Campus Plants - Page 21

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Pterospermum acerifolium, Sterculiaceae, bayur. Tree from India, where it is grown for shade and for valuable timber similar to oak and teak. Location: Between Porteus and Crawford.
Punica granatum, Punicaceae, pomegranate. Spiny shrub from Iran, with bright orange red flowers and large edible fruits the size of a baseball. St. John Courtyard.
Pyrostegia venusta, Bignoniaceae, orange trumpet vine, flame flower. Ornamental vine from Brazil with very showy flowers, introduced to Hawaii prior to 1915. Location: Makai of Dole St. Faculty Housing; Fence between Mid-Pac and parking lot of Medical Bldg.
Quisqualis indica, Combretaceae, Rangoon creeper. Vining shrub from S.E. Asia with attractive clusters of reddish, tubular flowers each about one inch long. The bitter fruits may cause illness and unconsciousness but nevertheless are sometimes taken medicinally as a vermifuge. The leaf juice is sometimes used to treat boils and ulcers. Location: Diamond head side of St. John.
Ravenala madagascariensis, Strelitziaceae, traveler;s tree. Palmlike tree from Madagascar with bananalike leaves in two ranks; flowers like bird of paradise, but larger and whitish. Each leaf base traps up to a quart or more of water useful for an emergency drink by a weary traveler. Location: Makai of Bachman.
Rhaphiolepis umbellata, Rosaceae, oriental hawthorn. Shrub from central China, very commonly used in landscaping. Location: Hedge Ewa of Kuykendall; EWC Japanese Garden.
Rhapis excelsa, Arecaceae, bamboo palm. Small ornamental palm from China and Japan; canes are made from the trunks. Location: Ewa of Hawaii Hall; Diamond Head of Food Science.
Rhododendron indicum, Ericaceae, azalea.  Ornamental shrub from Japan with pink or white trumpet-shaped flowers and anthers that release pollen through terminal pores.  Location:  East-West Center Japanese garden.
Ricinus communis, Euphorbiaceae, castor bean. Shrub or tree, probably from Africa, now found in all warm countries; probably introduced into Hawaii in the early 1800's. Now naturalized. The seeds are used as a source of castor oil, but also contain a violent poison that can be fatal in very small doses. Location: In scrub between parking lot 6 and Newman Center; Quarry.
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Rivina humilis, Phytolaccaceae, rouge plant, coral berry. Small, weedy herbaceous shrub from Central and South America with small clusters of tiny white flowers and bright orange or red berries less than a quarter of an inch in diameter. The berries yield a red dye and are reportedly poisonous to eat. In Mexico leaves have been used to treat wounds. Location: St. John courtyard; Andrews amphitheater.
Russelia equisetiformis, Scrophulariaceae, coral plant, fountain bush. Small, nearly leafless shrub from Mexico with drooping, 4-angled branches and clusters of narrowly tubular bright red flowers about one inch long. Location: St. John courtyard.
Saccharum officinarum, Poaceae, sugar cane, ko. Giant grass from New Guinea, introduced to Hawaii by early Polynesian immigrants. Now commercially important to Hawaii as source of export sugar but becoming less so in recent years. Location: St. John courtyard; Sherman courtyard.
Samanea saman, Mimosaceae, monkey pod; rain tree, 'ohai. Stunning shade tree from tropical America, with large, dome-shaped canopy. The attractive wood is crafted into platters and bowls that are commonly marketed in Hawaii. The pods have a sweet, sticky brown pulp, and are fed to cattle in Central America. Location: Central campus mall; magnificent specimens can be seen at Moanalua Gardens.

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