Acanthurus lineatus

Acanthurus lineatus

Lined surgeonfish, Blue banded surgeonfish, Blue-lined surgeonfish, Clown surgeonfish, Pyjama tang, Striped surgeonfish, Zebra surgeonfish

Acanthurus lineatus
Life Span
46 years
cm inch 

Acanthurus lineatus, the lined surgeonfish, blue banded surgeonfish, blue-lined surgeonfish, clown surgeonfish, pyjama tang, striped surgeonfish, and zebra surgeonfish, is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the family Acanthuridae, the surgeonfishes, unicornfishes and tangs. This species is found in the Indo-Pacific region.

Animal name origin

Acanthurus lineatus has the specific name lineatus, meaning "lined", a reference to the yellow and blacl lines on the body of this fish.


This species reaches about 38 centimeters in length. Much of the body has black-edged blue and yellow stripes, and the top of the head is striped with yellow. The belly is grayish. The pectoral fins have darkened rays and the pelvic fins are yellow-brown with black margins. Individuals from around the Philippines vary in coloration.



A. lineatus occurs in the Indian Ocean from East Africa to the western Pacific Ocean to the Great Barrier Reef, Japan, Polynesia, and Hawaii.

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The lined surgeonfish is associated with reefs, living in marine waters just a few meters deep. It is benthopelagic.

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Climate zones

Habits and Lifestyle

The fish is territorial, with a large male defending a feeding territory and a harem of females. The adults may also school, and they gather en masse during spawning. The juvenile is solitary. The fish is mostly herbivorous, but might eat crustaceans at times. Most of its diet is algae. It grazes during the day.

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Acanthurus lineatus species found in Australia, in the Indian Ocean have a greater defense rate against intruders. Lined surgeonfish in the Indian Ocean have a smaller body size, allowing them to have greater access and abundance of food, due to hurricane damage to reefs, enhancing the overall algal turfs that Acanthurus lineatus feed on.

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Diet and Nutrition



1. Acanthurus lineatus Wikipedia article -
2. Acanthurus lineatus on The IUCN Red List site -

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