By The University of Arizona Campus Arboretum 


Grevillea robusta - Silk Oak

With a chill in the air and shorter days, the deciduous trees around town have revealed their blazing colors and then gracefully let go of their foliage to reveal their striking structural branch forms. Plants like the Grevillea robusta, along with other evergreen trees in Tucson have now taken over full responsibility for landscape color.

Grevillea robusta, commonly known as Silk Oak, is not only lush during the winter, it is also fast growing. Although it is native to Australia, it grows well in Tucson, as this tree loves full sun and is fairly drought resistant. Mature Silk Oaks are hardy down to 17°F, although when young this tree needs special protection from freezing temperatures. Some of the notable features of this tree are the fern like leaves and bright blooms. Come springtime this tree will boast yellow-orange flowers that attract many colorful pollinators with its sweet nectar.

Want to learn more about how you can add color to your sustainable desert landscape?

Join the UA Campus Arboretum for the Landscape Horticulture Tour this Saturday at 2PM!