Fish ID Guide – The Voyages of Bob

Fish ID Guide

Fish of the South Pacific

I’m an ecologist and conservationist who also happens to be cruising around the islands of the tropical Pacific with my partner in our little 36-foot sailboat – s/v Bob. We spend a lot of time snorkelling and scuba diving to admire the stunning coral reefs that we are lucky enough to visit. We wanted to create this fish ID guide to be made available to anyone who wants to learn more about the fish they might see during their own dives and snorkels. We will make regular updates and additions to this guide as often as possible but if you have any more photographs or species information you would like to share to help improve the guide further please email us on

It’s really fun to do coral reef surveys whilst snorkelling/diving – not only do you get to enjoy the beauty of the coral reef, but you get to learn a lot about its ecology and the data collected is very useful for conservation purposes. All the information we collect during our surveys gets submitted to REEF and Coral Watch and has been used to create this guide. REEF also sell excellent guide books for fish identification which you can buy here if you’re interested.

If you’re keen to get involved, see here to find out how to do reef fish surveys and here for the coral bleaching surveys.


Angelfish and Butterflyfish





Groupers and Hawkfish


Puffers and Box Fish

Sharks and Rays




Surgeonfish & Moorish Idol



