Hi, I'm Andrew and I’m just a simple zoology student and crustacean researcher from Ohio. This blog centers around animal IDs so feel free to send me any unknown species (and its location) that you have and I will take my best shot at IDing it! I also occasionally post random zoology/animal factoid things.

Disclamer: none of the pictures are mine unless stated


Zebra Mantis Shrimp (Lysiosquillina maculata)

Also known as the Striped Mantis Shrimp, the Zebra Mantis Shrimp is a species of mantis shrimp found throughout the Indo-Pacific from East Africa to Hawaii. Unlike their more popular relatives this species use its two modified claws as spears instead of hammers. These spears are deadly and are used to catch food at breakneck speeds (as shown in the first picture). Despite their dangerous nature they are fairly popular in aquariums and as food.



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    I killed 7 of these one time. In the name of science.
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    Let’s not forget that mantis shrimp have some of the most advanced eyes in the animal kingdom, with built-in polarized...
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