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Schizostachyum glaucifolium (Poaceae)

`Ohe or Bamboo is a relative of sugarcane in the Poaceae or grass family. It is one of the fastest growing plants in the world. This Polynesian introduced plant has the scientific name Schizostachyum glaucifolium.

Notice that bamboo leaves are thin and pointed. 'Ohe sheds these leaves once a year. The wood of the bamboo plant is thin and flexible. It is also easily split, but is very hard and strong.

The Hawaiians use 'ohe for two important musical instruments to accompany hula performances, the pu'ili and the 'ohe ka'eke'eke. Pu'ili were used in pairs by the dancers themselves, while the 'ohe ka'eke'eke were hit on the ground to produce sound.

The inner surfaces of the 'ohe are soft and easily carved, so 'ohe became the favored material for kapa or bark cloth stamps. Sections of 'ohe are carved with abstract designs then dipped in a fluid made from kukui nut shells and oil. 'Ohe can also be used for lama lamps that would burn kukui kernels for light.

Adjacent to bamboo you'll see the Kukui or Candlenut tree. Look up and you might see fruiting and flowering. You'll find the sign for this tree near the base of its trunk.