIA Del. (Pannariaceae) * Pannaria leiostroma Nyl. in Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in H,? Bhi - CATAL. 3: Pannaria leucosticta Tuck. - CATAL,. 3: Nylander (1900, p. 9, 28) Ceylon. Pannaria rubiginosa (Thunb.) Del. - CATAL. 3: Nylander (1863, p. 29) Indian mountains; Leighton (1869, p. 165) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 120) India; - Parmelia rubiginosa Ach., Montagne (1842, p. 20) Nilgiri. Pannaria stylophora Vain. - CATAL. 3: Awasthi (1963, p. 29) Ootacamund. PA R ICI E LI-4 (Ach.) DeNot. (Parmeliaceae) Parmelia abessinica Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Sastri and Seshadri (1942, p ) Andhra Pradesh. Parmelia acetabulum (Neck.) Duby - CATAL. 6: Bhatia (1957, p. 37) N.lV. Himalaya. * Parmelia adducla Nyl. Flora 68: Assam, leg. Masters. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 76) Assam - CATAL. 6: * Parmelia amplecte~zs Stirt. Scott. Naturalist 4: "India Orientalis" (not seen) - CATAL. 6: Parmelia aptata Iirempelh. - CATAL. 6: Hue (1892, p. 76) N. W. Himalaya. Parmelia blastica Vain. - CATAL. 6 : Hue (1900 b, p. 259) Nilgiri.

82 Parmelia borreri Turn. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1860, p. 389) Himalaya; Stirton (1876, p. 157) Kumaon; Hue (1892, p. 78) Irldia; Jalta (1905, p. 175) Pangi, N. W. Himalaya. I'armelia caperatn (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: Babington (1852, p. 248) 1Cumaon; Nylander (1860, p. 376) Himalaya; Stirton (1876, p. 157) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 71) India; IIue (1899, p. 180) India; Hue (1900b, p. 259) Nilgiri; Jatta (1902, p. 9) Sirnla; Moreau (1952, p. 141) Kodaikanal; Asahina (1955, p. 54) Nepal. Parmelia caperata var. cylisphora Vain. - Awasthi (1960c, p. 173) Nepal. Parmelia cervicornis Tuck. - Jatta (1911, p. 310) Rlalabar; - Parrnelia laevigalcc v. cervicornis Tuck., Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Parrnelia curaccensis Tayl. in CATAL. 6: Parmelia cetrarioides Del. - CATAL. 6: A. L. Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 55) Darjeeling; Asahina (1955, p. 55) Nepal. Parmelia cetrata Ach. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1900, p. 7) Ceylon; Hue (1900b, p. 259) Nilgiri; Asahina (1955, p. 54) Nepal. Parmelia cetrata f. ciliosa V.G.Marais - CATAL. 6: Moreau (1952, p. 141) Kodaikanal. Parmelia cetrata var. sorediifera Vain. - Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Manipur; Hue (1899, p. 174) Darjeeling; Hue (1900b) p. 259) Nilgiri - taxon nomencl. syn. of Parmelia reticulata Tayl. in CATAL. 6: * Parmelia cingalensis Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 10: Ceylon, leg.?. Type in BM, GLAM - CATAL. 6: * Parmelia cirrhata Fr. Syst. Orb. Veget. 1825, p Nepal. Type in UPS - CATAL. 6: Moreau (1952, p. 141) Kodaikanal; Asahina (1955, p. 52) Nepal; Awasthi (1960c, p. 172) Nepal. * Parmelia cirrhata var. divaricata (Tayl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 6: ; - Parmelia divaricata Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Nepal, leg. Wallich. Type in FH!. Parmelia cirrhata var. fistulata (Tayl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 6: ; - Parmelia kamschadalis var. fistnlata (Tayl.), Miill. Arg. (1895, p. 194) Darjeeling. * Parmelia cirrhata var. intricata (Jatta) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 6: ; - Parmelia kamschadalis v. intricata Jatta, Malpighia 19: Darjeeling. Type in NAP.

83 Parrnelia cirrhatu f. tenuis (Mull. Arg.) Zahlhr. - CATAIJ. 6: ; - Purmeliu kamschadalis var. lenuis Mull. Arg., Jatta (1905, p. 174) hlossoorie, N. W. Himalaya. l'clrmeliu conspersa Ach. - CATAL,. 6: Stirton (1876, p. 157, 159) ICumaon, and Ceylon; A.I,.Srnith (1931, p. 130) Kashn~ir. Parmelia conspersa var. constrictuns (Nyl.) Miill. Arg. - CATAI,. 6: ; - Parmelia con~tricta~s Nyl., Jatt,a (1905, p. 175) Pangi. N. W. Himalaya. Purmelia conspersa var. hypoclistoides Miill. Arg. - CATAJ,. 6: Jatta (1905, p. 175) Pangi, N. W. Himalaya. * Parmelia conspersa var. imitans Miill. ilrg. Flora 74: Nila, N. W. Himalaya, leg. nuthie. Type in K - CATAIJ. 6: Parmelia conspersa var. subcorzspersa (Nyl.) Stein. - C.4TA1,. 6: ; - Parmelia subconspersu NyI., Stirton (1876, p. 159) Kumaon, and Ceylon. Purnzeliu coralloidea (Mey. et Flot'.) Vain., Jatta (1902, p. 8) Simla; A.L.Srnith (1931, p. 130) Himalaya; Chopra (1934, p. 57) Sikkim - taxon nomencl. syn. of Purmelia tinctorunz Despr. in CATAL. 6: Parmelia corrziculuns Nyl. - CATAL. 6 : Dhar et u1. (1959, p. 112) Mussoorie. Parmelia crinita Ach. - CATAL. 6: Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon ; Jatta (1905, p. 172) Rfussoorie, N. \IT. Himalaya. * Parmelia cristifera Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Calcutta, leg. Wallich. Type in FH! - CATAL. 6: A. L. Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 59) Darjeeling; Awasthi (1961, p. 33) NEFA. * Parmelia denegens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 6: Parmelia disjuncts Erich. - Poelt (1961, p. 90) N.\'CT. Iiarakorum. Parmelia dissecta Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Awast.hi (1957b, p. 124) Kodaikanal. Parmelia du.bia (Wulf.) 'Schaer. - Hue (1892, p. 151) Himalaya - taxon nomencl. syn. of Parmebia. borreri Turn. in CATAL. 6: * Parmelia ecoronata Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 79) Andaman; Jatta (1905, p. 175) Andaman - CATAL. 6:

84 Parnzelia enterornorpha Ach. - CATAL. 6: ; - Parmelia physodes var. enterornorpha (Ach.), Lindsay (1866, p. 512) Sikkirn. Parmelia exasperuta (Ach.) De Not. - CATAL. 6: Quraistii (1928, p. 228) Mussoorie. Parmelia exasperatula Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Poelt (1961, p. 90) N. W. Karakorum. Parn~elia furfuracea (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: ; - Everniu furfuracea Fr., Jatta (1905, p. 167) Pangi, N. W. Himalaya; Jatta (1911, p. 309) Himalaya; Chopra (1934, p. 63) Himalaya. * Parmelia ghattensis Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. IV, 1 : Coonoor, Western Ghats, leg. Gray. Type in PC; Hue (1900b, p. 261) Coonoor - CATAL. 6: Parmeliu glomellifera Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Poelt (1961, p. 90) N. UT. Karakorum. * Parmelia grayana Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. IV, 1 : Coonoor, leg. Gray. Type in PC; Hue (1900b, p. 260) Coonoor - CATAL. 6: * Parmelia himalayensis Nyl. Flora 68: Himalaya, leg. Skoliczka. Type in H; Hue (1892, p. 71) Himalaya; Hue (1899, p. 182) Himalaya - CATAL. 6: Asahina (1955, p. 54) Nepal. * Parmelia homogenes Nyl. Flora 68: India, leg. Hooker and Thomson. Type in H, K. Hue (1892, p. 72) India - CATAL. 6: A. L. Smith (1931, p. 131) Himalaya; Chopra (1934, p. 58) Sikkim. Parmelia homogenes var. vestita Zahlbr. - CATAL. 8: A.L.Smith (1931, p. 131) Sikkim. Parmelia hyporysalea (Vain.) Vain. - CATAL. 6: Aghoramurthy et al. (1954, p. 327) Simla. * Parmelia hypotrypa Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Sikkim, Himalaya, leg. Hooker and Thomson. Type in H, K. Hue (1892, p. 85) Himalaya; Hue (1899, p. 126) India - CATAL. 6: (typographical error of specific epithet into hypotropa). Parmelia infumata Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Poelt (1961, p. 90) N. W. Karakorum. Parmelia isidiosa (Mull. Arg.) Hale - Poelt (1961, p. 90) N.M'. Karakorum. "Parmelia kamschadalis Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. 11, 18: IT Nilgiri, leg. Perrottet. Type in?pc. Nylander (1860, p. 387) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 80) Himalaya; Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Mani-

85 pur; Mull. Arg. (1895, p. 194) Darjeeling; Hue (1899, p. 136) Sinlla and Nepal; Nylander (1900, p. 7) Ceylon; Jatta (4911, 1). 55) IIimalaya, and Malabar; A. L. Smith (1931, p. 130) Iiirnalaya ; Chopra (1934, p. 55) Ilimalaya - taxon nomencl. syn. of Parrnelicl cirrhata Fr. in CATAL. 6: Parmelia kamschadalis var. americana (Mey. et Flot.) Nyl. - 1,cighton (1869, p. 165) Ceylon; Stirton (1876, p. 157) Kumaor~; hliill. Arg. (1895, p. 194) Darjeeling; Hue (1899, p. 136) India; Jatta (1902, p. 9) Himalaya; Jatta (1905, p. 174) Himalaya; Jatta (1911, p. 310) Himalaya, and Malabar - taxon nomencl. syn. under Parmelia cirrhata Fr. in CATAL. 6: Parmelia laevigata (Sm.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: Babingtor~ (1852, p. 248) Kumaon ; Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon ; Mull. ~ rg. (1892, p. 218) hlanipur; Nylander (1900, p. 6) Ceylon; Jatta (1905, p. 172) Nepal, and Sikkim; hloreau (1952, p. 141) Shembaganur, Madurai. Parmelia laevigata f. isidiosa Mull. Arg., Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 377) India - taxon nomencl. syn. of Parmelia dissecta Nyl. in CATAL. 6: * Parmelia laevigata var. exsecta (Tayl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 6: ; - Parmelia exsecta Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Nepal, leg. Wallich. Type in FH!. Parnzelia latissima F6e - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1905, p. 172) Punjab ; A. L. Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling. Parmelia lalissima f. isidiosa Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 6: hliill. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Manipur; Jatta (1911, p. 310) Malabar; A. L. Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling. Parmelia latissima var. sorediata Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Xlull. Arg. (1892, p. 218) hlanipur; A. L. Smith (1931. p. 130) Darjeeling. * Parmelia mallii Has. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Yanamo" 6 (2): Saugor, India; leg. Mall. Type in H, isotype in Aw. Parmelia marmariza Nyl. - CATAL. 6: ; - Parnielia latissinla var. marmariza Nyl., A. L. Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 57) Darjeeling. * Parmelia meizospora (Nyl.) Nyl. Flora 68: India; Hue (1892, p. 76) India; Jatta (1905, p. 173) Mussoorie; CATAL. 6: ; - Parmelia tilincea var. nleizospora Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Himalaya, leg.?. Type in H. * Pnrmelia mesotropa hlull. Arg. f. sorediosa hlull. Arg. Flora 74: Cachar, leg. Keenan. Type in K - CATAL. 6:

86 Parrnelia rniilleri Vain. - CATAIJ. 6: Bhatia (1957, p. 37) N.W. Himalaya. Parmelia munduta Nyl. - CATAL. 6: ; - Parrnelia physodes var. mlrndata (Nyl.), Jatta (1911, p. 310) hlalabar. * Parrnelia nepulensis Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Nepal, leg. Wallich. Type in FH! - taxon nomencl. syn. of Parnlelia cirrhatu Fr. in CATAL. 6: * Parmelia nilgherrensis Nyl. Flora 52: Nilgiri, leg. Perrotlet. Type in H; Nylander (1885, p. 608) Nilgiri; Hue (1892, p. 74) India; Hue (1900b, p. 261) Nilgiri; CATAL. 6: A.1,. Smith (1931, p. 130) Himalaya; Chopra (1934, p. 60) Darjeeling; Awasthi (1960c, p. 174) Nepal. Parmelia nimandairana Zahlbr. - CATAL. 10: Asahina (1955, p. 53) Nepal; Awasthi (1960~~ p. 173) Nepal. Parmelia olivacea (IA.) Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1860, p. 395) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 82) Himalaya. Parrnelia olivaria (Ach.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 6: Hue (1900 b, p. 261) Nilgiri; - Parmelia perlata var. olivaria Ach., Jatta (1905, p. 171) Andaman. Parrnelia perlorata (Wulf.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: Babington (1852, p. 247) ICunlaon; Stirton (1876, p. 156) Kumaon; Nylander (1900, p. 7) Ceylon; Jatta (1902, p. 7) Simla, Mahasu; Jatta (1905, p. 172) Kurseong, Sikkim; Moreau (1952, p. 141) Icodaikanal. Par~neliu perforata var. ciliata Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1911, p. 310) Malahar. * IJnrnzelia perforata var. denticulata Linds. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 22: , and Trans. Linn. Soc. London 25: India, IIirnalaya, Sikkim, leg.?. Type in? BM, I< - CATAT,. 6: I'arrnelia perforata var. islophylla (hiey. el Flot.) Rliill. Arg. - Jatta (1905, p. 172) Sikkim, and Darjeeling; Jatta (1911, p. 310) Malabar - taxon nomencl. syn. of Parmelia olivaria (Ach.) Th. Fr. in CATAIJ. 6: Parmelia perlata (I-Iuds.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: RIontagne (1842, p. 19) Nilgiri; Belanger (1838, p. 121) Perlinslrlar India; Babington (1852, p. 248) Mlimaon; Nylander (1XG0, p. 379) Hinlalaya; Nylander (1867, p. 3) Calc~itta; 1,indsay (1866, p. 510) Assam ; Simla; ],eighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 72) India; Jatta (1902, p. 7) Bilaspur; Jatta (1905, p. 171) Darjeeling, ant1 Silikim.

87 Parmelia perlata var. ciliata (DC.) L)ul)y - CATAI,. 6: ,eighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon; Jatta (1905, p. 171) IVeptll. * Parmelia perisidians Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (40): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAI,. 6: Parmelia pertusa (Schrank.) Schaer. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1860, p. 402) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 85) liirrlalaya; Hue (1899, p. 128) India; Asahina (1955, p. 52) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 31) NEFA. Parmelia physodes (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: Jlontagne (1842, p. 19) Nilgiri; Nylander (1860, p. 400) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 84) Himalaya; Hue (1900b, p. 257) R'ilgiri; Jatta (1905, p. 174) Kurseong, and Sikkim. Parmelia physodes f. nigrovittata Mont. - CATAL. 6: Montagne (1842, p. 19) Nilgiri. Parmelia pilosella Hue var. excrescens (Arn.) Hue - CATAL. 6: ; - Parmelia perlata var. excrescens.4rn., Jatta (1905, p. 171) Sikkim. Parmelia plalyphyllina Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Awasthi (1961. p. 33) Assam. Parmelia proboscidea Tayl. - CATAL. 6: Hue (1900b, p. 261) Nilgiri; Jatta (1902, p. 8) Simla, and hlahasu; Jatta (1911, p. 310) Himalaya. * Parmelia yroboscidea f. bulbulifera Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. IV, 1: Nilgiri, Coonoor, leg. Gray. Type in PC - CATAL. 6: * Parmelia pseudobitteriana Awasthi, Current Sci. 26 (4) : Iiodaikanal, leg. Hoeg. Type in Aw. * Parmelin pseudohyporysalea Asahina in Iiihara, Flora and Fauna Nepal Himalaya. Lichens I : Nepal. leg. Nakao. Type in?. Parmelia quercirza (Willd.) Vain. var. rimulosa (Miill. -4rg.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 6: ; - Parmelia liliacea var. rim~tlosa hliill. Arg. - Jatta (1905, p. 173) Simla, Punjab; Jatta (1911, p. 310) hialabar. * Parnzelia rampoddensis Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 6: Parntelia relicinn Fr. - CATAL. 6: Kylander (1900, p. 7 ) Ceylon. Parmelia reticrzlatn Tayl. - CATAL. 6: Awasthi (1960c, p. 173) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 32) NEFA.

88 Parmelia revolitta Floerke - CATAL. 6: Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylorl; Hue (1892, p. 78) India; Jatta (1902, p. 8) Simla; - Parmelia laevigata v. revoluta (Floerke), Nylander (1860, p. 385) India. Parmelia rudecta Ach. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1911, p. 310) Malabar. Parmelia ruderata Vain. - CATAL. 6: Awasthi (1961, p. 32) NEFA. Parmelia saxatilis (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1860, p. 388) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 162) Himalaya. Parnzelia scortea (Ach.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1902, p. 8) Simla; Jatta (1905, p. 173) Pangi, N. W. Himalaya; - Parmelia tiliacea var. scortea Ach., Hue (1899, p. 156) Ceylon. Parmelia sinuosa var. angustifolia Mont., Montagne (1842, p. 19) Nilgiri - taxon nomencl. syn. of Parmelia caraccensis f. pulvinata (Fee) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 6: Parmelia soredica Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Aghoramurty et al. (1954, p. 327) Simla. Parmelia stenophylla (Ach.) DuRietz - Dhar et al. (1959, p. 112) Kashmir; Awasthi (1960~) p. 173) Nepal. *Parmelia subaurulenta Nyl. Flora 68: India, Himalaya, leg. Hooker and Thomson, and Skoliczka. Type in H, K. Hue (1892, p. 72) India; Nylander (1900, p. 6) Ceylon - CATAL. 6: Parmelia subcrinita Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Awasthi (1961, p. 33) NEFA. Parmelia subdissecta Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Hue (1900b, p. 257) Nilgiri. * Parmelia sublaevigata (Nyl.) Nyl. Ann. Sci. Nat. V, 7: ; Nylander (1885, p. 611) India; Hue (1892, p. 76) India; Jatta (1905, p. 173) Sikkim, and Darjeeling - CATAL. 6: Moreau (1952, p. 141) Kodaikanal; Awasthi (1961, p. 33) Assam, and NEFA; - Parmelia tiliacea var. sublaevigata Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Nilgiri, leg.?. Type in H. Parmelia subquercifolia I-Iue - CATAL. 6: Bhatia (1957, p. 37) N.W. Himylaya. Parmelia subrudecla Nyl. f. rodriguesii Hue - CATAL. 6: Hue (1900b, p. 257) Nilgiri. Parmelia sulcata Tayl. - CATAL. 6: Quraishi (1928, p. 228) Mussoorie; Dhar et al. (1959, p. 112) Dehradun.

89 * Parmelia symmiga liue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. IV, 1: Coonoor, Nilgiri, leg. Gray. Type in PC. I-Iue (1900 b, p. 258) Coonoor - CATAL. 6: Parmelia tenuirima Tayl. var. sorediata Miill. Arg. - CATAI,. 6: Jatta (1905, p. 175) Pangi, N. W. liirnalaya. * Parmelia tephrina Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mils. IV, 1: Nilgiri, Coonoor, leg. Gray. Type in PC. Hue (1900b, p. 259) Nilgiri, Coonoor - CATAL. 6: * Parmelia thomsoniana Mull. Arg. Flora 74: Sikkim, leg. Thomson. Type in G - CATAL. 6: Parmelia tiliacea Ach., Montagne (1842, p. 19) Nilgiri; Nylander (1860, p. 382) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 75) Himalaya; Hue (1899, p. 155) Himalaya, Manipur; A4ull. Arg. (1892, p. 218) ilfanipur; Jatta (1902, p. 8) Kumaon; Jatta (1905, p. 173) Nepal; Jatta (1911, p. 310) Himalaya - taxon nomencl. syn. of Parmelia quercina (Willd.) Vain. in CATAL. 6: Parmelia tinctorum Despr. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1900, p. 6) Ceylon; Hue (1900 b, p. 262) Nilgiri; A. L. Smith (1931, p. 130) Sikkim; Asahina (1955, p. 54) Nepal; Awasthi (1957b, p. 124) Kodaikanal; Awasthi (1960c, p. 174) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 33) Assam, and NEFA. Parmelia tubulosa (Schaer.) Bitter - CATAL. 6: Bitter (1901, p ) Pangi, N. IV. Himalaya. Parmelia vittata (Ach.) Rohl. - CATAL. 6: Bitter (1901, p ) Himalaya, and Sikkim; Asahina (1955, p. 52) Nepal; Awasthi (1960c, p. 172) Nepal. Parmelia verruculifera Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Hue (1892, p. 83) Himalaya. * I-'armelia wallichiana Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Nepal, leg. Wallich. Type in FH!. Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Manipur; Mull. Arg. (1895, p. 195) Darjeeling - CATAL. 6: * Parmelia wattiana Mull. Arg. Flora 74: Xlanipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K - Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 218) hianipur - CATAL Parmelia xanthina Vain. - CATAL. 6: Hue (1900b, p. 259) Nilgiri. * Parmelia zeylanica R. Sant. Bot. Notiser 22: Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, H; - Hypogymnia enteromorpha of Nylander (1900, p. 6) Ceylon.

90 Parmelia zollingeri Hepp - CATAL. 6: Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 271) Manipur; Hue (1900b, p. 263) Nilgiri. PA R ME LI E LLA Mull. Arg. (Pannariaceae) Parmeliella microphylla (Sw.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 3: ; - Pannaria microphylla (Sw.), Nylander (1863, p. 34) Himalaya; - Pannularia microphylla Nyl., Hue (1892, p. 122) Himalaya. Parmeliella nigrocincta (hlont.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 3: ; - Pannaria nigrocincta Mont., Leighton (1869, p. 165) Ceylon. * Parmeliella pannosa (Sw.) Mull. Arg. var. delicata Jatta, Malpighia 19: Andaman, leg. E. H.hlan. Type in NAP - CATAL. 3 : Parmeliella saubinetii (Mont.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 3: ; - Pannaria saubinetii Mont., Nylander (1863, p. 35) Himalaya. PA R ME N TA RI.4 F6e (Astrotheliaceae) (Parmentaria) americana (Spreng.); - Pyrenastrum americanum Spreng., Belanger (1838, p. 139) Carnatic - taxon nomencl. syn. of Parmentaria astroidea Fke in CATAL. 1: * Parmentaria (?) assamiensis (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1 : ; - Verrucaria assamiensis Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. Parmentaria astroidea Fee - CATAL. 1: ; - T'errucarict aspistea var. astroideu Fke, Leighton (1869, p. 184) Ceylon. Parrnentaria interlatens (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 1: ; - Astrothelircm interlatens (Nyl.), Stirton (1876, p. 160) Ceylon. PE CCA N IA (hlass.) Forss. (Pyrenopsidaceae) * Peccania lzoegii Awasthi, Proc. Indian. Acad. Sci. 45 B: Spiti, N. W. Himalaya, leg. 0. A. Hocg. Type in Aw. PEL TIG E R:2 Pers. (Peltigeraceae) Peltigera canilza (L.) Willd. - CATAI,. 3: Nylander (1860, p. 324) Himalaya; Hue (2892, p. 103) Hin~nlaya; Jatta (1902, p. 5) Simla, and Iiashinir; Cllopra (1934, p. 31) Sikkim ; Awasthi (1961, p. 28) NEFA; - Peltiden calrilza (I,.) Ach., Habingt,on (1852, p. 24G) ICumaon.

91 Peltigera canina var. membranacea (Ach.) Duby - CATAJ,. 3: Asahina (1955, p. 44) Nepal; - Peltigera membranacea Nyl., Jatta (1902, p. 5) Simla; Jatta (1905, p. 169) Punjab; Jatta (1911, p. 310) Himalaya, and Malabar. Peltigera canina f. ulorrhiza Schaer. - CATAJ,. 3: Hue (1900, p. 93) Himalaya. Peltigera dolichorhiza Nyl. - CATAL. 3 : Awasthi (1961, p. 28) Assam, and NEFA; - Peltigera polydactyla var. dolichorhiza Nyl., Jatta (1905, p. 168) Sikkim, and Mussoorie. Peltigera horizontalis ( I-Iuds.) Baumg. - CATAL. 3 : Poelt (1961, p. 86) N. W. Karakorum ;- Pelt idea horizontalis, Babington (1852, p. 246) Kumaon. Peltigera leptoderma Nyl. - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1905, p. 169) Pangi, N. W. Himalaya. Peltigera malacea (Ach.) Funck. - CATAL. 3: Nylander (1860, p. 323) Hirnalaya; Hue (1892, p. 102) Himalaya; Jatta (1902, p. 5) Kashmir; Jatta (1905, p. 169) Pangi. Peltigera polydactyla (Neck.) Hoffn~. - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1902, p. 5) Himalaya; Jatta (1905, p. 168) Himalaya. Peltigera pusilla (Dill.) Korb. - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1902, p. 5) Simla. Peltigera rufescerzs (Weis.) Humb. - CATAL. 3: Nylander (1860, p. 324) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 103) Himalaya; Jatta (1905, p. 169) N. UT. Himalaya; Poelt (1961, p. 86) S. 11'. Karakorum; - Peltigera canina f. rr~jescens, Hue (1900, p. 94) Himalaya. Peltigera cfr. scabrosa Th. Fr. - Asahina (1955, p. 44) Nepal. Peltigera scutata (Dicks.) Duby - CATAL. 3: Jatta (1903, p. 168) Landour, hiussoorie; - Peltigera polydactyla var. scutata, Montagne (1842, p. 18) Nilgiri. Peltigera sprtria (Ach.) DC. - C-4TAL. 3: Leighton (1869, p. 163) Ceylon; Jatta (1905, p. 169) N.\Tv.Hinlalaya; hloreau (1952, p. 140) Iiodaikanal. Peltigera venosa (L.) Baumg. - CATAL. 3: A. L.Smith (1931, p. 129). N. ' 1 Hirnalaya; Ctiopra (1934, p. 31) N. \V. Himalaya. PE RFO R-4 R I;i Rliill. Arg. (Pertusariaceae) Perforaria crtcrcrbitiila (Xfont.) lliill. Arg. - CATAL. 5: ; - Lecclnora cncrrrbitttln hfont., Xlull. Arg. (1884, p. 365) Ceylon: - Pertusaria papillrtltrta Nyl. in Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon, leg. Thwaites is Perforaria cucurbitirln sensu ;\lull. Arg. (1884, p. 365).

92 PER T USA RIA DC. (Pertusariaceae) * Pertusaria acuta hlull. Arg. Flora 67: Nilgiri, leg.? (communicated by Bader). Type in G - CATAL. 5: Pertusaria albidelln Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon. Pertusaria bryontha (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAT,. 5: Awasthi (1963, p. 33) Nepal. * Pertzcsaria ceytonica Mull. Arg. Flora 67: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in G - CATAL. 5: * Pertzcsaria cinchonae Miill. Arg. Flora 67 : Nilgiri, leg. G. Watt. Type in G - CATAL. 5: Pertusarin communis DC. - Nylander (1869, p. 70) Bengal; Hue (1892, p. 164) India - taxon nomencl. syn. of Pertusaria pertusa (L.) Tuck. in CATAL. 5: * Pertusaria concinna Erichs. Fedde Repert. 41 : Nilgiri, leg. Ziegler. - CATAL. 10: Pertusaria cryplocarpa Nyl. - CATAL. 5 : Leighton (1869, p. 167) Ceylon. * Pertusaria dehiscens Mull. Arg. var. depressior Miill. Arg. Flora 67 : Nilgiri, leg. G.Watt. Type in G - CATAL. 5: Pertusaria depressa (Fke) Mont. et v. d. Bosch - CATAL. 5: ; - Porina depressa Fee, Belanger (1838, p. 138) Peninsular India. * Pertusaria f ulvescens (Mull. Arg.) Vain. hlem. Herb. Boiss. no. 5 : CATAL. 5: ; - Pertusaria wattiana f. fulvescens Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: 221. j892. Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K. :k Pertusaria irnpressula Mull. Arg. Flora 67: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in G - CATAL. 5: * Pertusnria kodaikanalensis Choisy, Contrib. Lichenogr. no. 4-5, 1931, tab. 33 (not seen) - CATAL. 10: India. Pertusaria leioplaca (Ach.) DC. - CATAL. 5: Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 16) Ceylon. Pertusaria leioplaca var. octospora Nyl. - Nylander (1869, p. 70) Bengal; Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 221) Manipur - taxon nomencl. syn. of Pertusaria alpina Hepp, in CATAL. 5: Pertusaria leioplaca var. turgida Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 5: Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 221) Manipur.

93 Pertusaria leioplucella Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Leiahton (1869, p. 167) Ceylon. Pertusaria leucosorodes Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 5: (typographical error of specific epithet into leucosoroides); hloreau (1952, p. 139) Kodaikanal. Pertusaria melaleuca (Turn. et Borr.) Duby - CATAL. 5 : Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 221) Manipur. Pertusaria melaleuca var. tetramera Miill. Arg. - CATAI,. 5: Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 221) Manipur. * Pertusaria melastomella Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 5: * Pertusaria mesotropa Mull. Arg. Flora 67: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in G - CATAL. 5: Pertusaria multipu~zcta (Turn.) Nyl. - CATAL. 5 : hfull. Arg. (1892, p. 220) hlanipur; A. L. Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Moreau (1952, p. 140) hlanalur, Palni hills. * Pertusaria pallidula Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 10: Kumaon, leg. Dickie. Type in BM, GLAhl - CATAL,. 5: Pertusaria papillulata Nyl. - Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon - see Perforaria cucurbitula. * Pertusaria pertusa (L.) Tuck. f. pertusula (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 5: ; - Pertusaria communis f. pertusula Nyl. -4cta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S. Pertusaria pertusella Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 5: Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 221) Manipur; Jatt,a (1902, p. 12) Bilaspur. * Pertusaria pseudococcodes hfull. Arg. Flora 67 : Ceylon, leg. Nieter. Type in G - CATAL. 5: * Pertusaria punctata Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 2: Nilgiri, leg. Perrottet. Type in H. Hue (1892, p. 164) Nilgiri - CATAL. 5 : Pertusaria quassiae (Fee) Nyl. - CATAL. 5: ; - Porina quassiae Fee, Leighton (1869, p. 167) Ceylon. * Pertusaria rigida hlull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in I< - CATAL. 5: * Pertusaria subdepressa Iliull. -4rg. Flora 67: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in G - CATAL. 5: * Pertusnria subochracea Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G. Watt. Type in BhI!, GLAM - CATAL. 5:

94 * l'ertrcsaria srcbradians Rilull. Arg. Flora 67: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in G - CATAL. 5: * Pertusaria tetrathalrnia (Fee) Nyl. var. neilgherrensis (Mull. Arg.) Rilull. Arg. Rev. Mycol. 9: (not seen) - CATAL. 5: ; - Pertusaria leioplacoides var. neilgherre~zsis R.1~11. Arg. Flora 67: Nilgiri, leg. Ziegler. Type in G. * Pertusaria thulaitesii hiull. Arg. Flora 67: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in G - CArrAL. 5: * Pertusaria trisperma Rliill. Arg. Flora 67: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in G - CATAL. 5: * Pertusaria tuberculifera Ny1. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10) : Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - taxon nomencl. syn. of Pertusaria tetrathalmia in CATAI,. 5: Pertusaria velata (Turn.) Nyl. - CATAL. 5: Leighton (1869, p. 167) Ceylon; Nylander (1873, p. 166) Andaman; hlull. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur; Hue (1892, p. 162) Andaman; Jatta (1905, p. 181) Andaman. Pertusaria velata var. variolosu Mull. Arg. - Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur - taxon nomencl. syn. of Pertusaria velata var. microcephala (Fee) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 5: Pertusaria verrucosa (Fee) hlont. - Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Pertusaria granriluta (Ach.) Mull. Arg. in CATAL. 5: * Pertusaria wuttiana Rliill. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K - CATAL. 5: * Pertusaria wuttiana f. fulvescens Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G.Watt. Type in K - not recorded in CATAL. PIIA EOG RA PHI NA Mull. Arg. (Graphidaceae) Phaeographina caesiopruinosa (Fee) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 227) Manipur. Phaeogruphina chrysentera (Rilont.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 227) Manipur; - Graphis chrysentera (hlont.), Nylander (1900, p. 22) Ceylon. * Phaeographina chrysenterodes Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - taxon nomencl. syn. of Phaeographina excellens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 2:

95 * Phaeographina cirrhata (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. IJich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis cirrhnta Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A.Watt. Type in BRI!, GLAM. I'haeographirzu colubrosa (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2 : ; - Graphis colubrosa Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 176) Ceylon. Phaeographina contexta (Pers.) Mull. Arg. - CATAI,. 2: ; - Graphis contexta (Pers.), Leighton (1869, p. 174) Ceylon; Ny1andc.r (1873, p. 176) Andaman; Hue (1892, p. 246) Andan~an. Phaeographina exserta Mull. Arg. - A. L.Smith (1931, p. 128) 1)arjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 20) Darjeeling - taxon syn. of I'haeographina qlaussiaecola (Fee) Miill. Arg. in CATAL. 2: * Phaeographina firmula (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. llniv. 2: ; - Graphis firmula Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GL-411. * Phaeographina grisea (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis grisea IVy1. in Hue, Nouv. Arch. Ifus. 111, 3: , and Hue (1892, p. 246), Ceylon, leg. Gardener. Type in H, PC. Nylander (1900, p. 22) Ceylon. * (Phaeographina) leprevostii (Leight.) ; - Helrnirzthocarpon leprevostii Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bhl - taxon nomencl. syn. of Phaeographina quassiaecola (Fke) Miill. Arg. in CATAL. 2: * Phaeographina phlyctidiformis Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bol. 29: Manipur, leg. G.\Yatt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 2: * Phaeographina wattiana hlull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G.Watt. Type in K, G - CATAI,. 2: PHA EOG RA PHIS hiiill. Arg. (Graphidaceae) * Phaeographis aulaxerpeta (Leight.) Miill. Arg. Flora 65: CATAL. 2 : ; - Platygrapha aulaxerpeta Leight,. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bhl!. * Phaeographis colligata (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Gra,phis colligata. Stirt. Proc,. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt,. Type in BRI!, GLARf. * Phaeographis convariata (Krempelh.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lic,h. Univ. 2 : ; - Graphis conoariata Krempelh. Nouv. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 7: Ceylon, leg.?. Type in? (not seen).

96 Phaeographis dendritica (Ach.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis dendriticu Ach, Nylander (1900, p. 21) Ceylon. * Phaeographis dendroides (Leight.) Mull. Arg. Flora 65: CATAL. 2 : ; - Platygrapha dendroides Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwait,es. Type in BM!. * Phaeographis divaricoides Riis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Sikkim, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. Phaeographis diversa (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. - Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 225) Manipur; - Graphis diversa Nyl., Nylander (1873, p. 16) Andaman; Hue (1892, p. 239) Andaman - taxon nomencl. syn. of Phaeographis eznltata (Mont. et v. d. Bosch) Miill. Arg. in CATAL. 2: * Phaeographis endophaeiza (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis endophaeiza Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 10: Ceylon, leg. Dickie. Type in BM!, GLAM. * Phaeographis extrusa (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. 1,ich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis extrusa Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. * Phaeographis eztrus~~la (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis extrusula Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. * Phaeographis glaucoleucoides (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis glaucoleucoides Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S. Phaeographis glyphiza (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis glyphiza Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 173) Ceylon. * Phaeographis instrata (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis instrata Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. * Phaeographis inustn (Ach.) Miill. Arg. var. parallela Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 2: Phaeographis leiogramma (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis leiogramma Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 173) Ceylon. * Phaeographis manipzcrensis Mull. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K, G - CATAL. 2: * Phaeographis megistocarpa (Leight.) Mull. Arg. Flora 65: CATAL. 2: ; - Platygrapha megistocarpa Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bhf!.

97 * Phaeographis megistocarpa f. rotundata (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. L,ich. Univ. 2: ; - Platygrapha megistocarpa f. rotundala Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaitcs. Type in BM!. * Phaeographis melanostalazans (Leight.) Mull. Arg. Flora 65: CATAL. 2: ; - Platygrapha melanostalazans Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. * Phaeographis subdividens (Leight.) Mull. Arg. Flora 65: CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis subdividens Leight. Trans. L,inn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BAT!. * Phaeographis subinusta (Leight.) Mull. Arg. Flora 65: CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis subinusta Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bhl!. * Phaeographis submarcescens (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Graphis submarcescens Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bhl!. PHAEO TR E MA Mull. Arg. (Thelotremaceae) Phaeotrema auberialzum (Mont.) hlull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Thelotrema auberianum Mont., Leight,on (1869, p. 168) Ceylon. * Phaeotrema subinalbescens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Thelotrema sztbinulbescens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S. PH L Y C TE LL-4 Krempelh. (Lecanoraceae) * Phlyctella himalayensis Nyl. Lich. Nova Zealand. 1888, p. 73. Himalaya, Sikkim, leg. Hooker and Thomson. Type in H, K. Hue (1892, p. 180) Himalaya - CATAL. 5: PH L Y C TI S Flot. (Lecanoraceae) * Phlyctis lzepalensis Hiis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot,. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Nepal, leg. Awasthi. Holot.ype in H, isot,ype in Aw. * Phlyctis polyphorn Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in 1331!, GLARl - CATAL. 5 : PH I'LL0 PO R I IVA Riull. Arg. (Pyrenulaceae) Phylloporina epiphyllu var. pruestnns Nyl. - see Porina epiphylla (FBe) Fee.

98 PII Y LLO PSO R.4-1Miill. Arg. (Phyllopsoraceae) PhyZlopsora corallina (Eschw.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 4: Illoreau (1952, p. 140) Manalur, Palni hills. Phyllopsora parvilolia (Pers.) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 4: Moreau (1952, p. 140) hlanalur, Palni hills; - Lecidea parvifolia Pers., Leighton (1869, p. 172) Ceylon; - Psora parvifolia (Pers.), Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 219) Manipur. Phyllopsora pnrvifolia var. corallina (Tuck.);- Leciden parvifolia var. corallina Tuck., Leighton (1869, p. 172) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Phyllospora parvifolia var. fibrillifera (Nyl.) Miill. Arg. in CATAL. 4 : Phyllopsorn parvifolia var. szibgran~~losa (Tuck.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 4: ; - Psora parvifolia var. sz~bgranulosa (Tuck.), Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 219) hlanipur. PH YS CIA (Ach.) Vain. (Physciaceae) Physcin adscendens (Fr.) Oliv. - CATAL. 7: Poelt (1961, p. 92) N. W. Icarakorum. Physcia aegialita (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAL. 7: Nylander (1900, p. 9) Ceylon ; Zahlbruckner (1911, p. 31) Ceylon; Moreau (1952, p. 142) Manalur, Palni hills ; Kodaikanal ; Asahina (1955, p. 63) Nepal; Awasthi (1960a, p. 9) Orissa, Travancore, Madurai and Nepal; - Physcia picta var. aegialita Ach., Hue (1892, p. 265) Nilgiri. Physcia aipolia (Ehrh.) Hampe - CATAL. 7: Nylander (1900, p. 8) Ceylon; Awasthi (1960a, p ) N.W.Himalaya, and Kashmir; - Parmelia stellaris var. aipolia, Montagne (1842, p. 19) Nilgiri. Physcia aspera H. Magn. - Awasthi (1960a, p. 5) Himalaya, S. India and Nepal. Physcia aspera var. alutacea H. Magn. in Awasthi, Journ. Indian. Bot. Soc. 39: Nepal, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw. * (Physcia) atrocapilla (Tayl.) ; - Parmelia atrocapilla Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Nepal, leg. Wallich. Type in FH! - taxon nomencl. syn. of Physcia setosa (Ach.) Nyl. in CATAL. 7 : * Physcia askotensis Awasthi, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 45 B : Almora district, Askote, N. W. Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw; Awasthi (1960a, p. 13) N. W. Himalaya.

99 Physcia cuesia (Hoflm.) Hampe -. CATAI,. 7: ; - Purmelia caesia Ach., Babington (1852, p. 249) Kunlaon. * Physcia confluens (Fr.) Nyl. - Stirton (1876, p. 188) Calcutta; Jatta (1905, p. 178) Andaman; - Purmelia confluens Fr. Syfit. Orb. Veget. 1825, p India Orientalis, leg.?. Type in 1'1's. Montagrle (1842, p. 19) Nilgiri - taxon nomencl. gyn. of Physciu acgiulita (Ach.) Nyl. in CATAL. 7 : Physcia crispa (Pers.) Nyl. - CATAL. 7 : Nylander (1900, p. 9) Ceylon; Jatta (1905, p. 177) hlussoorie. Physcia crispa var. hypomelaena Tuck. - CATAI,. 7: Hue (1900, p. 58) India. Physcia crispula Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 7: Jatta (1902, p. 10) Kumaon. Physcia detersa (Nyl.) Nyl. - Awast,lii (1960a, p. 11) I1:. W. I-Iimalaya, and Kashmir; Poelt (1961, p. 92) N. W. Karakorum - taxon syn. of Physcia grisea var. detersa (Nyl.) Lynge in CATAL. 7: Physcia dilatata Nyl. - CATAL. 7: Jatta (1905, p. 1.77) Kumaon, and Ilf ussoorie. Physcia domingensis (Ach.) Nyl. - Jatta (1902, p. 10) blandla - taxon nomencl. syn. of Physcia crispa (Pers.) Nyl. in CATAL. 7: Physcia endococcina (Korb.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 7: Awasthi (1960a, p. 11) N. W. Himalaya. * Physcia endococcina var. latiloba H. Magn. in Awast,hi, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 45 B: Almora district, Askote, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw; Awasthi (1960a, p. 12) Kashmir, and N. W. Himalaya. * Physcia endoxantha Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BRI, GLAhf - CATAL. 7 : Physcia farrea (Ach.) Vain. - Poelt (1961, p. 92) N.iV. ICarakorum - taxon nomencl. syn. of Physcia grisea (Lam.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 7: Physcia hispida (Schreb.) Frege - CATAL. 7 : A. L. Smith (1931, p. 132) Sikkim; Chopra (1934, p. 74) Sikkim. Physcia integrata Nyl. - CATAL. 7: Awasthi (1960a, p. 17) Madurai district, Shembaganur. Physcia integrata var. obsessa (Mont.) Vain. - CATAL. 7: Hue (1900b, p. 264) Nilgiri; Moreau (1952, p. 142) Kodaikanal; - Physcia alba var. obsessa (Mont.) Lynge, Awasthi (1960a, p. IS) Kodi, S. India.

100 * Physcia integrata var. obsessa f. hypoleuca Moreau, Rev. Bryol. Lichenol. New Ser. 21: Kodaikanal, leg. Foreau - nomen nudr~m (Latin diagnosis not provided). Physcia integrata var. sorediosa Vain. - CATAL. 7: Moreau (1952, p. 142) Kodaikanal. * Physcia karakorina Poelt, Mitteil. Bot. Staatssamml. 4: N. W. Karakorum, leg. Labbichler. Type in M. Physcia labruta Mer. - CATAL. 7: Poelt (1961, p. 93) N. W. Karakorum. Physcia leptalea (Ach.) DC. - Poelt (1961, p. 93) N. W. Karakorum - taxon syn. of Physcia hispida var. leptalea (Ach.) Zahlbr. * Physcia melanotricha Awasthi, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 45 B: Nepal, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw. Physcia melops Duf. - Paulson (1925, p. 191) Mt. Everest - taxon nomencl. syn. of Physcia albonigra (Schl.) Dalla Torre et Sarnth. Physcia mliscigena (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAL. 7: Jatta (1905. p. 178) Pangi; Awasthi (1960a, p. 14) N.W. Himalaya and Kashmir; - Parmelia pulverulenta var. muscigena Ach., Babington (1852, p. 249) Kumaon. Physciu obscura (Ehrh.) Hampe - CATAL. 7: Jatta (1902, p. 10) Mandla. Physcia obscura var. cycloselis (Ach.) Kickx - CATAL. 7: Jatta (1905, p. 178) Pangi, N. W. Himalaya. Physcia obscrrra var. ~ilothrix (Ach.) Nyl. - Jatta (1905, p. 178) Mussoorie - taxon nomencl. syn. of Physcia obscura var. ciliata (Hoffm.) Tuck. - CATAL. 7: * Physcia papillulifera Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (4.0): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 7: (typographical error of the specific epithet into "papillifera"). * Physcia persoredians Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in S, CATAL. 7 : Physcia pulverulenta (Schreb.) Hampe - CA'TAL. 7: Jatta (1902, p. 10) Bilaspur; Jatta (1905, p. 178) Pangi; Paulson (1925, p. 191) XSt. Everest. Physcia pliluerl~lenta var. argyphaea (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAT,. 7: 6' Awasthi (1960a, p ) Kashinir. Physcia yicta (Sw.) Nyl. - CATAL. 7: Nylander (2860, p. 430) Ceylon; Nylander (2867, p. 3) Calcutta; Leighton (1869, p. 165) Ceylon; Nylander (1873, p. 164) Antlaman; Hue (1892,

101 p. 114) Calcutta, Andaman, and Ceylon; Hue (1900, p. 80) India; Jatta (1902, p. 11) 1Jilaspur; Jatta (1905, p. 178) Andanran; lloreau (1952, p. 1/12) Manalur, I'alni hills; Awasthi (1960a, p. 7-8) As~arr~, Almora and Dehradun. * Physcia picta var. endochroma H. hlagn. in Awasthi, Journ. Intlian Bot. Soc. 39: Nepal, leg. Awasthi. Type in Aw. Physcia picta var. isidiophora Nyl. - CA1'AL. 7: '331 - Moreau (1952, p. 142) Rianalur, Palni hills. Physcia pictu var. sorediata Mull. Arg. - hiiill. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Manipur - taxon non~encl. syn. of Physcia uppla~~uta (Fee) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 7: * Physcia rubricosa Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G. Watt. Type in GLAM, BM - CATAL. 7: Physcia setoscr. (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAL. 7: Nylander (1860, p. 429) Himalaya ; Hue (1892, p. 113) Himalaya; Hue (1900, p. 73) India; Hue (1900b, p. 265) Nilgiri; Jatta (1902, p. 10) Simla, Kumaon ; Jatta (1905, p. 177) Mussoorie, Simla, and Dhanaulti ; Jatta (1911, p. 311) Himalaya; A. L.Smith (1931. p. 132) E. Himalaya; Awasthi (1960a, p ) N. W. Himalaya, and S. India. Physcia setosa var. elzdococcinea Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 7: Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 218) hianipur. * Physcia sikkimensis Jatta, Bull. Orto Univers. Kapoli 3: Mungpos, Sikkim, leg. Long. Type in NAP - CAT-4L. 7: Physcia stellaris (L.) Nyl. - CATAL. 7: Leighton (1869, p. 165) Ceylon; Jatta (1905, p. 177) Mussoorie and Punjab; Awasthi (1960a, p. 19) N.W. Himalaya; - Parmelia stellaris (L.), Babington (1852, p. 249) Kumaon. Physcia stenophyllina (Jatta) Jatta - CATAL. 7: Jatta (1902, p. 10) Chamba, Punjab. Physcia tribacia (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAL. 7: Moreau (1952, p. 142) hianalur, Palni hills. Physcia virella (Ach.) Flagey - CATAL. 7: ; - Physcia obsciira var. virella Nyl., Hue (1900b, p. 264) Kilgiri. Physcia wainioi Ris. - CATAL. 7: Poelt (1961, p. 93) N. W. Karakorum. P H YS M.4 hlass. (Collemaceae) Physma byrsinum (Ach.) Itlull..4rg. - CATAL. 3: ; - Colbemn byrsinmm Ach., Montagne (1542, p. 20) Nilgiri; Jatka (1905, p. 186) Andaman.

102 PILO PHO RON Th. Fr. (Cladoniaceae) * Pilophoron acr)asthianum Hiis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Rot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Darjeeling, Sandakhpoo, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. PLA T I'G HA PHO PS IS hlull. Arg. (Lecanactidaceae) Platygraphopsis interruptu (Fee) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Platygrapha interrupta Fee, Leighton (1869, p. 178) Ceylon. POL Y B LA S TI0 PSIS Zahlbr. (Pyrenulaceae) * Polyblasliopsis (?) pustulosa (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucaria puslulosa Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in GLAM, BM. PO R I NA (Ach.) Mull. Arg. (Pyrenulaceae) Porina americana Fee - CATAL. 1: Belanger (1838, p. 138) Peninsular India. Porina cinerea (Pers.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 1 : ; - Verrucaria cinerea Pers., Hue (1892, p. 284) India. * Porina concunzerata (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucaria concamerala Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. Porinu desquamescens Fee - CATAL. 1: ; - Verrucaria desquamescens (Fee), Leighton (1869, p. 183) Ceylon. Porina epiphylla (Fee) Fee - Mull. Arg. (1883, p. 333) India; Santesson (1952, p ) Mysore, Nilgiri, Andaman, and Ceylon - taxon as Phylloporina epiphylla (Fke) Mull. Arg. in CATAL. 1: ; - Verrtccaria praestans Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: ; Hue (1892, p. 284); and Phylloporirzn epiphylla var. praestuns Nyl. in Nylander (1900, p. 24) are syn. of Porintr. epiphylla (Fee) Fee sensu Santesson (1952, p ). Porinu epiphylla var. utriceps Vain. - Santesson (1952, p ) Andaman - taxon as Phylloporina epiphylla var. atriceps (Vain.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 1 : !122. Porina innata (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 1 : ; - 17errrtcnr.icr innula Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 183) Ceylon. * Porirzu internigrans (Nyl.) hlull. Arg. Rep. Austral. Soc. Advanc. Sci. 2895, p. 452 (not seen) - CATAI,. 1: ; - Verrzrcaricr interlzigrans Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normantl. II,7: Andaman.

103 leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 285) Andaman ; Jatta (1905, p. 183) Andaman. * Porina interspersa (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucaria interspersa Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. Hue (1892, p. 295) Andaman. Porina interstes (Nyl.) Harm. - CATAI,. 1 : ; - Verrucaria interstes Nyl., Nylander (1873, p. 178) Andaman; Hue (1892, p. 285) Andaman. * Porina luteopallens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. I: ; - Verrucaria luteopallens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10) : Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S. Porina mastoidea (Ach.) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 1: ; - Verrucaria mastoidea Nyl., Hue (1892, p. 285) Andaman. * Porina mastoidella (Nyl.) Miill. Arg. in Engler, Bot. Jahrbuch 6: (not seen) - CATAL. 1 : ; - Verrucaria matoidella Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H! - Hue (1892, p. 285) Calcutta. * Porina subinterstes (Nyl.) Mull. Arg. Nouv. Giorn. Ital. 29: CATAL. 1: ; - T7errucaria su.binterstes Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. II,7 : Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 285) Andaman. Porina subcutanea Ach. - CATAL. 1: hlull. Arg. (1885, p. 259) India. Pseudocyphellaria argyracea (Bory) I'ain.; - Stictina argyracea Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 8) Ceylon; Jatta (1911, p. 310) hlalabar; hloreau (1952, p. 140) Shembaganur, Palni hills; - Sticta argyracea Del., Hue (1901, p. 87) Ceylon - CATAL. 3: Psezcdocyphellaria argyracea var. aspera (Laur) I-ain. ; - Sticta aspera Laur, hlontagne (1842, p. 18) Ootacamund, Nilgiri - taxon as syn. of Sticta argyracea rar. nspera (Laur) Krempelh. in CATAI,. 3: Pseudocyphellaria azcrata (Ach.) I'ain. - Awasthi (1961, p. 27) NEFA; - Sticta aurata Ach., Montagne (1842, p. 18) Kilgiri; Stirton (1876, p. 157) liumaon ; Hue (1901, p. 51) Ceylon - CATAL. 3 : * PseucZocyphellaria ceylonensis H. Magn. hleddel. Goteborgs Bot. Tradgard 14: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in S.

104 Pseudocyphellaria crocutcc (I,.) Vain. ; - Stictinu crocatu (I,.), Leighton (1869, p. 166) Ceylon. NB. Part or all the material cited is Pseudocyyhellariu ceylonertsis H. Map. sensu hlagnusson (1940, p. 25); Nylandcr (1900, p. 8) Ceylon; - Sticta crocutu Ach., Hue (1901, p. 84 ) Ceylon - CATAT,. 3: * PSE U l)oc'yphell J UNGII UHNIdl9"I (Rfiill.Arg.) Comb. nov.; - Stictirza jrcnghuhninna hlull. Arg. Flora 65: Ceylon, leg. l'hwaites, and another specimen by Nieter. Type in G - taxon as nonlencl. syn. of Sticta subpr~nctulata (Nyl.) Hue in CATAL. 3: NB. The use of the specific epithet junghtchniuna in the specific rank dates earlier than the epithet subputzctrzlata in the same rank, hence the latter has to be rejected, in favour of a new combination for the former. * PSEU1)OCYPHELLARIA JUNGH UHNIANA var. LAE- VIS (3lull. Arg.) Comb. nov. ; - Stictina jicnghuhniana var. laevis hliill. Arg. Flora 65: Ceylon, leg. Nieter. Type in G - taxon as nomencl. syn. of Sticta subpzinctulata var. laevis (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 3: * (Ysezcdocyphellaria) punctulata (Nyl.) ; - Sticta picnctulata Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Ceylon, leg.?. Type in H. Hue (1892, p. 98) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 7) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Sticta srllphurea Schaer. in CATAI,. 3: * Pseicdocyphellaria qziercifolia (Tayl.) Vain. Philipp. Journ. Sci. sect. C, 8: ; - Sticta qzcercifolia Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Ceylon, leg.? (Herb. Hooker). Type in FH!, K - taxon nomencl. syn. of Sticta sulphurea Schaer. in CATAL. 3: * Pseudocyphellaria szibpunctulata (Nyl.) Vain. Philipp. Journ. Sci. sect. C, 8: ; - Stictina fragillima var. szibpunctulata Nyl. in Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. ~hwaites. Type in H, BM; - Stictina subpunctulata Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 8) Ceylon - taxon syn. of Pseudocyphellaria junghuhniana (Mull. Arg.) Awasthi - taxon as Sticta subprcnctlclata (Nyl.) Hue in CATAJ,. 3: PSE U L) 0 P Y R E N U LA Mull. Arg. (Pyrenulaceae) Pseudopyrenula diluta (Fee) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 1: ; - Verrucaria diluta Fee, Nylander (1867, p. 8) Calcutta; Hue (1892. p. 294) Calcutta. (Pseudopyrenula) cartilaginea (Fee); - Pyrenula cartilaginea Fbe, Bklanger (1838, p. 141) Peninsular India - taxon nomencl. syn. of Pseudopyrenula pupula (Ach.) Mull. Arg. in CATAI,. 1 :

105 Pseudopyrenula subvelutu (Nyl.) Miill. Arg. - CATAIJ. 1 : '322; - Verrucuria suboelatu Nyl., Huc (1892, p. 294) India. * (t'seudopyrenulu) uberinu (Leight.);- Trypethelium r~berinum Lcight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaite~. Type in BM - taxon nomencl. syn. of Pseudopyrenula pupula (Ach.) Miill. Arg. in CATAT,. I: PSO HE LLrl Mull. Arg. (Phyllopsoraceae) *Psorella psorinu (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Iich. Univ. 4: ; - Lecidea psorina Nyl. in Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. 111, 3: , and Hue (1892, p. 202) Nilgiri, leg.?. Type in H, PC. PSO RO M A Nyl. (Pannariaceae) Psoroma hispidulum Nyl. - CATAIA. 3: Jatta (1911, p. 312) Malabar. Psoroma pholidotuln (Mont.) hliill. Arg. - CATAL. 3: ; - Pannariu pholidotu Mont., Leighton (1869, p. 165) Ceylon. PSO RO TI CH IA (hfass.) Forss. (Pyrenopsidaceae) * Psorotichia comnziscens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Collemopsis commiscens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S. P TE R YG I U M Nyl. (Lichinaceae) * Pterygiam zeylanense Leight,. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bhf - CATAL. 3: P Y R E N.4 S T R U M Eschw. (Astrot heliaceae) * Pyrenastrum depressum Miill. Arg. Flora 68: Ceylon, leg. Nieter. Type in G - CATAL. 1: P Y R E N U LA (Ach.) Mass. (Pyrenulaceae) Pyrenula adacta Fee - CATAL. 1: Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 231) Rfanipur. Pyrenula aspistea Ach. - CATAL. 1: Belanger (1838. p. 140) Mysore ;- Verrrccaria aspistea (Ach.), Leigl~t~on (1869, p. 183) Ceylon; Nylander (1873, p. 180) Andaman; Hue (1892, p. 290) Ceylon, and Andaman.

106 *Pyrenula discissa (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. 1,ich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucuriu discissa Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S. * Pyrenula immissa (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucaria imrvbissa Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. Pyrenula interducta (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. I : ; - Verrucaria interducta Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 25) Ceylon. * Pyrenula introducta (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucariu introducta Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. Pyrenula mamillana (Ach.) Trevis. - CATAL. 1 : ; - Verrucaria mamillana Ach., Nylander (1900, p. 24) Ceylon. Pyrenula marginata Hook. - CATAL. 1 : Leighton (1869, p. 182) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 24) Ceylon. Pyrenzala mastophora (Nyl.) Nyl. - CATAL. I : ; - Verrucaria mastophora Nyl., Nylander (1873, p. 179) Andaman; Hue (1892, p. 290) Andaman. * Pyrenula mastophorizn (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucariu mastophoriza Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. Hue (1892, p. 290) Andaman. Pyrenula nitens Fee - CATAL. 1: ; - Verrucaria nitens Fee, Belanger (1838, p. 143) Carnatic, Peninsular India. Pyrenula nitida (Weig.) Ach. - CATAL. 1: Belanger (1838, p. 140) Carnatic; Nylander (1873, p. 179) Andaman; - Verrucaria nitida Schrad., Nylander (1867, p. 8) Calcutta; Stirton (1876, p. 160) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 289) Andaman; Nylander (1900, p. 24) Ceylon. Pyrenula nitidella (Floerke) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 1: ; - Verrucaria nitidella Floerke, Hue (1892, p. 290) Ceylon; Nylander (1900, p. 24) Ceylon. * Pyrenula riodulutn (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucaria nodulata Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, G1,AM. Pyrenulu pingrcis Fee - CATAL. 1 : Belanger (1838, p. 141) Peninsular India. * Pyrenula pulchella Miill. Arg. Flora 68: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in G - taxon nomencl. syn. of Pyrenrrla adacta Fee in CATAL. 1:

107 Pyrenula punctella (Nyl.) Trevis., Leighton (1869, p. 183) Ceylon - laxon nomencl. syn. of Pyrenulu pinguis F6e in CATAL. 1 : Pyrenula santensis (Nyl.) Miill. Arg. ; - Verrucaria sunlensis (Nyl.), Leighton (1869, p. 183) Ceylon; - Verrucaria mamillana var. santensis Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 24) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Pyrenula mamillana (Ach.) Trellis. in CATAL. 1 : * Pyrenula scutata (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 1: ; - Verrucaria scutata Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. * Pyrenula subnitidella (Nyl.) Miill. Arg. Flora 66: CATAL. 1: ; - Verrucaria subnitidella Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. * P Y R GI L) I U M Nyl. (Caliciaceae) * Pyrgidium bengaliense Krempelh. in Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. Hue (1892, p. 32) Calcutta - CATAI,. 1: P Y XINE Fr. (Physciaceae) Pyxine caesiopruinosa (Tuck.) Imshaug; - Pyxine cocob var. caesiopruinosa Tuck., Jatta (1905, p. 179) Andaman - taxon under syn. Pyxine sorediata f. caesiopruinosa (Tuck.) Hue in CATAL. 7 : Pyxine coccijern (Fke) Nyl. - CATAL. 7 : Leighton (1869, p. 165) Ceylon; A.L,.Smith (1931, p. 131) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 70) Parbatipur, Darjeeling. Pyxine cocob (Sw.) Nyl. - CATAL. 7: Nylander (1867. p. 3) Calcut,ta; Hue (1892, p. 115) Calcutta; illiill. Arg. (1892, p. 219) RIanipur; Hue (1899. p. 84) Rlanipur, India; Zahlbruckner (1911, p. 31) Ceylon; - Lecidea cocoes 's4ch., Bblanger (1838, p. 128) Peninsular India. Pyxine cocoes f. sorediifern hliill. Arg. - CATAL,. 7: Moreau (1952, p. 142) Manalur, Palni hills. * Pyxine cognata Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G.VCTatt. Type in BAS, GLAI11; Stirton (2898, p. 395) Nilgiri - CATAL. 7: * Pyxine consimilis (Stirl.) Stirt. Trans. Kew Zealand Instil. 30: CATAL,. 7: ; - Physcia consinlilis Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: India, leg. Thomson. Type in BM, GLARI.

108 Pyzitze endochrysitzcc. Nyl. - CATAI,. 7: Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 228) hlanipur. Pyxine isidiophora (Miill. Arg.) Imshaug, Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 74 (3): ; - Pyxine cocob f. isidiophora hlull. Arg. Flora 65: Type from Cuba, but another specimen leg. Thwaites from Ceylon also pertained to this taxon. Pyzine rneisst~eri Tuck. - CATAL. 7: Nylander (1867, p. 3) Calcutta; Leighton (1869, p. 165) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 115) India; Nylander (1900, p. 9) Ceylon; Hue (1900, p. 81) India; Hue (19001), p. 265) Nilgiri - taxon nomencl. syn. of Pyxine berteriana (Fee) Imshaug, in Imshaug (1957, p. 254). * Pyxine rneissneritza Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. Hue (1892, p. 116) Bengal, and Andarnan - CATAI,. 7: * Py.cine prominrila Stirt. Trans. and Proc. New Zealand Instit. 30: Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM, GLAM - CATAL. 7 : Pyxine retirrigella Nyl. - CATAL. 7: Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 219) Manipur; Jatta (1905, p. 179) Andaman. * Pyxine retirugella var. rnacrotheca A. L. Smith, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 16: Sikkirn, leg. Chopra. Type in W!, Bhl - CATAL. 8: Chopra (1934, p. 72) Darjeeling. * Pyxine retirzsgella var. sribtestacea A. L. Smith, Trans. Brit. hlycol. Soc. 16: Darjeeling, leg. Chopra. Type in W!, BhlI - CATAI,. 8: Chopra (1934, p. 71) Darjeeling. Pyxine sorediata (Ach.) Mont. - CATAL. 7: Hue (1892, p. 116) Ceylon ; Hue (1900 h, p. 265) Nilgiri; Nylander (1900, p. 9) Ceylon; Jatta (1902, p. 11) hlandla; Jatta (1905, p. 179) Mussoorie, and Andaman; hforeau (1952, p. 142) Palni hills; - Pyxine cocoes var. sorediata Ach., Chopra (1934, p. 70) Darjeeling. IIA CI HOHS KIELL.4 Hohnel (Strigulaceae) Raciborslciella prasina (hlull. Arg.) K. Sant. - Santesson (1952, p. 197 to 190) Ceylon Mi1 LI NA Ach. (Usneaceae) Harnalina angulosa Laur - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1867, p. 3) Calcutta; Leighton (1869, p. 163) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 53) India.

109 * Ramalina arabum (Ach.) Mey. et Flot. Nova Acta Acad. 1,eopold. Carol. 19: Suppl. 1843, p. 212 (not seen) - CATAI,. 6: Hue (1892, p. 53) India; Hue (1899, p. 92) India; - Alecloriu arabum Ach. Synop. Lich. 1814, p India. Type in UPS, 11. Ramalina asahinana Zahlbr. - CATAL. 6: Bhatia (1fj57, p. 37) N.W. Himalaya. *Ramulina berterii B61. Voyage Ind. Orient. 2: Carnatic, leg. Belanger. Type in? - CATAL. 6: Ramalina calicaris (L.) Rohl. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1867, p. 3) Calcutta; Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 217) hlanipur; Hue (1892, p. 55) I-iimalaya ; Mull. Arg. (1895, p. 194) Darjeeling; Hue (1900b, p. 255) Nilgiri; Asahina (1955, p. 60) Nepal. * Ramalinu culicaris var. subampliata Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 4: Himalaya and Nilgiri, leg.?. Type in I+ - Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 217) Manipur; Hue (1892, p. 71) India; I-iue (1900b, p. 255) Nilgiri - CATAL. 6: Ramalina calicaris var. subampliata f. subpapillosa (Nyl.) Hue - CATAL. 6: Hue (1892, p. 56) India; Hue (1899, p. 71) India; Hue (1900 b, p. 255) Nilgiri. Ramalina canalicrzlata Tayl. - see Ramnlina tayloriana Zahlbr. Ramalina complanata (Sly.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: ; - Rumalina calicaris f. complanata,4ch., Nylander (1860, p. 295) India; IIue (1892, p. 67) India. Ramalina conduplicans \;sin. - CATAL. 6: Awasthi (1960c, p. 177) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 38) NEFA. Hamalina denticulala (Ewhw.) Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1902, p. 3) Simla; Jatta (1905, p. 165) Himalaya; Jatta (1911, p. 309) Himalaya, and hialabar. Ranzalina denticrrlata var. canalicr~laris Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1905, p. 165) Himalaya. Ramnlina farinacea (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: Babington (1852, p. 244) Kumaon; Nylander (1870, p. 132) India; Hue (1892, p. 56) India; Hue (1900b, p. 255) Nilgiri; Nylander (1900, p. G) Ceylon; A. L. Smith (2931, p. 131) Darjeeling; XIorea11 (1952, p. 141) Kodaikanal; - Ranzalinti calicaris f. Jarinacea Nylander (1867, p. 3) Ca1cutt.a. * Rnmalina farinncea var. izerv~rlosa Miill. Arg. Flora 60: S.India, leg. Campbell. Type in G; Hue (1899, p. 73) India; Hue (1900b, p. 255) Kilgiri - CATAL. 6:

110 Harnalirtci jnri~zacecr var. phalerata Ach. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1905, p. 166) Darjeeling, and Sikkirn. Ran~alir~cc fustigiatu (Liljebl.) Ach. - CATAT,. 6: Nylander (1870, p. 237) Nilgiri; Hue (1892, p. 56) India; - Ramalina calicuris f. jastigiata Ach., nfontagne (1842, p. 18) Nilgiri; Belanger (1838, p. 2 20) Coromandel coast. * Harnalina /lubelliformis Asahina in liihara, Fauna and Flora Nepal Himalaya. Lichens. I : Nepal, leg. Nakao. Type in?. Ramalir~n jrarir~ea (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: ; - Harnalina calicaris f. jrazinea Ach., Bklanger (1838, p. 116) Coromandel coast; Nylander (1860, p. 294) Himalaya. I(ama1ina geniclclata Hook. et Tayl. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1911, p. 309) Malabar. Ramalina gracilis (Pers.) Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1911, p. 309) Sikkim. * Ramalina himalayensis Rds. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Sandakhpoo, Darjeeling, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. * Ramalina indica Fr. Kgl. Vetensk Akad. Handl. 1820, p. 43 (not seen). India, leg.?. Type in UPS. - CATAL. 6: Ramalina tnflata Hook. et Tayl. - CATAL. 6: Hue (1900b, p. 255) Nilgiri. * Ramalina laciniata Jatta, Malpighia 17: Simla, leg. Doulea. Type in NAP; - CATAL. 6: Ramalina ligulata (Ach.) Brandt. - CATAI,. 6: ; - Ramalina polymorpha var. ligulata Ach., Belanger (1838, p. 116) Carnatic. Ramalina linearis (Sw.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: ; - Ramalina calicaris f. linearis Ach., Nylander (1860, p. 295) India. Ramalina pollinaria (Liljebl.) Ach. - CATAI,. 6: Quraishi (1928, p. 228) Mussoorie. Ramalina polymorpha var. flabellulata Ach. - CATAL. 6: Bklanger (1838, p. 116) Carnatic. Ramalina pumila Mont. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1870, p. 166) India; Hue (1892, p. 60) India; Hue (1899, p. 82) India. Ramalina rigida Ach. - Montagne (1842, p. 17) Nilgiri; Stirton (1876, p. 157) Kumaon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Ramalina nttenuata (Pers.) Howe in CATAL. 6: Ramalina roesleri (Hochst) Ny1. - CATAL. 6: Asahina (1955, p. 61) Nepal.

111 liamalina scopulorum (Retz.) Ach. - CATAJ,. G: ,eighton (1869, p. 163) Ceylon. Iiamalina sinensis Jatta - CA'TAL. 6: !j30 - Jatta (1005, p. 166) Yunjah, Pangi; Asahina (1955, p. GI) Kepal; Awa~thi (1960c, p. 176) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 38) NEFA. * Ramalina srcbcomplanata Nyl. Bull. Soc. 1,inn. Korrnand. 11, 4 : India, Himalaya, leg.?. Type in H. Hue (1892, p. 56) India ; Jatta (1905, p. 165) Darjeeling, Sikkin~ - CA?'AIJ. 6: 522. I Awasthi (1960c, p. 177) Nepal. *Hamalina subpusilla Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Eormand. II,/1: India, leg.?. Type in H!. Hue (1892, p. 60) India - CAI'AI,. 6: Ramalina tayloriana Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 6: ; - llamalina canaliculata Tayl. (non Dietrich), Nylander (1870, p. 128) Pondicherry; Hue (1892, p. 55) India; Hue (1899, p. 68) India; Jatta (1905, p. 165) Darjeeling, Sikkim. Ramalina usneoides (Ach.) Mont. - Nylander (1860, p. 291) Nepal; Nylander (1870, p. 121) India; Hue (1892, p. 54) India - taxon nomencl. syn. of Ramalina usnea (L.) Howe jr. in CATAL. 6: Ramalina yemensis (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1870, p. 144) India; Hue (1899, p. 74) India; Hue (1900b, p. 255) Nilgiri; Moreau (1952, p. 141) Kodaikanal. Ramalina yemensis var. eckloni (Spreng.) Vain. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1911, p. 309) Rlalabar. RH IZOCA R PON (Ram.) Th. Fr. (Lecideaceae) Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC. - CATAL. 4 : ; - Lecidea geographica Ach., Babington (1852, p. 252) Kumaon. * Rhizocarpon himalayense Ras. Fedde Repertorium 52 (2): Himalaya, leg.?. Type in H. Rhizocarpon montagnei (Flot.) Korb. - Poelt (1961, p. 87) N.W. Karakorum - taxon nomencl. spn. of Rhizocarpon disporlcm var. montagnei (Flot.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 4: * Rhizocarpon pindaretzse Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "\Tanamo" 6 (2): Kumaon, Almora district, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. Rhizocarpon superficiale (Sc.haer.) Vain. - CATAL. 4: Runemark (1956, p ) Himalaya.

112 Rhizocarpon srcblucidum Rgs. - Runemark (1956, p ) India. Rhizocarpon tinei (Tornab.) Runem. - Poelt (1961, p. 87) N.W. Karakorum. * Rhizocarpon triseptaturn Riis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Sikkim, leg. Awasthi. Type in 13. HI N 0 I) I IVA (S. Gray) Mass. (Buelliaceae) * Rinodina aeqrcalis (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 7: ; - Lecidea aequalis Nyl. Flora 52: Bengal, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; - Lecanora aequalis (Nyl.), Hue (1892, p. 139) 13engal. Rinodina altissima H. Magn. - Poelt (1961, p. 92) N. PV. Karakorum. Rinodina arenaria (Hepp) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 7: Paulson (1925, p. 191) h4t. Everest. Rinodina colobina (Ach.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 7: ; - Lecanora colobina Ach., Nylander (1867, p. 4) Calcutta; Hue (1892, p. 138) Calcutta. Rinodina exigua (Ach.) S. Gray - CATAL. 7: Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 220) Manipur ; - Lecanora exigua (Ach.), Nylander (1900, p. 10) Ceylon. *Rinodina intrusa (Krempelh.) Malme, Bihang till Kgl. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Handl. 28 (31): CATAL. 7: ; - Lecanora intrusa Krempelh. in Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. Hue (1892, p. 138) Calcutta. Hinodinu kanslcensis H. Magn. - Awasthi (1963, p. 36) N. W. Himalaya. * Rinodina mackenziei Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Pendra, Central India (= Madhya Pradesh), leg. Mackenzie. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. Rinodina ~nniaraea (Ach.) Korb. - CATAL,. 7: Palilson (1925, p. 191) Mt. Everest. Iiinodina nirnbosa (Fr.) Th. Fr. - Poelt (1961, p. 92) N.W. Icarakorum - taxon nomencl. syn. of Rinodinu phaeocarpa (Sommerf.) Vain. in CATAL. 7: Rinodina orbata var. roscida (Sommerf.) Zahlbr. - Panlson (1925, p. 191) hlt. Everest - taxon nomencl. syn. of Rinodina t1~rfacen var. roscida (Sommerf.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 7: Iiinodina oreina (Ach.) Mass. - CATAL. 7: 5G Palilson (1925, p. 191) hit. Everest; - Parmelia oreinn (Acl~.), Babington (1852, 1). 249) Knmaon.

113 * Rinodina pallido-ochracea Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Almora, N. W. Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Holotypc in H, isotype in Aw. Rinodina sophodes (Ach.) Mass. - CATAL. 7: A. L.Srnith (1931, p. 131) Calcutta. Rinodina turfacea (Wahlenb.) Kijrb. - Awasthi (1963, p. 36) Nepal - taxon nomencl. syn. of Rinodina orbata (Ach.) Vain. in CATAL. 7: RO CCE LLA DC. (Roccellaceae) Roccella fuciformis (L.) DC. - CATAL. 2: Acharius (1810, p. 440) "India Orientalis"; - Lichen fuciformis L. Sp. Plant. 1753, p India (NB. The taxon has not subsequently been reported from India, the specimens referred by Linnaeus and Acharius may most likely be Roccella montagnei Bel.). * Roccellamontagnei Bel. Voyage Ind. Orient. 2: Pondicherry, leg.?. Type in?pc, isotype in COLO. Montagne (1842, p. 18) Nilgiri; Hue (1892, p. 61) India; Darbishire (1898, p. 24) India - CATAL. 2: Roccella phycopsis Ach. Lichenogr. Univers. 1810, p "India Orientalis" - taxon nomencl. syn. of Roccella fucoides (Neck.) Vain. in CATAL. 2: ; but not recorded from India by Darbishire (1898, p ). Roccella tinctoria DC. - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1860, p. 258) India; Hue (1892, p. 60) India. The taxon is not recorded from India by Darbishire (1898, p. 32). SA RCOG RA PHA Fee (Chiode~tona~eae) Sarcographa feei (Meissn.) Rliill. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Chiodecton feei Rieissn., Leighton (1869, p. 182) Ceylon. Sarcographa heteroclila (hiont.) Zahlbr.; - Glyphis heteroclita Mont., Leighton (1869, p. 181) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Sarcographa leprieurii (Mont.) Riiill. Arg. in CATAL. 2: Sarcographa intricans (Nyl.) RIiill. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Graphis intricarzs Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 175) Ceylon. Sarcographa labyrinthica (Ach.) hliill. Arg. - CATAL. 2 : ; - Glyphis labyrinthica Ach., Leighton (1869, p. 181) Ceylon. *Sarcographa nzacrtlosa (St)irt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. LTniv. 2: ; - Glyphis macrclosa Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A.\Vatt. Type in Bhl!, GLARI.

114 *Sarcogrupha sublorquescens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Glyphis snbtorquescens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in I-I, S. *Sarcographa subtricosn (Leight.) Miill. Arg. Mem. Soc. Phys. ct Hist. Nat. Geneve 29 (8): CATAL. 2: ; - Glyphis subtricosa Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. ~hwnites.-t~~e in Bhl!. Sarcographa tricosa (Acl~.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 2: ; - Grnyhis tricosa Ach., Leighton (1869, p. 176) Ceylon. S2~l RCOG RA PI11 Ntl Miill. Arg. (Chiodectonaceae) * Sarcographina gyrizans (Leight.) Mull. Arg. Hedwigia 30 : ; CATAL. 2 : ; - Glyphis gyrizans Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. Sarcographina torquescens (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Glyphis torquescens Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 23) Ceylon. SA H COG Y N E Flot. (Acarosporaceae) *Sarcogyne sikkimensis Riis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Sikkim, leg. Awasthi. Type in H. SCIfIS MA TO M MA Mass. (Lecanactidaceae) *Schismatomma atomellurn (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Platygrapha atomella Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM. *Schismutomma cinereum (Mull. Arg.) Zahlhr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Platygrapha cinerea Miill. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Rot. 29: Manipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K. * Schismatomma flavisedellum (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2 : ; - Platygraphn flavisedella Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7 : Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!. * Schismatomma fractuosum (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Platygrapha fractuosa Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. *Schismatomma galactinum (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Platygrapha galuctina Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in RM!.

115 * Schismatomma gemmatum (Leight,.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. L'r~iv. 2 : ; - Platygrupha gemmata J,eig11t. Trans. Lirlrl. Soc. 1,ondon 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bll!. *,Schismatomma gla~ccomoides (Nyl.) Zahll~r. Cat. Jkh. 1 Jniv. 2 : ; - Plalygrapha glaucomoides Kyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H, BM!; Hue (1892, p. 256) Calcutta. *Schismatomma greguntulum (hlull. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat. 1,ich. I'niv. 2: ; - Platygrapha gregantulu hliill. -4rg. Journ. I,inr~. Soc. Bot. 29: hianipur, leg. G. Watt. Type in K. *Schismatomma incurvril~irn (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. I'niv. 2: ; - Platygrapha incurvula Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 12: Nilgiri, leg. Watt. Type in 13M!, GLAM. *Schismatomma kicrzii (Krempelh.) Zahlbr. Cat. J,ich. I'niv. 2: 55' ; - Chiodecton klrrzii Krempelh. in Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; - Platygrapha kurzii (Nyl.), Hue (1892, p. 257) Andaman. *Schismatomma melastigma (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Stigmatidiunz melastigma NyI. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; - Platygrapha melastigma (Nyl.), Hue (1892, p. 257) Calcutta. Schismatomma palidellum (Nyl.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. I.?niv. 2: a superfluous entry. For correct citation and transfer of the basionym see Chiodecton pallidellurn (Nyl.) Vain. *Schismatomma stictoides (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Platygrapha stictoides Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27 : Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. S I PH U LA Fr. (Usneaceae) Siphicla ceratites (Wahlenb.) Fr. - CATAL. 6: Sylander (1860, p. 262) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 35) Himalaya; A. L.Smith (1931, p. 131) Sikkim; Chopra (1934, p. 68) Darjeeling, and Sikkim. *Siphula ceratites var. himalayensis Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Sikkim, leg. Awasthi. Holot'ype in H, isotype in Aw. SOLO R IN-4 Ach. (Peltigeraceae) Solorina crocea (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 3: Nylander (1860, p. 329) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 105) Himalaya; A.L. Srnit,h (1931, p. 129) N. W. Himalaya; Chopra (1934, p. 33) Himalaya.

116 Solorina crocoides (Nyl.) Gyel. - CATAL. 8: ; - Solorinina crocoides Nyl., Hue (1892, p. 104) Himalaya. Solorina saccala (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 3: Babington (1852, p. 246) Kumaon. *Solorina saccata var. sacatella Jatta, Malpighia 19: Pangi, Punjab, leg. Marten. Type in NAP. - CATAL. 3: Solorina simensis Hochst. - CATAL. 3 : Nylander (1860, p. 330) Himalaya; - Solorinina simensis, Hue (1892, p. 104) Nilgiri, and Himalaya; Hue (1900, p. 88) Himalaya. S PHA E RO PH 0 H US Pers. (Sphaerophoraceae) Sphaerophorus australis Laur - CATAL. 1: Leighton (1869, p. 162) Ceylon; Hue (1898, p. 235) Ceylon. Sphaerophorus compressum Ach. - Nylander (1900, p. 5) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Sphaerophorus melanocarpus (Sw.) DC. in CATAL. 1 : SPHINCTRINA Fr. (Caliciaceae) *Sphinctrina exilis Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. 1 : *Sphinctrina gomphilloides Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Nilgiri, leg. Perrottet. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 30) India - CATAL. 1 : Sphinctrina microcephalum (Sm.) Nyl. - CATAL. 1 : Leighton (1869, p. 162) Ceylon. *Sphinctrina nitidtsla Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAT,. 1: S PO RA4 S TA TIA Mass. (Acarosporaceae) Sporastatia testudinea (Ach.) Mass. - see Biatorella testudinea (Ach.) Mass. S PO HO POI) I U M Mont. em. R. Sant. (Lecideaceae) Sporopodium phyllocharis (Mont.) Mass. - CATAJ,. 2: Santesson (1 952, p ) Ceylon. Sporopodium xantlzoleucum (Miill. Arg.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: Awasthi (1963, p. 32) Shembaganur, Madurai.

117 S TA U HO THELE (Norm.) Th. Fr. (Verrucariaceae) Stau,rothele clopima (Wahlenb.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 1 : Poelt (1961, p. 86) N. W. Karakorum; Awasthi (1963, p. 28) K. W. Himalaya. Staurothele umbrina (Wahlenb.) Hellh.; - Verrucaria urnbrina Wahlenb., Hue (1892, p. 278) Himalaya; - taxon nomencl. syn. of Staurothele lithina (Ach.) Zahlbr. in CATAL. 1: S TE RE0 CA U LO N Schreb. (Stereocaulaceae) sensu I. M. Lamb Stereocaulon alpinum Laur - CATAL. 4: Paulson (1925, p. 193) Mt. Everest; Chopra (1934, p. 45) Darjeeling; Poelt (1961, p. 88) N. W. Icarakorum. *Stereocaulon arbuscula Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1 : Himalaya, Sikkim, leg. Hooker and Thomson. Type in H, K - CATAL. 4: Chopra (1934, p. 44) Darjeeling; - Leprocaulon arbuscula Nyl., Hue (1892, p. 306) Himalaya. * Stereocaulon botryophorum Miill. Arg. Flora 74 : Himalaya, Ihala, leg. Duthie. Type in K - CATAL. 4: Asahina (1955, p. 51) Nepal. Stereocaulon claviceps Th. Fr. - CATAL. 4: Asahina (1955, p. 50) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 30) NEFA. Stereocaulon condensatum Hoffm. - CATAL. 4: Nylander (1900, p. 5) Ceylon. * Stereocaulon condyloideum Nyl. - see Stereocaulon leprocephalum Vain. Stereocauloiz corallinum, Schreb. - Babington (1852, p. 250) Dubium! Stereocaulon coralloides Fr. - CATAL. 4: Nylander (1860, p. 241) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 38) Himalaya; Hue (1898, p. 253) Himalaya. *Stereocaulon foliolosum Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Himalaya, leg. Jacquement ; Kumaon, leg. Strachey and Winterbottom. Type in H - CATAL. 4: Hue (1892, p. 38) Himalaya. *Stereocaulon leprocephalrcm Vain. Arkiv Bot. 8 (4): Ceylon; - Stereocaulon condyloidercm Nyl. (non Ach.) Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 4: *Stereocauloiz macrocephalum Miill. Arg. Flora 74: Bhowani, N. W. Himalaya, leg. Duthie. Type in I< - taxon nomencl. syn. of Stereoca~llon pillcliferum Th. Fr. in CATAL. 4:

118 *Stereocu~tlor~ myriocarpoides Nyl. Synop. 1,ich. 1: Hi~nnlaya, leg. Hooker and Thornson. Type in H, K. Hue (1892, p. 39) Himalaya - CATAL. 4: Stereocartlon nesaeiim Nyl. - CATAL. 4: Awasthi (1961, p. 30) NEFA. Stereocaulon puschale (L.) Hoffm. - CATAL. 4: Nylander (1860, p. 242) Himalaya; ],eighton (1869, p. 163) Ceylon; HUP (1892, p. 38) Himalaya. *Stereocaulon pilliliferlim Th. Fr. De Stereocaulon and Pilophoron Comment. 1857, p. 21. Himalaya, leg.?. Type in UPS. Hue (1898, p. 250) India - CATAL. 4: ; - Awasthi (1960c, p. 172) Nepal. Stereocaulon piluliferrim var. sinense (Hue) M. Lamb - Asahina (1955, p. 50) Nepal. Stereocaulon quisquillare (Leers) Hoffm. - CATAL. 4: A. L. Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling. Stereocaulon ramulosum (Sw.) Raueschel - CATAIJ. 4: A.L.Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 43) Darjeeling, Sikltim. *Stereocaulon strictum (Bab.) Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Himalaya; Miill. Arg. (1895, p. 194) Darjeeling; Jatta (1902, p. 4) Darjeeling, Sikkim; - Stereocaulon ramulosum var. strictum Bah. Hooker Journ. Bot. 4: Kumaon, leg. Strachey and Winterbottom. Type in BM - taxon nomencl. syn. of Stereocalilon pilriliferum Th. Fr. in CATAL. 4: Stereocaulon tomentosum Fr. - CATAL. 4: Babington (1852, p. 250) Kumaon; Nylander (1860, p. 243) Himalaya; Hue (1892, p. 39) Himalaya; Hue (1898, p. 254) Himalaya; Jatta (1905, p. 168) Pangi, N.W. Himalaya. Stereocaulon tomentosum var. orizabae (Th. Fr.) M. Lamb - Asahina (1955, p. 50) Nepal; - Stereocaulo~z myriocnrpum var. orizabae Th. Fr., Awasthi (1960~) p. 172) Nepal - taxon as syn. Stereocaulon orizabae (Th. Fr.) Vain. in CATAL. 4: Stereocaulo~~ tomentosum ssp. myriocarprlm (Th. Fr.) - Asahina (1955, 1). 50) Nepal - taxon as syn. Stereocnulon myrioccrrprlnz Th. Fr. in CATAL. 4: Stereocarilon yunnanense (Hue) M. Lamb - Asahina (1955, p. 50) Nepal.

119 S TICTA Schreb. (Stictaceae) Sticta boschiana Mont. et v. d. Bosch - CATAI,. 3: ; - Stictina boschiana, Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon; Nylarlder (1900, p. 8) Ceylon. Sticta boschiana var. lobata (Nyl.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 3: ; - Stictina boschiana var. lobata Nyl., Nylander (1900, p. 8) Ceylon. Sticta ciliaris Mont. et v. d. Bosch - CATAL. 3: ; - Stictina ciliaris Mont. et v. d. Bosch, Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon. Sticta damaecornis (Sw.) Ach. - CATAL. 3: Mont,agne (1842, p. 18) Nilgiri; Lindsay (1866, p. 505) Madras. *Sticta dictyota Stirt. - see Lobaria dictyota (Stirt.) Awasthi. * Sticta diplomorpha (Mull. Arg.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Gniv. 3 : ; - Stictina diplomorpha Mull. Arg. Flora 65: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in G. Sticta filicina Ach. - CATAL. 3: Hue (1892, p. 92) India ; Hue (1901, p. 101) India; - Stictina filicina (Ach.), Moreau (1952, p. 139) Kodaikanal. Sticta fuliginosa (Dicks.) Ach. - CATAL. 3: Montagne (1842, p. 18) Nilgiri; - Stictina fuliginosa (Dicks.), Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon; Moreau (1952, p. 139) Kodaikanal. Sticta henryana Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 3: Awasthi (1960~~ p. 170) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 27) NEFA. Sticta intricata Del. f. thouarsii (Del.) hludd. - CATAL. 3: ; - Stictina argyracea var. thouarsii Del., Nylander (1900, p. 8) Ceylon. *Sticta nylanderiana Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. LTniv. 3: Himalaya; - Slicta platyphylla Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1: Nepal, I-Ii~nalaya, leg. Hooker. Type in H, I< (non Mass. ex anno 1853); Hue (1892, p. 95) India; Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 218) Manipur; Asahina (1955, p. 47) Nepal. Sticta orbicularis Nyl. - CATAL. 3: JIoreau (1952, p. 139) Kodaikanal. Sticta platyphylla Nyl. - see Sticta nylu~rderia~za Zahlbr. *Sticta platyphylla var. praetextnta Hiis. Arch. Soc,. Zool. Bot. "I'anamo" 6 (2) : Dist. Almora, R. ltt. Himalaya, leg. A\vast,hi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. Sticta platyphylloides Nyl. - CATAL. 3: Awast.hi (1960c,, p. 170) Nepal; Awast,hi (1961, p. 27) &EF-4.

120 Sticta tomentella Nyl. - CATAL. 3: ; - Stictina tornentella Nyl., Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon. Sticta tornentosa (Sw.) Ach. var. dilatnta Nyl. - CATAL. 3: Hue (1892, p. 90) India. Sticta weigelii Isert - CATAL. 3: Hue (1901, p. 94) India; Moreau (1952, p. 139) Kodaikanal, Palni hills; Awasthi (1961, p. 28) Assam. Sticta weigelii var. perrcviana (Del.) Vain. - CATAL. 3: ; - Stictina quercizans v. peruviana (Del.), Leighton (1869, p. 164) Ceylon; - Stictinn peruuiana (Del.), Nylander (1900, p. 8) Ceylon. Slicta weigelii f. beauvoisii (Del.) Hue - CATAL. 3: Moreau (1952, p. 139) Shembaganur, Palni hills; Awasthi (1961, p. 28) NEFA. S T I R T ON IA A. L. Smith (Cryptotheciaceae) * Stirtonia dubia A. L. Smith, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 11 : Bengal, leg.?. Type in BM - CATAL. 8: * Stirtonia obvallata (Stirt.) A. L. Smith, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 11 : Bengal - CATAL. 8: ; - Cryptothecia obvallata Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM. S T RIG U LA Fr. (Strigulaceae) Strigula complanata (Fee) Nyl. - CATAL. I: Santesson (1952, p ) Ceylon. Strigula complanata var. nemathora (Mont.) Mull. Arg. - Zahlbruckner (1911, p. 31) Ceylon. Strigula elegans (Fke) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. I : Santesson (1952, p ) Assam, Nepal, and Ceylon. Strigula elegans var. antillarum (Fee) R. Sant., Santesson (1952, p. 171) India- taxon as syn. Strigula antillarum (Fee) Mull. Arg. in CATAL. I : Strigula elegans f. hirtella Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 1 : ; - Strigula elegans var. genuina f. hirtella Mull. Arg., Zahlbruckner (1911, p. 31) Ceylon. Strigula elegans var. stellata (Nyl.) R.Sant., Santesson (1952, p. 171) Ceylon. Strigula nemathora Mont. - Santesson (1952, p ) Ceylon - taxon nomencl. syn. of Strigula argyronema Mull. Arg. in CATAL. 1:

121 Strigula nitidula hlont. - CATAI,. 1: Santesson (1952, p ) Calcutta, Mysore, and Ceylon. Strigula subelegans Vain. - Santesson (1952, p ) Ceylor~ - CATAL. 8: Strigula subtillissima (Fee) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 1: Santesson (1952, p ) Ceylon. TELOS CH IS TE S Korm. (Teloschistaceae) Teloschistes flavicans (Sw.) Norm. - CATAL. 7: Jatta (1911, p. 310) Malabar; - Evernia flavicans Fr., Montagne (1842, p. 17) Nilgiri, Western Ghats; - Physcia flavicans, Leighton (1869, p. 165) Ceylon. Teloschistes flavicans var. croceus (Ach.) hliill. Arg. - CATAL. 7: ; - Physcia flavicans var. croceus (Ach.), Stirton (1876, p. 157) Kumaon. THA M NOLIA Ach. (Usneaceae) Thamnolia subvermicularis Asah. - Asahina (1955, p. 62) Nepal. Thamnolia vermicularis (L.) Schaer. - CATAL. 6: Nylander (1860, p. 264) Himalaya; Asahina (1955, p. 62) Nepal; Awasthi (1960~~ p. 178) Nepal. l'harnnolia vermicularis var. taurica (Wulf.) Schaer. - CATAL. 6: ; - Cladonia vermicularis var. taurica (Wulf.), Babingt,on (1852, p. 250) Kumaon. THE LI 1) I 0 PSIS Vain. (Verrucariaceae) * Thelidiopsis mangiferae Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Tanakpur, Uttar Pradesh, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. THE LO PS IS Nyl. (Pyrenulaceae) * Thelopsis (?) inordinata Nyl. Flora 50: Calcutta, leg. Kurz. Type in H; Hue (1892, p. 302) Calcutta - CATAL. 1: TH ELO T R E M A (Ach.) hliill. Arg. (Thelotremaceae) * Thelotrema albidopallem Nyl. Bull. Soc,. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 172) Andaman - CATAL. 2:

122 * Thelolrema colobicum Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 175) Andainan - CATAL. 2: Thelotrema concretum Fee - CATAL. 2: Leighton (1869, p. 168) Ceylon. * Thelotrema crateriforme Be]. Voyage Ind. Orient. 2: Peninsular India. Type in? - CATAL. 2: * Thelotrema dehiscens (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Schistostoma dehiscens Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: 312. Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM, GLAM. Thelotrema depressum Mont. - CATAL. 2: ; - Ascidium depressum hlont., Leighton (1869, p. 170) Ceylon. * Thelolrema disciforme Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM! - CATAL. 2: * Thelotrema elachistoteron Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM! - CATAL. 2: * Thelotrema eumorphum Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 10: Kumaon, leg. Dickie. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. 2: * Thelotrema exsertum (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - L-lscidium exsertum Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM!, GLARI. * Thelotrema exsertum var. mollius (Stirt.) Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - Ascidium exsertum var. mollius Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G. Watt. Type in BhI, GLAhl. Thelotrema glaucopallens Nyl. - CATAL. 2: Leighton (1869, p. 168) Ceylon. * Thelotrema leightoni Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 2: ; - dscidiun~ puchystomum Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in Bhl!. Non Nyl. Thelotrema lepadinum Ach. - CATAL. 2: Nylander (1900, p. 17) Ceylon. * Thelotrema lepadizum Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10): Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 2: Thelotrema massalongii (XIont.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 2: ; - Ascidium mnssalongik &font., Miill. Arg. (1885, p. 515) India. * Thelotrema patens Nyl. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn. 26 (10) : Ceylon, leg. Almquist. Type in H, S - CATAL. 2 : Thelotrema punctzzlatr~nz Nyl. - CATAI,. 2: Leighton (1869, p. 168) Ceylon.

123 * Thelotrema rugatulum Nyl. Bull. Soc. Iinn. Norrnand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Eiue (1892, p. 175) Andaman - CATAL. 2 : * Thelotrema schizostomoides (Leight.) Zahlbr. Cat. 1,ich. Univ. 2: ; - Trypethelium schizostomoides Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27: Ceylon, leg. Thwaites. Type in BM!. * Thelotrema subcaluescens Nyl. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand. 11, 7: Andaman, leg. Kurz. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 173) Andaman - CATAL. 2: *THELOTREMA TETRASPORUM (Stirt.) Comb. nov.; - Ascidium tetrasporum Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAII - taxon erronously mentioned Thelotrema tetrasporum Stirt. as basionym in CATAL. 2: TH Y R EA Mass. (Pyrenopsidaceae) Thyrea pulvinata (Schaer.) Mass. -CATAL. 2: A.L.Smith (1931, p. 129) Waziristan; Chopra (1934, p. 22) Waziristan. TON IN IA (Mass.) Th. Fr. (Lecideaceae) Toninia coeruleonigricans (Lightf.) Th. Fr. - CATAL. 4: Awasthi (1963, p. 32) Srinagar, Kashmir. T R Y PE THE LI U ill Spreng. (Trypetheliaceae) * Trypethelium assimile Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAhI - CATAL. 1 : Trypethelium catervariunz (Fke) Tuck. - CATAL. 1: ; - T~errucaria catervarin Fee, Leighton (1869, p. 182) Ceylon; Stirton (1876, p. 157) Calcutta. * Trypethelium celatum Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A.IVatt. Type in BAl!, GLAM - taxon not recorded in CATAL. * Trypethelium inamoenrtnt hliill. Arg. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 29: Alanipur, leg. G.Watt.. Type in K - CATAI,. I: * Trypethelirlm indr~triln Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Tejpore, Assam, leg. A.IVatt. Type in BJI!, GLAJI - C-4TAL. 1: * Trype~h~liun~ l~rtezcrn Tayl. London Journ. Boi. 6: Madras. leg. Wight. Type in FH!, I< - CAT.4L. 1:

124 Trypethelium macrozoma (Fee); - Verrucaria macrozoma Fee, Bklanger (1838, p. 142) Peninsular India - taxon nomencl. syn. of Trypethelium catervarium (Fee) Tuck. in CATAL. 1 : Trypethelium myriocarpum (Fee) Miill. Arg. - CATAL. 1: ; - Pyrenula myriocurpa Fee, Belanger (1838, p. 140) Peninsular India. * Trypethelium oblitescens Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11 : India, leg. G.Watt. Type in BhI!, GLAM - CATAL. I: Trypethelium ochroleucum (Eschw.) Nyl. - CATAL. 1: Hue (1892, p. 299) Calcutta. Trypethelium ochroleucum var. pallescens (Fee) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 1: ; - Trypethelium pallescens Fee, Nylander (1867, p. 9) Calcutta. Trypethelium pallescens Leighton (1869, p. 185) Ceylon - see Astrothelium fallax Miill. Arg. * Trypetheliurn pruinosum Fr. Syst. Orb. Veget. 1825, p India Orientalis. Type in UPS - taxon not cited in CATAL. * Trypethelium refertum Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. I : Trypethelium sprengelii Ach. - Belanger (1838, p. 137) Carnatic, Peninsular India; Nylander (1867, p. 9) Calcutta - taxon nomencl. syn. of Trypethelium eluteriae Spreng. in CATAL. 1: Trypethelium tropicum (Ach.) Mull. Arg. - CATAL. 1: ; - T/errucaria tropica Ach., Belanger (1838, p. 143) Peninsular India; Nylander (1867, p. 8) Calcutta; Leighton (1869, p. 182) Ceylon; Hue (1892, p. 294) Calcutta. Trypethelium uberinum (Fee) Nyl. - CATAL. I : Leighton (1869, p. 185) Ceylon. T Y LO PHO RON Nyl. (Cypheliaceae) Tylophoron moderatum Nyl. - CATAL. 1 : A. L.Smith (1931, p. 128) Sikkim; Chopra (1934, p. 17) Sikkim; Moreau (1952, p. 136) Palni hills. * Tylophoron nidulans Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLARl - CATAL. 1 : Tylophoron pulchellum Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Chinsurah, Assam, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM - CATAL. 1 :

125 * Tylophoron punctiforme Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM!, GLAM - CA'I'AL. 1: U M B I LI CA RIA Hoffm. em. Frey (Umbilicariaceae) Umbilicaria badia Frey, Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Gesellsch. 59: India Orientalis, leg.?. Type in 13M. Umbilicaria cylindrica (L.) Del. - CATAL. 8 : ; - Gyrophorcl cylindrica (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 4: A. L.Smith (1931, p. 130) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 46) Darjeeling. Umbilicaria cylindrica var. tornata (Ach.) Nyl. - CATAI,. 10: ; - Gyrophora cylindrica var. tornata Nyl., Paulson (1925, p. 193) Mt. Everest - taxon as Gyrophora tornata Ach. in CA'I'AL. 4: Umbilicaria depressa (Ach.) Duby - CATAL. 10: Babington (1852, p. 250) Kumaon; - Gyrophora crustulosa var. depressa Ach. in CATAL. 4: *UMBILICARIA DWALIENSIS (Has.) Comb. nov.; - Gyrophoropsis dwaliensis Ras. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Dwali, Almora district, leg. Awast.hi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. * U MBILICARIA HIMALA YENSIS (Ras.) Comb. nov.; - Gyrophora himalayensis Ras. Arc,h. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 5 (1): Sikkim, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. * Umbilicaria indica Frey, Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Gesellsch. 59: India, leg. T. Type in?. * Umbilicaria lecanocarpoides Nyl. Synop. Lich. 2: Himalaya, leg. Skolic,zka. Type in H!, K, FH!; Hue (1892, p. 117) Himalaya - taxon as Gyrophora lecanocarpoides (NyI.) Th. Fr. in CATAL. 4: taxon nomencl. sgn. of 0mphulodiscu.s virginis (Sc,haer.) Sc.ho1. in Llano (1950, p ). * Umbilicaria papillosa Nyl. Synop. Lich. 2: Himalaya, leg. Hooker. Type in H!, I<. Hue (1892, p. 118) Himalaya - t,axon as syn. Gyrophora pnpillosa (Nyl.) Nyl. in CATAL. 4: ' Unzbilicaria pertusa Rassad. ; - Lasullia pertusa (Rassad.) Llano in Llano (1950, p. 48) Pangi, N. W. Himalaya. Umbilicaria polyphylla (L.) Baumg. - Lindsay (1866, p ) India - taxon as syn. Gyrophorn polyphylla (L.) Funck in CATAL. 4:

126 Cintbilicaria pennsylvanica Hoffm. - CATAL. 4: Nylander (2863, p. 5) Himalaya; Iiue (1892, p. 116) Himalaya. * Umbiliccw*ia pennsylvanica var. trz~ncicola Frey, Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Gescllsch. 59: Himalaya, leg.?. Type in BM. Uttlbilicaria polyrrhisa (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 10: Nylander (1863, p. 19) Himalaya; - Gyrophora polyrrhisn (L.) ICiirb. - CATAL. 4: Hue (1892, p. 119) Himalaya; Asahina (1955, p. 52) Nepal. Unzbilicuria proboscidea (L.) Schrad. - CATAL. 10 : Hue (1900, p ) Himalaya; - Gyrophora proboscidea Ach., Hue (1892, p. 118) Himalaya; CATAL. 4: Unlbilicaria pustulata (L.) Hoffm. var. pnpr~losa (Ach.) Tuck. - CATAL,. 4: Hue (1900, p. 113) Himalaya. Umbilicaria yunnana (Nyl.) Hue - Awasthi (1961, p. 31) NEFA - taxon as syn. Gyrophora yunnana Nyl. in CATAL. 4: Urnbilicnria vellea (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 10: Leighton (1869, p. 165) Ceylon; Jatta (1905, p. 179) Pangi, Punjab - taxon as syn. Gyrophoru vellea (L.) Ach. in CATRIA. 4: USNEA W'igg. ern. Ach. (Usneaceae) * Usneu albopunctata Nyl. in Cromb. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 17: Ceylon, leg. Brodier. Type in H! ; Hue (1892, p. 63) Ceylon - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p. 647) Ceylon. Usnea angr~lata Ach. - CATAL. 6: Lindsay (1866, p. 526) Ceylon; Motyka ( , p. 394) not reported from India or Ceylon; Moreau (1952, p. 141) Kodaikanal. Usnen artic~ilata (L.) Ach. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1905, p. 165) Sikkim; Riotyka ( , p. 115) not reported from India; - Usnea barbata var. nrticulata (I,.), Belanger (2838, p. 113) Peninsular India. Usnea nrticulata var. intestiniformis (Ach.) Cromb. - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p. 119) Nilgiri; - Usnea barbata var. intestiniformis Ach., Montagne (1842, p. 17) Nilgiri. Usnea asuh1:nai Mot., Motyka ( , p. 393) - CATAL. 10: Awasthi (1961, p. 40) Assam. Usnea aspera (Eschw.) Vain. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1905, p. 164) Himalaya; Motyka ( , p. 643) not reported from India; - Usnea barbata var. aspern, Jatta (1902, p. 3) Mussoorie, N. Mr. Himalaya.

127 Usnea barbatu var. asperrina Mull. Arg., Mull. Arg. (18'32, p. 217) Manipur - taxon nornencl. syn. of Usnea buileyi (Stirt.) Zahlhr. in CATAL. 6: ; and in Motyka ( , p. (3). Nut reported from India in Motyka (I. c.). Usnea bimolliuscula Zahlbr. - CATAI,. 6: Motyka ( , p ) hladura, and Kodaikanal. Usnea cerutina Ach. - CATAL. 6: Montagne (1842, p. 17) Nilgiri, Ootacamund; Babington (1852, p. 243) Kumaon; IIue (1892, p. 63) India; Hue (1899, p. 39) Simla; Hue (1900 b, p. 253) Coonoor, Nilgiri; Motyka ( , p ) no report from India; Rloreau (1952, p. 141) Kodaikanal; - Usnea barbata var. cer-atina Ach., Leighton (1869, p. 163) Ceylon; Jatta (1905, p. 164) Darjeeling, Sikkim. * Usnea ceylonica Mot. Lich. Gen. Usnea Monogr , p Ceylon, leg. Rietzner. Type in UPS. Also reported from S. India, and Darjeeling - CATAL. 10: * Usnea cineraria hfot. Lich. Gen. Usnea hionogr , p Darjeeling, leg. Gebauer. Type in W. Also reported from Sikkim, Himalaya, and Travancore - CATAL. 10: Awasthi (1961, p. 41) NEFA. * Usnea cladonioides (Nyl.) DuRietz, Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 20: CATAL. 6: Jilotyka ( , p ) Sikkim, Himalaya; Awasthi (1961, p. 39) NEFA4; - Chlorea cludonioides Nyl. Synop. Lich. 1 : Sikkim, leg. Hooker and Thomson. Type in H!; Hue (1892, p. 62) Himalaya. Usnea comosa (Ach.) Rohl. - Motyka ( , p ) not reported from India - CATAL. 10: 5' Chopra (1934, p. 65) Himalaya; - Usltea florida var. comosa (Ach.) Vain. - biiill. Arg. (1892, p. 217) h4anipur; Hue (1899, p. 36) Simla. Calcutta, and Manipur; Hue (1900b, p. 252) Nilgiri; Jatta (1905, p. 164) Sikkim; A.L.Smith (1931, p. 131) Kashmir. * Usnea compressa Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Nepal, leg. ntallich; hilysore, leg. Wight. Type in FH! - CATAL. 6: not recorded as a valid taxon in hlotyka ( ). Usnea contorta Jatta - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1911, p. 309) Malabar; Motyka ( , p. 414) not reported from India. Usnea corallina Mot. Lich. Gen. CTsnea hlonogr , p S. India, Anaimalai hills, leg. Fischer. Type in BAI! - CATAL. 10:

128 Usnea cornea Mot., hiotyka ( , p. 604) - CATAI,. 10: Awasthi (1957 c, p. 228) Himalaya. Usnea cornrcta Korb. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1911, p. 309) Sikkim; Motyka ( , p. 509) not reported from India; - Usnea barbata var. cornuta Korb., Nylander (1860, p. 269) Nilgiri. Usnea dasypoga (Ach.) Rohl. - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p ) not reported from Ceylon; - Usnea barbata var. dasypoga Ach., Leighton (1869, p. 163) Ceylon. Usnea dasypogoides Nyl. - CATAL. 10: Jatta (1905, p. 163) Pangi, Punjab; Motyka ( , p. 464) not reported from India. * Usnea dendritica Stirt. Scott. Nat. 6: Tongloo, Darjeeling, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM, GLAM - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p ) Sikkim, and Kodaikanal; Awasthi (1961, p. 41) NEFA. Usnea densirostra Tayl. - CATAL. 6: Hue (1899, p. 41) Manipur; Motyka ( , p ) no report from India; - Usnea barbata var. densirostra (Tayl.), Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 217) Manipur. Usnea diademensis Vain. - CATAL. 6 : Motyka ( , p. 326) - Awasthi (1957c, p. 228) Himalaya. * Usnea dichotoma Fr. Syst. Orb. Veget. 1825, p Nepal, leg. Vahl. Type in UPS. Montagne (1842, p. 17) Nilgiri - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p ) Sikkim, Darjeeling, and Nepal. Usnea erubescens (Stein.) Mot., Motyka ( , p. 333) - CATAL. 10: Awasthi (1957c, p. 228) Kodaikanal. Usnea enmitrioides Mot., Motyka ( , p. 322) Darjeeling - CATAL. 10: * Usnea flexilis Stirt. Scott. Nat. 6: Nilgiri, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM, GLAR4 - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p ) Sikkim, Simla, Coonoor, and Kodaikanal; Asahina (1955, p. 58) Nepal; Awasthi (1960c, p. 177) Nepal. Usnea florida (L.) Wigg. - CATAL. 6: Hue (1892, p. 62) Himalaya; Hue (1900b, p. 252) Nilgiri, Coonoor; A. L. Smith (1931, p. 131) Darjeeling; Chopra (1934, p. 65) Himalaya; Motyka ( , p ) none reported from India; - Usnea barbata var. florida Fr., Mull. Arg. (1895, p. 194) Darjeeling. Usnea florida var. perplexans Vain. - Hue (1899, p. 36) India - vagum!

129 Usneu florida var. scabrosa (Ach.) Vain. - CA'SAI,. 6: 5'72. l!j:jo - Jatta (1905, p. 164) Nepal, Sikkim ; Jatta (1911, p. 309) Alalabar - taxon nomencl. syn. of IJsrzea inflatu Del. in Motyka ( , p. 510). Usnea floridu var. sorediifera (Arm.) Hue - CATAI,. 6: Hue (1900b, p. 253) Coonoor, Nilgiri - taxon nornencl. syn. of Usnea glabrata (Ach.) Vain. in Motyka ( , p. 495). Usnea flexuosa Nyl. - see Usnea hookeri Mot. Usnea jormosa (Stir-t.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 6: lotyka ( , p. 62) India. * Usneu fragilis Stirt,. Scott. Nat. 6: IVilgiri, leg. G. Watl. Type in BM, GLAM - CATAI,. 6: Motyka ( , p ) Coonoor, Nilgiri. Usnea havaasii Mot., Xiotyka ( , p. 450) hladura - (:A'SAI,. 10: * Usnea hirnaluyana Bab. Hook. Journ. Bot. 4: Binsur, Kumaon, leg. S trachey and Winterbottorn. Type in BA1. Nylander (1860, p. 269) Himalaya; Hue (1900b, p. 253) Coonoor, Silgiri; Moreau (1952, p. 141) Kodaikanal; - Usrzea ceratina va:. himalayana, Stirton (1876, p. 157) Kumaon; - Usnea plicutu f. himalayana, Hue (1892, p. 63) Himalaya - taxon nomencl. syn. of Usneu dichotoma Fr. in CATAL. 6: , and in Motyka ( , p. 130). Usnea hirta (L.) Wigg. - CATAL. 6: hlotyka ( p. 83) no reports from Ceylon; - Usltea floridn var. hirtn Ach., Hue (1899, p. 37) Ceylon. * Usnea hookeri Rlot. Lich. G?n. Iisnea hlonogr , p Himalaya, leg. Hooker. Type in H! - CATAI,. 10: Awasthi (1960c, p. 177) Nepal; - Chloren flexuosa Kgl. Synop. 1,ich. 1: (non Taylor), Sikkim, leg. Hooker. Type in H; - Letharia flelrrcosa (Nyl.), Hue (1892. p. 62) Himalaya; Paulson (1925, p. 190) Mt. Everest. Usnea hossei Vain. - CATAL. 6 : liotyka ( , p. 415) - Awasthi (1957~~ p. 228) Bihar; Awasthi (1960c, p. 178) Xepal. L1sneu implicita (Stirt.) Zahlbr. - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p ) Assam, Sikkim, Tongloo. Darje~ling. and Kodaikanal; Awasthi (1961, p. 39) NEFA. * Usneu indica hiot. 1,ich. Gen. ITsnea Aionogr , p N. W. Himalaya, leg. Skoliczkn. Type in \Y - CATAI,. 10:

130 Usnec~ insignis blot., hiotyka ( , p. 66) - CATAL. 10: Awaslhi (1957 c, p. 228) Darjeeling. Userza japonica Vain., Motyka ( , p. 459) - CATAL. 10: Neelkantan and Seshadri (1952, p. 340) Coorg, S. India. Usnea lacl~nosa C+'illd. - Nylander (1860, p. 271) India; Hue (1892, p. 64) India - taxon nomencl. syn. of Usnea cavernosa Tuck. in CATAL. 6: , and in Motyka ( , p ). Usnea livida Mot., n'lotyka ( , p. 419) - CATAI, Awasthi (1957 c, p. 228) Darjeeling. Usrzea longissimu Ach. - CATAL. 6: Hue (1892, p. 63) Himalaya; Hue (1899, p. 51) Nepal, and India; hlotyka ( , p. 423) no repoits from India and Nepal; Asahina (1955, p. 58) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 39) NEFA. * Usnea longissitna var. himalayensis Kas. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Chakrata, N.W. Himalaya, leg. Awasthi. Type in H, isotype in Aw. Usnea lorea Stirl. - see Usnea slirtoniana Zahlbr. * Usneu lucea Mot. Lich. Gen. IJsnea Monogr , p Nilgiri, leg. Perrottst. Type in W. Also reported from Ootacamund, and Ceylon - CATAL,. 10 : * Usnea luridorufa Stirt. Scott. Nat. 6: Himalaya, leg. Hooker and Thomson. Type in BM, GLAkI - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p ) Sikkim, Himalaya, Madura, and Kodaikanal; Awasthi (1961, p. 41) Assam. * Usnea mekista Stirt. Scott. Nat. 6: Himalaya, leg. Hooker and Thomson. Type in BM, GLAM - CATA1,. 6: Motyka ( , p ) Himalaya. Usnea misarnirtensis (Vain.) hiot.. hlotyka ( , p ) Assam - CATAL. 10: Usnea mollis Stirt. - Motyka ( , p. 259) - CATAL. 10: ; - Usnea florida var. mollis (Stirt.) Vain., Hue (1900b, p. 252) Coonoor, Nilgiri - taxon not reported from India in Motyka (1. c.). * Usnea nepalensis Awasthi (1957d, p. 228) Nepal - nomen nudurrr. Usnea orientalis blot., Motyka ( , p. 547); CATAL. 10: Neelakantan and Seshadri (1952, p. 340) Kumaon, Himalaya, and Kodaikanal. * Usnea pangiana Stirt. Scott. Nal. 7 : ' Himalaya, leg. G. Watt. Type in BRI, GLAM - CATAI,. 6: Motyka ( , p ) Sikkim. Himalaya.

131 * Usnea pectinata Tayl. London Journ. Bot. 6: Sylhcbl,, Iiimalaya, leg. Wallich. Type in FH! - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p ) Sikkim, Tongloo, Llarjeeling, Kedarnath, Garhwal; I-Iimalayas; Awasthi (1960c, p. 158) Nepal; Awasthi (1961, p. 39) NEFA. Usnea perplectata Mot., Motyka ( , p ) Kodaikanal - CATAL. 10: * Usnea perplectans Stirt. Scott. Nat. 6: Himalaya, Pangi, leg. G. Watt. Type in BM, GLAM - CATAL. 6: hfotyka ( , p ) N. W. Himalaya, Pangi, Kashmir, and Chini. Usnea plicata (L.) Wigg. - Motyka ( , p. 227) no reports frorn India or Ceylon - Mull. Arg. (1892, p. 217) Manipur; Nylander (1900, p. 6) Ceylon - CATAL. 10: ; - Usnea dasypoga v. plicata (L.), Hue (1899, p. 47) Manipur. Usnea pulverulenta (Mull. Arg.) Mot., Motyka ( , p ) - CATAL. 10: ; - Usnea florida var. pulverulenta (Miill. Arg.) Stiz. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1900, p. 309) Malabar. Usnea reticulata Hoffm. - Miill. Arg. (1892, p. 217) Manipur - Dubiurn! Usnea rubescens (Stirt.) var. rubrotincta (Stirt.) Mot. - Motyka ( , p. 348) Ceylon - CATAL. 10: Usnea rubicunda Stirt. - CATAL. 6: Rfotyka ( , p ) Himalaya, Darjeeling, Sikkim, and Nilgiri; Awasthi (1961, p. 39) NEFA. Usnea scabrida Tayl. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1911, p. 309) Darjeeling; Motyka ( , p. 524) no report from India. Usnea sernanderi Mot. - Motyka ( , p. 46) - CATAL. 10 : Poelt (1961, p. 91) N. W. Karakorum. Usnea sikkimensis Biswas, Common Medicinal Plant Darjeeling and Sikkim, Himalaya Type in CAL. * Usnea sordida hfot. Lich. Gen. Usnea Rfonogr , p Darjeeling, leg. Gebauer. Type in MT - CATAL. 10: * Usnea spinosula Stirt. Scott. Nat. 6: Nilgiri, leg. G.\Vatt,. Type in BM, GLARi - CATAL. 6: hlotyka ( , p. 528) Nilgiri, and Icodaikanal; Awasthi (1961, p. 40) NEFA. * Usnea stigmata Rfot. Lich. Gen. Usnea hlonogr , p Nilgiri, leg. Perrottet. Type in B. * Usnea stirtoniann Zahlbr. Cat. Lich. Univ. 6: Himalaya; hfotyka ( , p ) Himalaya, and Nilgiri; - Us~tea lorea Stirt. Scott. Nat. 7: Himalaya, Sikkim, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM, GLAhf. Non Fries.

132 * Usnea stirtoniana var. neutra Hiis. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. "Vanarrlo" 5 (1): Darjeeling, leg. Awasthi. Holotype in H, isotype in Aw. Usnea strigosa (Ach.) Eaton - Motyka ( , p. 359) - CATAL. 10: Hue (1899, p. 34) India; Jatta (1911, p. 309) Himalaya; - Usneu florida var. strigosa Ach., hloreau (1952, p. 141) Kodaikanal. * Usnea subchalyben Zahlbr. Ann. Mycol. 7 : India, Kulhutty, leg. hieebold. Type in W - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p. 647) India. Usnea subscabrosa Nyl. in Motyka ( , p. 313) - CATAL. 10: Awasthi p. 228) Kodaikanal. Usnea subelegans (Vain.) RBS. - CATAL. 10: Motyka ( , p. 520); - Usnea florida var. subelegans Vain., Hue (1900b, p. 252) Coonoor, Nilgiri; Jatta (1905, p. 165) Sikkim. * Usnea subsordida Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11: Nilgiri, leg. G.Watt. Type in BM, GLAM - Stirton (1881, p. 104) Himalaya - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p ) Assam, Naga hills, Sikkim, Darjeeling, N. W. Himalaya, and Nilgiri; Awasthi (1961, p. 40) Assam. * Usnea subflexilis Stirt. Scott. Nat. 6: Himalaya, leg. J. Thomson. Type in BM, GLAM - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p ) under the nomencl. syn. of Usnea dichotoma Fr. * Usnea thomsonii Stirt. Scott. Nat. 6: Darjeeling, leg. Thomson. Type in BM, GLAM - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p ) Himalaya, Sikkirn, Nilgiri, and Kodaikanal; Asahina (1955, p. 58) Nepal. * Usnea thomsonii ssp. arborea (Stirt.) Mot., Lich. Gen. Usnea Monogr , p Sikkim, Simla, and Kumaon - CATAL. 10: Awasthi (1960~~ p. 178) Nepal; - Usnea arborea Stirt. Scott. Nat. 6: Tongloo, Darjecling, leg. G. Watt. Type in Bhl, GLAM. Usnea trichodea Ach. - CATAL. 6: Jatta (1905, p. 165) Nepal; Jatta (1911, p. 309) Darjeeling - Motyka ( , p. 183). Usnea tumida Mot., Motyka ( , p ) Nilgiri - CATAL. 10: Usnea undulata Stirt. - CATAL. 6: Motyka ( , p. 517) - Awasthi (1960c, p. 228) Kurnaon; Awasthi (1961, p. 40) Assam.

133 * Usnea vegae Mot. 1,ich. Gen. IJsnea Monogr , p Ceylon, leg. Alrnquist. Type in S - CATAI,. 10: * Usnea venosa Mot. 1,ich. Gen. Tlsnea Monogr , p India, leg. Hooker and Thomson. Type in W. Alfio from Nilgiri - CATAL. 10: * Usnea vulneraria Mot. Lich. Gen. Usnea hlonogr :38, p. 398-:$0!1, Nilgiri, leg. Sedgwick. Also from Kodaikanal. Type in DM - CATAI,. 10: VERB UCA RIA (Wigg.) Th. Fr. (Verrucariaceae) Verrucaria (Endococcus?) deportala Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 13: Assam, leg. A. Watt. Type in BM, GLAM - not cited in CATAL. Of uncertain affinity! Verrucaria maura Wahlb. - CATAL. 1 : Iiue (1892, p. 282) India. X A N TI30 R IA Th. Fr. (Teloschistaceae) Xanthoria candelaria (L.) Kickx - CATAL. 7: Poelt (1961, p. 91) N. W. Karakorum. Xanthoria controversa (Mass.) Rabenh., Jatta (1905, p. 178) Pangi - taxon nomencl. syn. of Xanthoria candelaria (L.) Kickx in CATAL. 7: Xanthoria elegans (Link.) Th. Fr. - see Caloplaca elegans (Link.) Th. Fr. Xantlzoria fallax (Hepp) DuRietz - Bhatia (1957, p. 37) N.Ffl. Hirnalaya; - taxon nomencl. syn. of Xanthoria sribstellaris (Ach.)Vain. in CATAL. 7 : Xanthoria parietina (L.) Belt,ram - CATAL. 7: ; - Physcia parieti~za (L.), Nylander (1860, p. 410) India; Hue (1892, p. 107) India; Hue (1900, p. 53) India. Snnthoria parietina var. ar~reola (Lam.) Th. Fr. - CATAI,. 7: ; - Physciu parietina var. azrreola Ach., Jatta (1905, p. 178) Pangi, Punjab. Xanthoria parietina var. sribgranulostt (Nyl.) Jatta - CATAL. 7: ; - Physcitt parieti~za var. srcbgranr~losa (Nyl.), Jatta (1905, p. 178) India. * Xanthoria snbstellaris var. srihsorediosa Rgs. Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot,. "Vanamo" 6 (2): Iiashmir, leg. H. C. Hhaguhir. Holotype in 11, isotype in Aw.

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