Unique Facts About Fish In The World

1.Ikan first in the world

The scientists after years of researching and finding fish Conodontia as the first fish in the world, their fossil remains intact and the likelihood they lived about 515 million years ago. The picture above is an image that resembles a fossil fish and the fish is almost the same as the first form in the world.

2. The biggest fish in the world

Great White Shark is called Megalodon Shark (Carcharodon megalodon). This impressive fish actually carnivores, now only known from the fossil record only his teeth, probably lived between about 20 to 2 million years ago. Approximate size, based on jaw reconstructions and comparisons with the Great White Shark todays show probably around 14.7 m (48.4 feet) in length and weighed about 35,000 kg weight.

3. The smallest fish in the world

Three types of fish served on FishBase who only has a length of 1 cm. Pamphorichthys, spiniceps Photocorynus and nanus Trimmatom. All three are listed as the smallest fish ever to enter the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest animal in the world.

4. the smartest fish

Elephantnose (Gnathonemus petersii) who has the brain of 3.1% of the total weight of badanya. Average fish has a brain that weighs just less than 1% of total body weight, the average human brain is only at the level of 2.3% of body weight. Elephantnose fish live in freshwater, tropical fish from Central Africa that grows with a maximum length of 35 cm. It is commercially available species for the aquarium and favored because of behavior play a very smart game.

5. stupidest fish

We can not be sure, but what we do know is that Acanthonus armatus, a deep sea fish cusp Eel, have very small brains, relative to body size, of any fish, or even any vertebrate, so he called the fish

6. fastest fish

Istiophorus platypterus recorded able to travel 91 meters (300 feet) line in three seconds, which is equivalent to 109.2 km / h or 72 mph.

 7. Largest producer of fish eggs

The Greay grouper, Epinephelus tauvina women that can remove as many as 340 million eggs in a season, but their eggs are very small, which is approximately 0.75mm in diameter.

8. Fish producing eggs at least

Mobula genus, more commonly known as the Devil Rays, each produce only one egg, and then only one young eggs per season. There are several other members of the genus mobula, but less is known of their reproductive biology.

9. Shocking fish in the world

Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus) of South America is a king of the living and by the generator is called the most shocking fish on earth. Electric organ in the body by 80% and the average specimen can provide about 1 amp at 400 volts. The record is held as a specimen of the New York Aquarium is measured gives a 650 volt shock. This voltage can easily kill an adult human.

10. The most poisonous fish in the world

Poisonousness is Maki-maki Death puffer Arothron hispidus. Internal organs of the fish is so toxic that takes less than 0.1 grams (or 400ths ounces) to kill an adult human in less than half an hour.

11. The little fish in the world

The Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon diabolic) small, 15 to 20 mm in length, cyprynid fish species found only in one location, which is called the Devil's Hole in Nevada USA. Number of fish is estimated to be only 200-700 individuals.

12. Most fish in the world

Anchoveta Peru, Engraulis ringens. It is a small fish, up to 8 cm long tertangkp by millions of tons of South American coast, and this is the most fish in the world.

13. Longest living fish in the world

Rougheye rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus) from Alaska who reported live to be 205 years old, in 2002 at the time the fish is still alive.

14. Deepest living fish

Abyssobrotula galatheae been found at a depth of 8,372 meters in Trench Puetorican, very little is known about the biological.



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